Bernardo Rezende: Some people would like me to leave

blokaut_net 2011-11-29 • 6289 Aufrufe • 7
Bernardo Rezende: Some people would like me to leave You are fighting for Olympic qualification, so I think this is a good moment to ask you about the biggest problems of Brazil at the end of this Olympic cycle?

Bernardo Rezende: I think we didn't find yet your formation, so we are trying to figure it out. From 6-7 big tournaments in tic cycle we have lost only one, World League 2011. We won world championships, continental championships, other World Leagues, but still we have little ups and downs. Here we have lost two matches and mainly our block and tempo of attack needs to be improved. We will try to qualify to London here, but as you see it won't be easy. Then we have still 9 months to Olympics, so I think we will solve all those problems. We are still one of the favorites for Olympic medal, but we are not main favorite anymore and we can see this here during the World Cup. Some people of course still see us in this way, because we have won so much and sometimes it's hard to deal with this role.

Is it true those Olympics Games will be the last for you with this team? Brazilian media informed that you what to leave the team after Olympics in London.

I never said that, but I know that some people would like me to leave (smile). Journalists know sometimes better then me, so they are trying to find some informations to for example sell more newspapers. I never said nothing about this. Volleyball is my life, is my passion, but of course if results won't be good and president of our federation won't be pleased, situation can change. My mission now is to qualify to Olympics and if I won't do this I may loose my job, but at the moment I do my best. As long as everything will work well and president want me to stay, I stay.

So let's contradict another rumours. Media informed also about some conflicts in the team between you and players.

If the team is cool, calm, compatible it's good to fight sometimes between ourselves. We have always been like that, a little crazy, so we like those little fights, which clear atmosphere. We know each other along time, so we are a little bit like a family and every family has some fights and conflicts inside. We can't play in cool, soft atmosphere. We have different temperaments and some crazy players on court. Therefore those conflicts, which media talks about, happen. For me the most important is that we trust one to another and what people say outside it doesn't matter. More important is what we do for each other than what people say out there.

So media just trying to find some sensations?

Partly we created this bad habit, that Brazil always comes back with gold. I won't say nothing new, but probably in every other country silver or bronze medal will be a good result. As I mentioned earlier, people are trying to put as in role of main favorite, but things are change, other teams are improving. Of course we will try win as much as we can, but we won't win everything.

Interview from www.blokaut.net

#Brazil #TheOlympics2012 #BernardoRezendeBernardinho #WorldCup2011

7 Kommentare

AnaGrankinaPT 11 1
vor 12 Jahre
well it is difficult to understand what bernardinho and sergio are saying because of the noise but from what i understood, bernardinho said to his players that they were playing sh*t. everyone was playing sh*t and seems like sergio desagreed and started to argue with him and insulting him badly. then the commentators said bernardinho was very nervous and satarted to say like "oh my god" "serginho is argueing with bernardinho"..
hope i helped, im not brazilian but i understand a little :b
Fadhel AbbasBH 1513 14
vor 12 Jahre
he is a great leader
dyingflutsmanNL 160 4
vor 12 Jahre
Thank you pearl!
pearlIT 1003 11
vor 12 Jahre
@dyingflutsman: mmmm, my portuguese is very bad and very poor, so maybe some of our Brazilian friends (Rachel, RonanZ???) will be helpful to us. Despite that I grasped something. I don't understand what Bernardinho says during the time-out, but the Brazilian tv commentators clearly say something like "he is very very nervous".
dyingflutsmanNL 160 4
vor 12 Jahre
Great link, Can someone translate it for me? Or tell me what they where talking about??
pearlIT 1003 11
vor 12 Jahre
Kk15 interesting link you put here: there's a bit of nervousness and tension on Brazil's bench o_O
Kk15IT 1301 11
vor 12 Jahre
Sergio arguing with Bernardo during a time out...
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