More Drama in Bulgaria!!!

Wilfredo_is_Marshall 2012-05-16 • 4408 Aufrufe • 13
More Drama in Bulgaria!!! What in the world is going on with Bulgaria?

So Coach Stoytchev got fired by the BVF Federation after Bulgaria failed to win the Olympic Qualifier they hosted last weekend in Sofia. Then hours later, a news erupted that Bulgaria’s ace spiker Matey Kaziyski is considering on leaving the team since he didn’t agree with Stoytchev’s dismissal. Now, we’re hearing that setter Zhekov might quit from the team due to all the drama.


Here’s more…

Silvano Prandi, who coached the team a couple of years ago, is reportedly going to return as the new head coach but he is NOT interested. Well, didn’t Prandi also get fired after Bulgaria’s disastrous performance at the 2010 World Championship?

He has released this statement:

“I am writing this press release to inform you that I took the irrevocable decision to REJECT Volleyball Federation’s invitation to be the new coach of the men’s national team. After considering it for several days, I realized that there are no minimum requirements for interaction and consensus which won’t allow me to exercise a reasonable way to do my work. Thanks to all who approached me and I wish the Bulgarian national team at my heart “in bocca al lupo” for future meetings.

Silvano Prandi

Pretty much as of press time, Bulgaria does NOT have a head coach.

The bottom line…

Bulgaria is dealing lots of issues at the moment which might affect their chances of qualifying for the Olympics. Take note, they’re hosting the final Qualification Tournament next month against France, Egypt and Pakistan. But with all the issues, it looks like France has the emotional edge to win the Olympic ticket.

We’re not done yet! Hah!

A member of the Bulgaria Federation, Lyubo Ganev, has finally decided to talk about Matey Kaziyski’s case.

“Matey should come, play, defeat the teams alone in the upcoming three matches and then I will shake his hand, if he wants to leave. He should leave after the matches, because he is the leader of the team. I do not need him, neither does the federation, but the team need him. We have already made a decision and we will stand up for it. The fans should again come and fill up the hall. There are no personal interests in Stoychev’s dismissal; neither are there any disagreements with the federation. Rado came to be a coach; we gave him the freedom to elect his staff and make decisions on his own, but we have just one more chance to advance to the Olympic Games and we had to take measures.”

Excuse us, but his words made us laugh and thought for a second that he’s being silly. So the Federation wants Matey back on the team to help Bulgaria qualify and then after that Matey can leave? Does he really think Matey would let them do this to him?

We don’t think so. For sure, Matey would make a decision which will be beneficial for the Bulgarian team in the long run.

This is too much to take! These news really breaks our heart. We hope all the parties involved will solve these issues in time and that Bulgaria will make it to the 2012 Olympics.

Stay tuned for more updates.

#SilvanoPrandi #Bulgaria #MateyKaziyski #RadostinStoychev

13 Kommentare

NightFoxBG 1457 14
vor 12 Jahre
Rado Stoychev wants the RESIGNATION of Dancho Lazarov or he'll leave the team after 3 weeks.
VardarskaBG 24 1
vor 12 Jahre
Champ, not only.. did you heard him? He knows about our 8000 group in FB, about the 5100 signed for resignation of Lazarov.. he knows about us! We have 3 more weeks to smash Lazarov!
VardarskaBG 24 1
vor 12 Jahre
Btw Georgi Bratoev wrote on his personal FB "He will return, and he will be stronger"... Nice supporting words from him. ?
OverlookPL 280 5
vor 12 Jahre
Unbelievable that after all this mess, which was made by BVF there isn’t any dismissal. President of this organization should be first who resign. They get fired coach two weeks before OG qualification and announced new coach, but they weren’t even sure if he agree. Pure nonsense ! I feel really sorry for Bulgarians fans that they must stand something like this. And I’m really angry for this people, because they destroy volleyball, not mater where it’s happening.
VardarskaBG 24 1
vor 12 Jahre
champ, he has conditions, and also he want to keep the team. He can sacrifice himself to keep the whole team at least to the OG. And if he swallow his BIG EGO (we all know he has it) it will be.. The man of the year.. he is still in Bulgaria because he sees the posibility to smash Dancho and Lubo with the preasure from the fans.. Not because he wants to lick asses..
That's what I believe but we will see his decision pretty soon. He may leave..
kapitan_bombaPL 910 9
vor 12 Jahre
Stoychev is back after bulgarian prime minister spoke with him...
VardarskaBG 24 1
vor 12 Jahre
RADOOOOO!!!!!!!! 6800 fans in facebook page "Against the firing of Stoichev" for less than 40 hours..
3000 signs in the petition for wanting the resing of Ganev and Lazarov for LESS THAN 20 HOURS!
Rado this morning SAW the petition by himself and told "I'll stay because of this ppl"..
Now Rado and ppl are united!!! WE ALL WANT LUBO AND DANCHO DOWN!
KjeldhorIT 1059 17
vor 12 Jahre
I must say again .... LOL
vor 12 Jahre
NightFoxBG 1457 14
vor 12 Jahre
More DRAMA ... Rado Stoychev is back if he accept !

Official statement of the Board of BF Volleyball:

"Reaffirms its assessment of the national team's poor performance in our last two years. Confirmed that the federation has created all necessary conditions of the team. Estimating the situation with the possible refusal of Kaziyski and Zhekov, and public attention, taking advice personally by Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and Svilen Neykov, the Board decided Radostin Stoychev and his entire staff to return to the team. Given the high public interest and in the name of the Bulgarian volleyball remains headquarters, "the
says the decision of the Board of the Bulgarian Volleyball Federation.
RenanZBR 1538 15
vor 12 Jahre
and the novel goes on....
KjeldhorIT 1059 17
vor 12 Jahre
it's..... LOL
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