Which league is better in this moment: polish or turkish?

dude 46
2013-01-30 • 4263 Aufrufe • 21 replies
i thought that our league is better but this season in european cups and very big names in turkish league shook my reviews
pearl 1003 11
vor 11 Jahre
Unfortunately I cannot follow Turkish league, so I can't say.
Joachim7 321 4
vor 11 Jahre
For me the polish league is much better but it's only my opinion
Mihau 39 3
vor 11 Jahre
No comment cause I'm Pole ?
vatreni 275 12
vor 11 Jahre
i think Plus liga because has more good teams, than Turkish. does anyone have official site of Turkish volleyball league?
vor 11 Jahre
Polish league
oioi 370 5
vor 11 Jahre
I don't watch Turkish league so I can't judge their level. But I can say that Polish league has about five very good teams and it's interesting. Unfortunately sometimes the hits of the round are dissapointing, some teams like Skra and Resovia can't cope with the loss of Kurek, Falasca, Grozer. Hopefully Zaksa will make some score in Champions League.
andyz 117 2
vor 11 Jahre
russian is #1 now
daniel2224 63 5
vor 11 Jahre
In my opinion the best is russian, second italian and third is polish. In the Turky is one of the best woman league.
vatreni 275 12
vor 11 Jahre
I agree with Daniel. but in the world level:

1. Russian
2. Italian
3. Polish
4. Brazilian
5. Argentinian
Joachim7 321 4
vor 11 Jahre
Italian league remains the best league in the world and that's why their clubs are so succesfull in european competitions however the russian league is getting closer.
I'm not so sure the brazilian league is weaker than the polish one and for me the argentinian isn't the fifth.There are just a few good teams out there but the overall level ins't so high.
Someone 875 10
vor 11 Jahre
I think that Italian and Russian leagues are the best. It's hard to judge which is better. Then are Polish and Brazilian- and 'the same story'- hard to say which is better. Then is Turkish league.
There are also some good leagues which are just slightly worse: German, Greek and Argentinian.

I'ld like to mention that the American NCAA volleyball league is not that bad. Unfortunately it isn't a professional league, but the atmosphere for volleyball is great. I hope that someday I can be on some NCAA volleyball match and enjoy it. I like US volleyball very much in general ?
Joasia2456 10 2
vor 11 Jahre
I think that polish ?
raylight 3006 15
vor 11 Jahre
Polish. The overall level is higher and the organization is on high level. Turkish has some big stars, though
Nagor 1445 14
vor 11 Jahre
But look, Izmir defeated skra ?
Joachim7 321 4
vor 11 Jahre
Izmir isn't a very strong team this year, they just had a good day and Skra a bad one...
Also @Someone the time when the greek league was strong is over, even the belgian league is better in this moment.
andyz 117 2
vor 11 Jahre
@ someone: yes, ncaa is very good. i used to play in it, and now my daughter does :-). club tournaments are a lot of fun also :-)
andyz 117 2
vor 11 Jahre
Izmir is 2/3 Canada national team + coach.
vor 11 Jahre
@andyz what college does your daughter play at?
andyz 117 2
vor 11 Jahre
not a real D1, Ivy league )))
vor 11 Jahre
I have two friends who play for Upenn, one at harvard, and one at yale! Maybe your daughter knows them!
andyz 117 2
vor 11 Jahre
columbia))) my alma mater)))
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