
Ivan Zaytsev block

Kk15 2011-06-04 • 9566 Aufrufe • 28
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28 Kommentare

kaniaPL 180 4
vor 11 Jahre
well set hands
RevanExtasisPT 746 11
vor 11 Jahre
this is a huge block ???? well haha so the cuban blockers like leal, simon, hierrezuelo and leon vs Giba are just tinny blocks XD
vor 11 Jahre
He is sooooooooooo sick on block! out with more than the head :)
EdoKaglieIT 432 4
vor 12 Jahre
Wooow ... out with the head! ;)
fabi3AT 124 3
vor 12 Jahre
monster block :)
Fadhel AbbasBH 1513 14
vor 12 Jahre
tough block
Fadhel AbbasBH 1513 14
vor 12 Jahre
Ghost in the block
Oli4BE 685 6
vor 12 Jahre
Sorry but, nothing special to me either, just another block.
HeeelMooiNL 220 4
vor 12 Jahre
You're all retarded
JRiosCL 201 6
vor 12 Jahre
For me this is a time consuming discussion. I think you should take this time to make others movies, not discussing if this or that movie is okay or not to be published. In other hand, as Zyta wrote, the site has already quality filters.
Kk15ITAuthor 1301 11
vor 12 Jahre
I thinks is an exageration speaking about "moral sense", it's just a movie=) And I apreciate that even who doesn't like a movie doesn't ignorate it but explains why he don't like it=) Of course nobody can just said "it's suck" because it's rude and useless, but sharing opinon is always good=)
No_likoBE 6 1
vor 12 Jahre
Maybe that's the result of people saying it's a disgrace that video's like this are on this website. You can give remarks and tips but nobody thinks you're 'cool' when you put in comments like that. It's not about attacking others about favoritism, but to have a little bit of moral sense instead... Nobody has to like it, but don't be a jerk! You can still be honest and say something with dignity and not by making a fool out of another. I would not have reacted if someone said: 'hmmm I don't like Zaytsev and don't think the block is very impressive, haven't you got anything more spectacular?'. Don't you agree that's a bit more distinguished then what is said? If you don't like it, you shouldn't watch it. There are others that do appreciate it. It's not because you think it's not good enough, everybody feels the same way. Cause like you said: if it is allowed on this site, it has to be worthy because of some reason...
ZytaPL 1332 11
vor 12 Jahre
Kk15 it doesn't have to be only kind of "Cepeda's faceshot", it can be block, but maybe more spectacular ;) Anyway, remember that if chrison accepted this video, it's mean for him is good to put on website. Guys may not like it, may give you less marks, may not understand this, but we don't have to give only fives ;) They are honest and that's good, they will appreciate when you will be honest about their movies, too. And all the rest should remember about this, before they will accuse others for favoritism players form their NT...
Kk15ITAuthor 1301 11
vor 12 Jahre
I can see what you mean guys... In fact I won't considered it an "amazing" or "great" or "outstanding" block looking the block istelf, but a good block yes=). I mean, I wouldn't rate the movie 5, but I think is enjoyable=) IMO is also a matter of taste: for example to me this block is as good as riad spike that someone posted few days ago, or many others spikes: it's a good action even if not out of the ordinary, btw I enjoyed seeing it. You say it's a regoular block, and that's true, but it's done with tenchique, highness, with well-positioned hands, order, good tempo, good chose of position (sorry it's a little bit difficult express these concept in englishO.o)... It's also true that for me it have in addiction an "emotional" value, because Zaytsev is the main player of my team and because with this block he closed the first set that this new, young italian NT played in Italy. Our (as italian) first set played and won in Italy closed by our (as M.Roma fan) best player!! As you can see, to me is more than "nothing special" or "a regoular block"=) When I cut this action was for me and someone else that shared this "emotional value", but since I uploaded it on you tube I thought that may be someone else could apreciate it here=) But now I understand the lesson, I will keep for me action like this next time=), and upload only the out-of-ordinary actions, like Cepeda "faceshot"XD
vtnklmdcPL 686 14
vor 12 Jahre
You think like me Nagor(I can add like You a lot of action as that,every day I can add 3 actions similar to that) when I start to be user on this page I wanted to add a lot of single action but I understand it makes no sence
NagorPL 1445 14
vor 12 Jahre
No_liko, you are wrong, firstly, I dont like all players you wrote, Kurek, Winiarski and Wlazly, especially Wlazly. Seconldy, there was videos like this with polish players and I have the same opinion. It is simple, for me this block isn't spectacular, it is regular single block, I cant see nothing special in it... I have several matches on hard disc, and I can upload min. 25 blocks like this, do you want it? For me, it would be spam.
No_likoBE 6 1
vor 12 Jahre
All the content that is posted here is just as relevant as which country you're from. I don't think if it would be Kurek, Winiarski or Wlazly (all fantastic players btw), there would be reaction from at least two of the opponants. It would be more like: OMG is it for real? Look at that height, that great technique... And even if this isn't the greatest action on this website (allthough i like to see you do it), still encourage people who try to make something for the site instead of being an 'elite volleyball snob' and discourage them. I for one think it is nice to see a movie of a block, which aren't that much around here and it's at least as worthy of being here as a movie about a training from some team (i try not to be specific). I don't want to offend people cause everybody is giving their best and making nice movies (some are better then other, i agree) but have a little respect for people who are trying to make this great site better. Otherwise, we look more like a bunch of big children! I am not saying you have to say you love it when you don't, but just shut up then cause nobody gains benefit from this. PS: Raction nr5 in this discussion cracks me up every time i read it!
NightFoxBG 1457 14
vor 12 Jahre
sakuPL 1032 9
vor 12 Jahre
if you want him more, make a movie, not place single action which isnt special
raylightBG 3006 15
vor 12 Jahre
Nagor, there are may be thousands of similar actions, but since Zaytsev is not that much represented in this site, why not let this action in?
No_likoBE 6 1
vor 12 Jahre
Arrogant, thinks he can do it better, nobody cares what he thinks... I am against allowing people like that on this webpage...
JRiosCL 201 6
vor 12 Jahre
Well technically speaking Zaytsev is a russian DNA playing for Italy. All of us know how good the russians are in blocking system. Nothing new about this. Nice video, and a good blocking class.
NagorPL 1445 14
vor 12 Jahre
So raylight, tell me why is this action here, really...? I can upload tousands of blocks like this, have it sense? No, cause it isn't special or intresting.
raylightBG 3006 15
vor 12 Jahre
OMG, he is not Polish?! WTF?! Why is this action here, then? :D
marccinPL 6 1
vor 12 Jahre
3,48 in block!!! Amazing!!! Zaytsew had betters blocks i Wl this year.
zverPL 995 13
vor 12 Jahre
nothing special :P
NagorPL 1445 14
vor 12 Jahre
and... ? There was two hands, regular, signle block, I am against putting videos like that on this webpage...
hanes233EE 987 5
vor 12 Jahre
With only one hand!

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