
Tsvetan Sokolov serves 124 km/h and 126 km/h

vtnklmdc 2013-06-29 • 5293 Aufrufe • 5
Spiker of Bulgaria national team was a real star of The Olympics 2012, a lot of time his serves have over 120 km/h. Sokolov scored 10 aces in that tournament. He took 7th place among best servers ranking. Wing-spikers: Bartosz Kurek and Rodrigo Quiroga couldn't receive this ball. Tsvetan scored decisive point in second set against Poland.

#TsvetanSokolov #TheOlympics2012 #serve #hugeserves

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5 Kommentare

massihgIR 32 2
vor 10 Jahre
Joel2718CA 426 7
vor 10 Jahre
thats how u serve when your down 18 to 24. haha it was so nice, i think he almost hit it as hard as he possibly could hah.
zverPL 995 13
vor 10 Jahre
bad memories from London...he was unstopable
reggie095PL 14 3
vor 10 Jahre
Yeah, that day we lost 3:1 against Sokolov
NightFoxBG 1457 14
vor 10 Jahre
Mr Bombastic !

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