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Bogdan Olteanu in match Vivo/Minas - UPCN San Juan

Alberto Varela Frontier 2013-05-18 • 2586 vues • 2
Bogdan Olteanu won that match for UPCN San Juan! He became the symbol of the club that won the championship. He scored 22 points in three sets. Olteanu finished 20 of 22 balls in attack. It was 91% efficiency in attack! He showed excellent performance in reception and block. The receiver of UPCN fulfilled his desire to win the title. "All I want is to win the title and lift the cup", said the Romanian player before the final match against Vivo/Minas. With this title, UPCN Voley Club assured its passage to Club World Championship. The finals will take place in Belo Horizonte, Brazil from October 15 to 20 this year.

#BogdanOlteanu #UPCNVoleyClub #SouthAmericanClubChampionship201213

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Bogdan Olteanu

Bogdan Olteanu Roumanie

Date de naissance: 1981-05-11
Position: Réceptionneur-attaquant
Taille: 199cm
Poids: 96kg
Attaque: 338cm
Bloc: 329cm

2 commentaires

juantorena95RO 137 5
il y a 11 ans
Alberto Varela FrontierCLAuthor 502 9
il y a 11 ans
91% en attack (20-22) 2 points block. total 22 points in this match

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