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Intense training for libero in Japan

Alberto Varela Frontier 2012-07-26 • 7840 vues • 8
Training for libero in Japan, trainer to throw balls and speaks: "Every time u touch the ball it can make you a better player". In the movie is so much determination, the volleyball players not afraid of injury. Do you think this type of libero training is worth it? The libero's name is Yuka Sakurai. If you aspire to become one of the world's best libero then you might want to book a ticket and fly to Japan and train under the guidance of former women's team coach: Shoichi Yanagimoto. We wonder if the current coach: Manabe, trains his libero this way too.

#YukaSakuraiYukaEbi #libero #training

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8 commentaires

Alberto Varela FrontierCLAuthor 502 9
il y a 11 ans
delivery of this player is amazing, worthy of emulation. the technician always taking the limit to the players.
kaniaPL 180 4
il y a 11 ans
coach is a tyrant;/
RevanExtasisPT 746 11
il y a 11 ans
if you wanna be the best, if you wanna be respected by all those shit you have to do that whithouth pain thats the path of champion and well is my opionion
Asia6PL 290 6
il y a 11 ans
This is terrible, poor girl!
SomeonePL 875 10
il y a 11 ans
It is not a training. It is outrageous how he treating girls. Even if a training can be hard, can be difficult it is no sense to be exhausting. It wouldn't have any sense even for men. They're not preparing for the fight in a war, but to play volleyball.
wiseguyRU 45 2
il y a 11 ans
Yeps , guys , and this is only first 10 of the training! Joke of course , wonder if could they have any children after that?
RenanZBR 1538 15
il y a 11 ans
Poor girl

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