

Alberto Varela Frontier 2013-06-22 • 2377 visualizzazioni
ALASSIO CUP 2013 - full match disputed between Brazil and Japan. The female national team of Japan is one of the most traditional teams of the world, with 2 olympic gold medals (1968, 1972) and 3 world championships (1962, 1967, 1974) , and on the last olympic games they got the bronze medal. Brazil's tradition in female volleyball is more recent, but the last few years have been fantastic for their supporters. So far season 2013 has been very good for the brazilian girls, 2 tournaments, 2 titles (Montreux and Alassio Cup), just one set lost. Brazil is now preparing the team for the World Grand Prix and some olympic champions are back: Thaisa, Sheilla, Fabí, Fabiana and Natalia but some " new faces" will join the team this season: Monique ( the MVP of the Alassio Cup final) Michele, Pri Daroit (one of the best players of this 2 first tournaments), Leticia Hage and Ellen Braga.

#TandaraCaixetaTandaraAlvesCaixeta #FernandaGarayFernandaGarayRodriguesFeGaray #IvanaPlchotova #Brazil #Japan #AlassioCup2013

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