Supercoppa Italiana (Italian Super Cup) Bust Arsizio celebrates his place in the final.

Supercoppa Italiana (Italian Super Cup)

Fernandoo 2020-09-03 • 2550 visualizzazioni

The season started in Italy. The Italian Super Cup started last weekend and now we are about to start the Final Four (Semifinal).

Imoco Volley Conegliano has already started the guaranteed championship in the final stage, waiting for their opponents. Following are the results of the clashes that decided the finalists.

8th Finals

Savino Del Bene Scandicci 3-1 Banca Valsabbina Millenium Brescia (27-25, 25-27,25-14, 25-23)

Saugella Monza 3-2 Bosca S. Bernardo Cuneo (25-27, 25-16, 25-20, 23-25, 15-13)

Reale Mutua Fenera Chieri 3-0 Zanetti Bergamo (25-17, 25-14, 25-19)

Igor Gorgonzola Novara 3-1 Bartoccini Fortinfissi Perugia (25-19, 27-29, 25-16, 25-12)

Vbc èpiu Casalmaggiore 2-3 Il Bisonte Firenze (25-23, 22-25, 25-17, 25-27, 13-15)

Quarter Finals

(Busto Arsizio's team was already qualified for the stage, due to have finished the championship in second place.)

Unet e-Work Busto Arsizio 3-1 Reale Mutua Fenera Chieri (25-22, 25-27, 25-20, 25-17)

Igor Gorgonzola Novara 3-2 Il Bisonte Firenze (23-25, 25-16, 20-25, 25-18, 15-12)

Savino Del Bene Scandicci 3-1 Saugella Monza (25-22, 25-21, 25-27, 25-21)

Monza, even playing well, failed to overcome Scandicci. Photo:

Now the teams return to the court to play the final four, in semifinals format.


05 September

18:00 (Local Time)

Imoco Volley Conegliano x Savino Del Bene Scandicci

21:00 (Local Time)

Unet e-Work Busto Arsizio x Igor Gorgonzola Novara


06 September

21:15 (Local Time)

Piazza dei signori, Vicenza. Place where the stage for the finals is being set.  Photo:

The finals will be played in Vicenza, in a square where the structure is being set up to receive the final matches. The matches, as well as the previous phases, will be broadcast on the Italian League channel in Youtube and also on the Facebook.

Errata: the matches in the finals will NOT be broadcast on the Italian League channels like the previously rounds. The matches will be broadcast on a closed RAI sports channel. I apologize for the mistake. 

Links to matches of previously rounds:



#ImocoVolleyConegliano #SavinoDelBeneScandicci #IgorGorgonzolaNovara #UnetEWorkBustoArsizio

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