World Championships 2010 - third round

Volleybox 440
2010-10-03 • 5148 visualizzazioni • 37 replies
Everything about matches in third round in Volleyball World Championships 2010. All dates in GMT +01:00.

Group O (Rome, PalaLottomatica)

4.10.2010 17:00 France - USA 0:3
5.10.2010 21:00 USA - Italy 1:3
6.10.2010 17:00 Italy - France 3:1

Group P (Florence, Nelson Mandela Forum)

4.10.2010 17:00 Serbia - Argentina 3:1
5.10.2010 17:00 Russia - Serbia 1:3
6.10.2010 17:00 Argentina - Russia 0:3

Group Q (Florence, Nelson Mandela Forum)

4.10.2010 21:00 Spain - Bulgaria 1:3
5.10.2010 21:00 Cuba - Spain 3:1
6.10.2010 21:00 Bulgaria - Cuba 2:3

Group R (Rome, PalaLottomatica)
Czech Republic

4.10.2010 21:00 Czech Republic - Brazil 2:3
5.10.2010 17:00 Germany - Czech Republic 3:0
6.10.2010 21:00 Brazil - Germany 3:0


World Championships 2010 - third round
Michal 493 10
13 anni fa
Funny, 2 teams which played fair will have to eliminate eachother on the road to the semi-finals (Bulgaria & Cuba).

But in my opinion the final four will be: Italy (unfortunatelly) vs Brazil (unfortunatelly) and Russia (unfortunatelly) vs Cuba
vtnklmdc 686 14
13 anni fa
Usa Usa Usa
Zyta 1332 11
13 anni fa
Go France and Bulgaria!
Roninho 758 13
13 anni fa
Bulgaria, Brazil, Russia, France. It may be semi-finals. I'm all for Bulgaria.
qsek 831 10
13 anni fa
myślę, że powinniśmy przestać narzekać na kombinowanie...
Ci, którzy kombinują, zdobędą medale, a my, z zachowaną godnością mamy miejsce 13/18, tylko co nam z tego?
ja osobiście jestem za Rosją i chciałbym, żeby statuetka MVP trafiła do Michajłowa, który może ich zgarnąć 4 (MVP, best serwujący, atakujący i może punktujący).
a poza tym jestem za Francją i Bułgarią (sorry, że po polsku, ale jakoś nie potrafiłem złożyć słów na ang.)

i głupie w tej formule jest to, że kasowały się wyniki po poprzednich rundach.
Polska ma taki sam bilans jak Brazylia, Bułgaria, Hiszpania a nawet lepszy niż Niemcy i chyba to jest najgorsze.
trafiliśmy akurat na Bułgarię i Brazylię, ale gdyby one grały normalnie, to byśmy zagrali prawdopodobnie z Kubą i Czechami.
a poza tym my jako drużyna z pierwszego miejsca graliśmy jako pierwsi 2 mecze pod rząd, a Bułgaria miała znacznie więcej czasu.
Joel2718 426 7
13 anni fa
I really hope Cuba wins this WC. Otherwise, it would be interesting to see a gold medal final like Bulgaria vs. Brazil. Maybe some anger and confidence from beating Cuba could fuel Bulgaria to a victory. But ok, not going to happen. If it did, the Bulgarian's would something to brag about for a very long time.
13 anni fa
russia. only russia
our team deserves victory!
Zyta 1332 11
13 anni fa
Congrats Czech for the beautiful battle! Maybe you lost but Brasil was on knees!
qsek 831 10
13 anni fa
bravo Chechy!!!
it was great match, i wanted to Chech win, but Brazil was better...
Joel2718 426 7
13 anni fa
France basically just lost its chances to be in the Final Four. Unless they absolutely destroy the Italians, and the Italians beat USA. That's too bad, its obvious why we all don't want to see Italy in the final four, and the way USA has been playing they absolutely don't deserve to finish in the top 4. They shouldn't finish above Cuba, Brazil, Russia, Serbia or Bulgaria.
NightFox 1457 14
13 anni fa
Very good game by the Czech - they showed to the world that they are already a great team with big ambitions . And about France - I think without Rozier they are like Bulgaria with out Kaziyski , so It's somethink that i have expected . Bulgaria won 3:1 with Spain and in Wednesday will be the dissasive match with Cuba .
Roninho 758 13
13 anni fa
Francja ma dużego pecha. Kontuzje ma Guillaume Samica, Antonin Rouzier... kluczowi zawodnicy . Z nimi Francja mogłaby awansować do TOP 4.

France has long been unlucky. Injuries to Guillaume Samica, Antonin Rouzier ... key players. With them, France would advance to the TOP 4.
qsek 831 10
13 anni fa
where can i watch replay of match Russia - Serbia, because today i can't do this?
please, send some link, i wont to watch this match very match!
vtnklmdc 686 14
13 anni fa
0 to na żywo
a powtórka będzie na pewno na do ściągnięcia
NightFox 1457 14
13 anni fa
Great win by Serbia - Congratulations ?
Roninho 758 13
13 anni fa
Szkoda Rosji. Jeden słabszy mecz i odpada. Nie gratuluję Serbii. Mam nadzieję, że nie zdobędą medalu za grę nie fair.

Too bad Russia. A weaker match and eliminated. Do not congratulate Serbia. I hope that does not earn a medal for the game is not fair.

Tak się zastanawiam czy nie dałoby radę zrobić chata na tej stronie ? Nie mówię o takim stałym chacie ale specjalnie uruchumionym np. na Mistrzostwa Świata albo też inne zawody. Myślę, że przyjąłby się ten pomysł.
eRKa 861 11
13 anni fa
so bad that USA lost the game :<
maslanka 89 2
13 anni fa
Cubaa !!!
Someone 875 10
13 anni fa
Mówcie co chcecie, ale Włosi rozegrali dzisiaj niezły mecz. Pewnie będą wysoko.
Italy played a great game today. Probably they will be high.
Zyta 1332 11
13 anni fa
Czyli za dwa - trzy dni Bagnioli dolaczy do listy potencjalnych zastepcow Daniela. O ile zywy wyjedzie z Rosji... ? To juz Szypulin zaciera raczki, bo go pewnie zastapi.
13 anni fa
qsek here you go:

(if you still need it)

click скачать
NightFox 1457 14
13 anni fa
Oh my God Zhekov is injured ?????
Zyta 1332 11
13 anni fa
What happened to him?
Roninho 758 13
13 anni fa
Great loss. Without Zhekov will be hard but with little luck they could win.

I congratulate Brazil. Win on the road with Italy and Serbia. The best finale to Cuba / Bulgaria vs Brazil. Win Cuba because Brazil has already too many wins: P
NightFox 1457 14
13 anni fa
His hernia (rapture) is bad . Probebly he will play with injections but I don't think that he can play the all match. I know he is a fighter and I expect to see him on the field .
Zyta 1332 11
13 anni fa
NightFox I hope so. I'm so angry because I can't see the match - I will be at work. But my friend said that I will see Bulgarian players in Rome and she had right in everything she said about WC, so that is a good sign.
qsek 831 10
13 anni fa
kissforkate, i haven't got account on torrents
NightFox 1457 14
13 anni fa
yeah ? I hope so ?
NightFox 1457 14
13 anni fa
Very nice match . Maybe the match of the tournament . But I'm very pissed off ... the stupid italians were screaming for Cuba ...
Roninho 758 13
13 anni fa
Yes, very nice match. In my opinion this match Bulgaria has lost some of its guilt. Both teams deserved semi-final. Vlado Nikolov is a great player!
maslanka 89 2
13 anni fa
Cuba Cuba Vamos amigos !!!
Zyta 1332 11
13 anni fa
Matey cried... I'm so sad, he won so many times a match with aces.
eRKa 861 11
13 anni fa
omg, Cuba's players are monstars. i like them and i hope that they'll win with Brasil in the final.
Roninho 758 13
13 anni fa
Waiting for the final of Brazil - Cuba. And let the best win the finals!
maslanka 89 2
13 anni fa
Simon nie wyobrażam sobie bez niego reprezentacji- takiego kapitana Kuba nie miała od czasów Pimienty .Hierrezuello zmiażdżył system- 15,00 najwyższa nota na tych mistrzostwach !!! CUBAAA
Overlook 280 5
13 anni fa
Also I hope that Brazil and Cuba will play in final. For all teams which left, Cuba deserves most to get gold medal. But Brazil can lose at the beginning but at the final moments they show what is the difference between them and other teams.
Michal 493 10
13 anni fa
Well and it came true, that's quite sad, both teams are my favourites, they played fair from the beginning, but someone had to lose ? Bulgaria- Cuba was my dream final, the match was one of the most dramatic I've ever seen. Bulgaria could basically win 3:0, I don't wanna blame Toshko Aleksiev, but I think he'll never forget his mistake in the 2nd set, Matey was just launching missle serves at 20:23 for Cuba and when Bulgaria had a change to take the lead he...gosh.... ;/

Nikolov was just amazing, after this WCH and World League I might say he's the best playing diagonal in the world at the moment. Matey did his best, some ridicolous spikes from him over cuban (!) block, but as I wrote before the match, there was one wing-spiker missing, or rather missing his shape ;/
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