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Michał Kubiak & Maikel Salas quick ball

zver 2011-05-09 • 6589 visualizzazioni • 21
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21 commenti

kaniaPL 180 4
11 anni fa
single block..nice fast action
samuelekeBE 393 8
12 anni fa
Lika a F. Depestele ;)
Fadhel AbbasBH 1513 14
12 anni fa
bonny quick ball
Maxim17PL 13 1
12 anni fa
Dobra akcja! Good action!
Oli4BE 685 6
12 anni fa
Yeah the fans of Roeselare see this all the time :p
volleymasterBE 263 7
12 anni fa
Frank Depestele plays much balls like this.
RenanZBR 1538 15
13 anni fa
Heeelmooi.......Sorry, but really not. At least not that fast.
sakuPL 1032 9
13 anni fa
HeeelMooi, seriously, I have never seen somethinf liek this in Brazil NT :P
zverPLAuthor 995 13
13 anni fa
+2, małe sprostowanie co do wyniku, mecz zakończył się zwycięstwem Resovii 3-2 ?
NagorPL 1445 14
13 anni fa
Skąd mogę pobrać ten mecz?
HeeelMooiNL 220 4
13 anni fa
RenanZ: you're from brazil, how can you say you've never seen something like that before? *coughs* Dante *coughs*
RenanZBR 1538 15
13 anni fa
Never seen something like this before.......a masterpiece !!!
jannkesPL 279 6
13 anni fa
hehe no w miare go obsłużył :)
ezetPL 69 4
13 anni fa
to ze zagrali prawie krotka na prawym ataku po miernym przyjeciu bartmana
ogorPL 57 1
13 anni fa
I co w tej akcji takiego fajnego niby???
Buziak_PLPL 97 2
13 anni fa
Heh, I'm love in it:)
eRKaPL 861 11
13 anni fa
I wait for his movie in this site ;)
bitkaPL 673 10
13 anni fa
you may think that nothing can be done with this poor reception - but look, surprise :D great action!!
Oli4BE 685 6
13 anni fa
Hoho, almost to low to hit it over the net! :D Nicely done!
sakuPL 1032 9
13 anni fa
very nice action
beach_monsterPL 8 2
13 anni fa
this is madness this is poland!

TOP20 di June
