
Poland in World League 2011 Final Eight (7th movie)

Wilfredo_is_Marshall 2012-05-05 • 2734 visualizzazioni • 13
Titolo della canzone: Jem - 24
Ricevi offerte di lavoro per la pallavoloStai cercando un nuovo club di pallavolo?Ricevi offerte di lavoroRicevi offerte di lavoro per la pallavolo
Stai cercando un nuovo club di pallavolo?Ricevi offerte di lavoro

13 commenti

eRKaPL 861 11
12 anni fa
bitka, I guess it's really bad when you have enough of watching ur national team's players. chillout, I have the same ;)
kuba9426PL 441 7
12 anni fa
bitka are you serious? FIRST IN OUR HISTORY medal in World League ...
bitkaPL 673 10
12 anni fa
7th movie? :o cmon we didn't even win this tournament
MilkaPL 116 3
12 anni fa
Nice job! There aren't only emotions or only play. There's a balance. I like this. :)
AelinnPL 166 3
12 anni fa
OK, now I know. Thanks, Saku :D
sakuPL 1032 9
12 anni fa
cose there must be 3 kinds of shirts and we have jsut two our national colors
AelinnPL 166 3
12 anni fa
@ivolley44 That's a second set of shirts of our NT. It's been like this for quite some time now. Honestly, I don't get, why they can't have one red set and one white set. Blue has nothing to do with our colours.
QuestoPL 131 5
12 anni fa
This is a great video!
ivolley44BG 107 5
12 anni fa
why do they have blue shirts?
kuba9426PL 441 7
12 anni fa
Song: Jem - 24 :) if someone want xD
americandollPL 27 1
12 anni fa
,,już za parę dni za dni parę'' emocje zaczną się na nowo!! :D
stalowiec01PL 63 3
12 anni fa
yeah a like this
Asia6PL 290 6
12 anni fa
This is another good movie about Poland in the World League Finals ;)

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