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Best players of Champions League 2009/10

Volleybox 2010-05-02 • 15367 wyświetleń • 52
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52 komentarzy

jangooPK 67 2
12 lat temu
trntino is best butt Dante Amaral is good then.
supporteursPL 225 6
12 lat temu
Jakie wspomnienia
Fadhel AbbasBH 1513 14
12 lat temu
Fantastic titles for Juantorena
Wilfredo_is_MarshallRS 4186 20
12 lat temu
Trentino is the best
p…y 197 4
13 lat temu
Losowanie szczególnie udane dla...kibiców. Tyle niesamowitych drużyn w Polsce, Juantorena na żywo, to jeden z głównych aspektów tej grupy, chyba najsilniejszej, w tegorocznej edycji rozgrywek. ps. mvp zdecydowanie należało się Juantonerze, tylko udowodnił, że jest najlepszym przyjmującym świata.
OverlookPL 280 5
13 lat temu
Super losowanie dla Skry, wiadomo że mecze z Trento będą atrakcją dla kibiców, a z Friedrichschafen mają rachunki do wyrównania, zamiast Ramet Zalau mógł być jakiś silniejszy zespół, no ale trudno:) A co do składu JW to prezes powiedział, że ogłosi go w sierpniu.
kolesPL 242 4
13 lat temu
Skra będzie walczyła o pierwsze miejsce z Trento, a JW to dla mnie zagadka.
Drewson4PL 282 7
13 lat temu
Jeśli skra wyjdzie z grupy do będzie łatwo dostać się jej do F4 bo losowanie wypadło ciekawie i dużo dobrych zespołów może skończyć bardzo szybko swą przygodę w nowej edycji ligi mistrzów.A co do JW to daje im ok 40% szans na wyjście z grupy , zależy wszystko od transferów.
kapitan_bombaPL 910 9
13 lat temu
Będzie ciekawie...wyniki JW będą zależały od tego co zrobią ze składem, a Skre czeka trudne wyzwanie - fajna grupa jak na mój gust...ciekawe co pokaże Vfb ze zmienionym składem
Mateusz2008PL 163 5
13 lat temu
Więc zespoły rozlosowane do poszczególnych grup Bełchatów trafił bardzo ciekawie Trentino, Friedrichschafen, Ramet Zalau, a Jastrzębski Olympiacos Pireus, Budvanska Rivjera, Ach Volley Bled. Jak oceniacie? :)
Mateusz2008PL 163 5
13 lat temu
Jak by ktoś chciał oglądnąć losowanie grup Ligi Mistrzów to proszę bardzo. Dzisiaj o 20:15
JRiosCL 201 6
14 lat temu
Hey guys, permit me clarify my ideas. I agree with all of you, this young Cuban team is good, very good. I just additionally think they need to improve a little bit more in terms of game mentality, and mainly, in terms of tactics aspects. I wouldn't get surprised if they win WC'10, but I still think they need something more to capture hegemony of world volleyball. Cheers!
RachelBR 532 7
14 lat temu
InivaridU , I totally agree with you,you know, this Cuban team has so much talent and it is so young, I mean, what a potencial they have!!! I must say that I really suffered during the matches againt Cuba last year.
InivaridUPL 504 6
14 lat temu
JRios if you think, that 3:2 lose with Brazil is poor, I don't know what result is good :P And remember my words, if Cuba will play in WC with they best squad, they will be in of the first three places.
sakuPL 1032 9
14 lat temu
JRios, I mean they made big progres for last few years ,and they are more technical players than few years ago
JRiosCL 201 6
14 lat temu
Saku: yes, I did. Did you see the match against Brazil? I did. Brazilian team started the game by changing the service from jump forced service to float service and the cubans lost the game. Also Cubans insisted in to force service and as the jump strong cuban service failed (because Brazilian reception was great), they got lost inside the court. Neither the cuban coach could help his team because he was not tactically prepared to that kind of Brazilian response. Maybe you are confunding cuban 4th place with tactics and strategy.
InivaridUPL 504 6
14 lat temu
I o Cepedzie i o Sanchezie są tutaj filmiki. Ale dla mnie trochę dziwne, bo tam piszą, że Samuels nie będzie eksperymentował, a dał Cepedę na przyjęciu :P Nie wiem zobaczymy...
qsekPL 831 10
14 lat temu
a jeszcze wcześniej przeczytałem, że Sanchez będzie grał na przyjęciu a nie na ataku, tak jak Cepeda, o którym tutaj nawet jest chyba film.
InivaridUPL 504 6
14 lat temu
Patrzyłeś na to na stronie FIVB? Bo według mnie tam jest chyba błąd, bo po co miałby brać 3 libero, skoro korzysta i tak praktycznie z jednego, a Sanchez bardzo dużo gra...
qsekPL 831 10
14 lat temu
ale na Lidze Światowej go nie ma, a o to mi chodzi.
InivaridUPL 504 6
14 lat temu
Sandy Andrade Fernandez (Cienfuegos) Henry Bell Cisnero (Santiago de Cuba) Osmany Roberto Camejo Durruty (Ciudad Habana) Rolando Cepeda Abreu (S.Spiritus) Gonzalez Raydel Delgado (La Habana) Yoandri Díaz Carmenate (Ciudad Habana) Odelvis Dominico Speck (Ciudad Habana) Liancen Estrada Jova (Santiago de Cuba) Darien Ferrer Delis (Santiago de Cuba) Keibir Gutierrez Torres (Villa Clara) Yosvany Hernandez Carbonell (Cienfuegos) Fernando Hernandez Ramos (C.Habana) Raydel Hierrezuelo Aguirre (Ciudad Habana) Joandry Leal Hidalgo (La Habana) Wilfredo Leon Venero (Santiago de Cuba) Gustavo Leyva Alvarez (Ciudad Habana) Leandro Macias Infante (Santiago de Cuba) Isbel Mesa Sandobal (C. Habana) Michael Sánchez Bozlueva (Ciudad Habana) Robertlandy Simón Aties (Ciudad Habana) Jorge Gonzalez Garcia (Pinar del Rio) Jorge Rojas Tailor (Cienfuegos) To jest kadra 22 zawodników powołanych przez Orlando Samuelsa. Jak widać Sanchez tam jest na szczęście :D This is 22 players which choose Orladno Samuels. As we can see there is Michael Sanchez :D
qsekPL 831 10
14 lat temu
why won't Michael Sanchez play in WL 2010? i think i didn't see his name on the Cubans' player list...
sakuPL 1032 9
14 lat temu
JRios, did you see Cuba playing on WL 2009? so don't tell me obout thier game without tactics and technic
andrePL 87 2
14 lat temu
Juantorena, Leon and Sanchez in national team... It's like dream :P
JRiosCL 201 6
14 lat temu
To Michal & Saku: I'm not sure about the guaranteed Cuban World Championship if all the players could play for Cuba National Team. Volleyball is much more than jumps, energy and hits. Cubans should improve a lot in terms of tactics, game strategy, winner mentality if they want to wn. They have the famous hot latin blood and frequently this mess up much more than is helpful. Without improve on these aspects, I believe even a cuban team with all stars, by using only their powerfull and energetic game, would not ensure their wins over others important national teams. Besides their great players, I trust in US, Brazilian and Italian teams because they have winner mentality, game strategy and tactical knowledge inside the court.
qsekPL 831 10
14 lat temu
no tak, problemy z terminami i zmęczeniem są, ale jest prestiż i kasa. ja bym chciał, żeby grali.
sakuPL 1032 9
14 lat temu
ja bym wolał aby Skra nie startowała, to tylko stwarza problemy w lidze i u zawodników
kapitan_bombaPL 910 9
14 lat temu
@Roninho - chciał uciec z moim medalem, ale na szczęście udało mi się go dogonić i odebrać co moje? hehe
@qsek - będą dzikie karty, ale jakimi kryteriami będą się kierować tego nie wie nikt...
qsekPL 831 10
14 lat temu
wie ktoś, czy Skra ma szanse na tegoroczne KMŚ? z tego co wiem, kwalifikacje maja zapewnione mistrzowie poszczególnych kontynentów. więc jeszcze kilka miejsc zostanie, na jakiej podstawie będą wybierane kluby?
Joel2718CA 426 7
14 lat temu
Glad to see a Canadian get an award :) (Dan Lewis)
Batrixo-volley1700PL 19 1
14 lat temu
Żygadło pokazał klase mamy 2 Polaków nagrodzonych to potwierdza ich wysoką formę oby na lidze światowej pokazali klase
MichalPL 493 10
14 lat temu
Yeah, but Matey had the best spike (67%) and reception (60/60) efficiencies+ 2 aces. Last year Trento had to fight a lot to beat Iraklis, this year they just went for a walk...
SmackyBG 11 1
14 lat temu
Matey didn't get anything.. WoW.. :X
sakuPL 1032 9
14 lat temu
Juantorena in national team? no way, Cuba is goinig to be world champion
InivaridUPL 504 6
14 lat temu
About Juantorena in other matches he don't do mistakes on serve, for example in one match in Italian League he serves 37 times, he got 5 aces and... 1 mistake!!! And I have good information about him, HE IS PLAYING FULL LEGAL IN ITALIAN LEAGUE!!! He talks with Orlando Samuels about play in national team, but they decidet to wait... And seriously, final match was one of the WORST in this season for him.
NightFoxBG 1457 14
14 lat temu
I'm sharing your oppinion about the libero reward. I think that Salparov made incredible 2 matches with a lot of hearth and so many digs. Juantorena was over everybody. Matey was good too , but not like the last year. Wlazly was very stable but one man can't win the match. Nobody impressed me from Bled. Dinamo were very poor at the reception in the final match . If Trento remains with that form next year ... there will be 3rd title in a row :)
Drewson4PL 282 7
14 lat temu
haha. Każdy by chyba chciał. :D
RoninhoPL 758 13
14 lat temu
kapitan_bomba : widze ze dopadłeś Vissotto do zdjecia i to jeszcze z medalem:D też bym takie chciał:D
jernej94SI 102 12
14 lat temu
Was great coming to Lodz, i dont mind the kilometres i had to make, the money i had to spent, it was outstanding, and incredible experience, great organization, and great volleyball ;)
kapitan_bombaPL 910 9
14 lat temu
My impressions after F4...Juantorena almost without weak points...Poltavski played well because Skra was without form and Grankin played really good. Wlazły - only him just wanted to win this tournament (about Skra players)...about best players: Bari played really solid and Salparov really effectiv...about Bled fans: They need to learn more things about support (contact with the other team fans)...TOURNAMENT nice but GACEK & FALASCA should apologize all volleyball fans in Poland who came to watch them live in Łódź!!!!
14 lat temu
Dante is a real master, but he couldn't beat Trento alone. Dinamo didn't even try to fight, and the final match was totally disappointing - no emotions, no great volleyball. Only that Italian monsters showing their unbelievable power, they kill volley. Respect for Semen Poltavski, he showed Skra how weak they are. Respect for Wlazły - he is in great shape and I hope he will maintain it to the world champs. Juantorena seems to be one of the best players ever, I don't know how he can serve as strongly makin' so few errors. Great in every element of the game.
RachelBR 532 7
14 lat temu
Roninho, I read that Dante played very well this Final Four but I wanted to watch a little bit of the matches... If you can, please post some videos
RachelBR 532 7
14 lat temu
Michal, Imagine that Cuban team in two or three years ?? It will be a great problem... To all national teams... But , on the other hand, Brazil and Poland have good and young players too , and this is vital to stay among the best of the world
RoninhoPL 758 13
14 lat temu
Dante played with Belchatow incredibly. He was not to blocking. With Trentino already in poverty but best of the team. Nicely to see how this way is playing.
MichalPL 493 10
14 lat temu
Rachel I'm almost sure that if the Cubans were allowed to play abroad (especially in Italy) they would destroy everything on their way, damn... And yeah nice to see Dante playing, he was the only one today with Salpharov who fought.
RachelBR 532 7
14 lat temu
Thank God this Juantorena doesn´t play for Cuba. Imagine a team with him and Leon together... I´m glad to see Dante playing motivated again after some serious issues on his personal life
RoninhoPL 758 13
14 lat temu
RenanZ : You are saying seriously?? It is you I don't think so be interested volleyball in Brazil :D:D
NagorPL 1445 14
14 lat temu
On this FF there isn't best setter :D
OverlookPL 280 5
14 lat temu
Roninho, I agree with you in 100%.
RoninhoPL 758 13
14 lat temu
Best Receiver : ok Best Server : ok Best Setter : ok Best Libero : Andrea Bari good but Teodor Salparov better Best Blocker : ok Best Spiker : Mariusz Wlazly Best Scorer : ok MVP: OK! OK! OK! Osmany is incredible.

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TOP10 w June

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