
Todor Aleksiev block

NightFox 2010-12-23 • 7416 defa görüntülendi • 32
Voleybolcular SıralamasıGelmiş geçmiş en iyi voleybolcu kim?Oyuncular sıralamasını gösterVoleybolcular Sıralaması
Gelmiş geçmiş en iyi voleybolcu kim?Oyuncular sıralamasını göster

32 yorum

Fadhel AbbasBH 1513 14
12 yıl önce
Fadhel AbbasBH 1513 14
12 yıl önce
A wall of iron
RevanExtasisPT 746 11
13 yıl önce
yes yes thanks i forguet that simon is the best XD
RevanExtasisPT 746 11
13 yıl önce
yes yes the cuban are the best XD XD XD thanks for mentioning my team XD
ZytaPL 1332 11
13 yıl önce
"You are right about the psychological aspect of the game, and that error had negative implications for our team, but this is team's problem, not Alexiev." Excuse me? So what? Alexiev is sometimes in the team and sometimes not? Team is like one body, one Kazyiski and Nikolov with winner mentality can't think and fight for everyone, when the rest gave up. And when you're in the team your thoughts are at the second place, that's why it was so destructive for all team. Of course we don't know what would happen when Alexiev would finish that ball, but we can imagine, Matey would be still on serve. We all now how hard was for both team that match, I read comment somewhere during match, that team who will win this match will be in the final and if Bulgaria gonna win they will be probably ready for gold. Guy was right, Cuba was in the final. That match showed that Cuba has also strong psyche, they stand fourth set and didn't let Bulgaria win, when they had how many? Three matchballs? With the rest I agree with Michal.
MichalPL 493 10
13 yıl önce
"Henrique, dude, Alexiev was second scorer in Russian Superleague last year, from weak team." Can't deny it, but the problem is Aleksiev didn't play good in the most important torunament in this season. He had a great season in Lokomotiv and played a great World League, but that wasn't the plan. "The missed attacks for match point in the next set were more crucial." Bulgaria won the next set, what was so crucial? The truth is his mistake reduced chances for 2:0 score by 50%. If you assume every team has chances split into a half... THAT WAS CRUCIAL ACTION, which decreased Bulgaria's chances significantly. "You are right about the psychological aspect of the game, and that error had negative implications for our team, but this is team's problem, not Alexiev." Even you (subconsciously) admit that was an important moment. "Winner mentality means that you don't get distracted by such an error and win from 23:24 to 26:24." When you face such an unpredictable and furious team like Cuba, it's not about feeling confident yourself, but not to let them feel like that. I agree about their stamina. The reason is simple- Cuban league is a 3-week competition/camp. They spend a lot of time in the gym and don't have to care about injuries and overcharge that much, which are derivatives of intensive playing and lack in physical preparation. On the other hand they're not so experienced and calm in the international level, but as you could see in October, their special abilities can recompense that easily- that's mainly why I'm not that sure about their progress in case of the polity change anymore. Nevertheless I wish it came true someday, with all my heart.
raylightBG 3006 15
13 yıl önce
Henrique, dude, Alexiev was second scorer in Russian Superleague last year, from weak team. Only Maxim Mihaylov made more points per set and total than him. Do the math yourself, if you can. His mistake was for 23:23 turning 23:24 instead of 24:23 It is not guaranteed that this set would be ours, not Cubans. The missed attacks for match point in the next set were more crucial. You are right about the psychological aspect of the game, and that error had negative implications for our team, but this is team's problem, not Alexiev. Winner mentality means that you don't get distracted by such an error and win from 23:24 to 26:24. Like USA or Brazil would have done. THAT is not Alexiev mistake. In my opinion, it is bigger than this error. Like the increasing attack and serving efficiency of Cuba during the game is bigger than single mistake. Stamina - in WCH Brazil, Bulgaria and Serbia lost in 5 sets. Brazil ran away from Cuba, because they knew that they will loose again in such a game in that phase. Yes, Bulgaria could have win the game. With more attacking with the MB's, with higher block or with Alexiev with french technique . If the world was different and Cubans didn't have 6 or 7 spiking monsters.. If natural laws had different constants. If Volleyball was not team sports. You get it
ZytaPL 1332 11
13 yıl önce
Joel2718 In second set, it was 23:23. If you want I can send you link to download that match.
Joel2718CA 426 7
13 yıl önce
btw where can I see this mistake by Aleksiev? i wasn't able to watch that match of the WC.
raylightBG 3006 15
13 yıl önce
Henrique, his results are not "far" behind the best left sides> About his error it was not crucial, because Cubans could have won 3:0 if they played with less errors. Sometimes people focus over such details and lose the picture. Cuban players have much more stamina then other teams, they can play long games and win them. They showed it against Brazil, Serbia and Bulgaria. The only way to beat them is in short games but I don't think that with their success in attack that we could have beat them 24:23 is still unsure result. Alexied didn't drop set winning or game winning point. The game was heading in this direction because of much bigger reasons than this error.
scorpio111888PL 386 5
13 yıl önce
ładne buty mu założył :)
raylightBG 3006 15
13 yıl önce
I don't blame him for the game. Cuban players have very short championship and most of the time they are in the gym, so in WCH they can last 4 -5 hours and get stronger in time when they play. Stars like Visotto, Kazyiski and Nikolov, who play a lot of tournaments can't have this stamina. Did you see how Leon improved in the last two sets of Cuba - Bulgaria game? It was ridicoulos
raylightBG 3006 15
13 yıl önce
Hi. I have some videos of Alexiev spikes, Here is example against Netherlands:

I would like to say that Alexiev needs more experience to be top player. Last season he was in Russia and was second scorer after Maxim Mihaylov. This year he is in Turkey, one of the best players there (in Competition with Agamez, Marshal and Milikovich). This is his second year in big championships, so if everything goes well, the summer he can show us his best form.

We have Kazyiski, Sokolov, Todorov and Alexiev, all with high attacks, so there is potential for entertaining volleyball from our side.
NightFoxBGAuthor 1457 14
13 yıl önce
Yeah :D , If I manage to download the match cuba - bulgaria , I'll make a vid about that , like the biggest mistake of the tournament :)
ZytaPL 1332 11
13 yıl önce
Bylo 23:23 w drugim secie, Matey szalal na zagrywce, byla przechodzaca na czystej siatce i Aleksiev walnal w tasme, pilka poleciala w aut, potem Kubanczyk, nie pamietam juz ktory, zaserwowal bombe w Mateya, ktory nie przyjal i bylo po secie.
sakuPL 1032 9
13 yıl önce
nie jestem pewien ale uderzył z przechodzącej w aut przy grze na przewagi
eRKaPL 861 11
13 yıl önce
can somebody describe this action ? i didn't watch that match and i donno what you mean guys ;)
NightFoxBGAuthor 1457 14
13 yıl önce
Yeah , that ball turned the match with obout 360 degrees :D . I almost broke my TV when he made that ... sad :[ , but that's the sport ... If u never fall down , u could never rise !
MichalPL 493 10
13 yıl önce
"Poor Aleksiev, I felt sorry for him when he screwed his team in the end of the second set of that match against Cuba at the worlds. He still must have nightmares... By the way, he’s good, nothing special." Haha true, that's the most memorable action of him so far. What a waste.... having Kaziyski launching some heavy missiles behind the 9th meter line to take an advantage and then... gosh, I know he's only a human, but in such a moment that's not an explaination, at least not for me. That action made this match the most dramatic at WCH (in common with Serbia-Cuba semi), instead of a short 3:0 game for Bulgaria (probably).
eRKaPL 861 11
13 yıl önce
jeśli nie przeczyta się tego 'huge dig' stosunkowo wyraźnie to trochę dwuznacznie brzmi ;)
maciekmiszczPL 18 2
13 yıl önce
jesli ktos ma mozliwosc, niech wrzuci: Pawel Zatorski - HUGE DIG ;)
p…y 197 4
13 yıl önce
Ma niesamowity zasięg, rzeczywiście blok jakich mało.
RenanZBR 1538 15
13 yıl önce
hahahaha Take that Visotto !!!!!!!!
bujo92PL 88 2
13 yıl önce
czapa jakich mało ;D
ZytaPL 1332 11
13 yıl önce
360cm? Seriously? I didn't know that. I like him too, WL was a great tournament for him, I remember he had in one match 92% spike efficiency. Pity, that he wasn't in that shape on WC.
MichalPL 493 10
13 yıl önce
Aleksiev has ridicolous spike reach, I would say it's 360cm. He was the most frequently over block spiking player of this year's World League for sure, but he sucks in reception and can't keep base form through the whole season- not top (what's impossible for any player) but good enough to call him a class player. Nevertheless I like him. This block was really impressive.

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