Problem with beach volleyball competition standings

2022-07-12 • 2225 Aufrufe • 3 replies


I have problems with the beach volleyball competitions. I added Hungarian Tour Tata and Abádszalók with the players and the matches but after it's accepted by an administrator it not possible to add the standing because the edit and delete options are missing. The other problem is firstly I added the competitors and after that the matches but now in the classification every couple is doubled. Does anyone have any idea what is the problem is?

pedeshtrian 130 24
vor 1 Jahr

Hi @bpeter0228. I faced the same issue before. In Beach Volleybox, this problem occurs when you added the matches before an administrator accepts the already submitted participating teams. In that case, when the administrator accept your classification and your matches, the teams that are involved in those added matches will be doubled in the classification. I'll fix the tournament standings.

Edit: It should be OK now.

bpeter0228Author 9 5
vor 1 Jahr

@pedeshtrian sorry for the "-", it was a misclick

bpeter0228Author 9 5
vor 1 Jahr

Thank you!

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