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I never said that PLS is great league. Whats more, I dont think like that. But maybe you can tell me more about situation in brasilian league, I am intrested in it, cause I read only good thing about it. And then this article was written.


Funny thing, our colleague from Olsztyn, where is hard to get magnetic resonance imaging, didn’t say a word about POL-SVK at 2011 ECh. I can feel a lot of suffering coming from Olsztyn.

Yes, cause I thing that isnt topic about ECh 2011 and WCH 2010.

About prostitution - there is several public houses, one on my street, but 10% is unreal. But you can belive it or not, I dont care. Whats more, I dont live in poor district.

Next - it is good, that you found job for mr Heinowicz, but it still has no connection to volleyball ?

Pesazi, our little friend Nagor must be crying because of you. He was wondering how I could know all those things about PlusLiga, where players don’t get proper physical assistance, among other stuff. There is much more, but I’ll save you guys from reading.

You said nothing new about PLS. There is more and more problems, but still it has nothing to this topic...

Once again - someone can tell more about problems in brasilian league? Or we will talking next months about mafias, prostitues, stolen cars and free world?

Typical reaction if you have no arguments in conversation, you will try to focus on different things

Ehh... I agree with you ? I said the same in my last post. Nobody can discuss about problems in Superliga there, everybody tries to focus on different things:

info about PLS, I can read there who is favourite German for Zyta, good advice for my future and what I like and what I dont like ? Great ?

Thanks for support!
Injuries in Olsztyn have other reason.

But look at one thing - the topic is about Brasilian league - my post was connected to problems in brasilian league. champions, hclts, pearls and pesazis was not. Guys, we are talking about 'Extra court problems and deceptions mark the first phase of Brazilian League' or about everything else?

I can see no reasons there to change my new opinion about Superliga. But i can read there info about PLS, I can read there who is favourite German for Zyta, good advice for my future and what I like and what I dont like ? Great ?
Na przedmeczowej odprawie w PLS czy w FF LM, bo wydaje mi się, że zasady nie są takie same w tych dwóch przypadkach, ale mogę się mylić.
[qoute]Champion, never mind this poor Polaco kid and his constant offenses. His main targets are Italy, Brazil, Russia, and Serbia – Italians are his favourites by far, God knows why.
What are you talking about? I like Russian players and teams. I like style of Russian volleyball. Secondly - I like some Italian players and italian clubs. Maybe not NT after last WCH.

Have you ever heard about a player called Dallas Soonias?

Yes, this one who never wanted to warm up and had bigger knowledge about everything than coach etc. Professional player.

You know Rick Lambourne, right? First time he played for a Polish club he had so many problems that you’d be shocked to know what he says – Rick has a temper, but I don’t think he’s lying.

Yeah, I can rememer his middle finger to coach of Bydgoszcz after his TERRIBLE play. Really professional behaviour.

Champion, a Polaco friend told me Olsztyn has no heating in the venue.

So your friend lied, there is heating, but not so good. There is cold, but dry. It is more dangerous to play on water than in cold place.

Ananiev was waiting about a week or so to do some tests in Olsztyn because they couldn’t find magnetic resonance imaging in town right away and they didn't take him anywhere else. He's injured, torn ligament.

Hmm he thanked several times for good healt care and he said that he want to stay in Olsztyn. Weird. Masohist?

Grozer constantly complains about the huge holes in the Polaco roads.. Yes, they waste long hours travelling by bus, not plane or train. Unbelievable! Grozer says that traveling by bus so many hours on the Polish roads is terrible for the team.

Are we still talking about volleyball? Cause I watched scary video about Rio de Janerio, where journalist was killed by drug cartel. For sure it is better and safe for everyone. Players too.

And again - tell to your many Russian friends whatever you want, but I like their league, NT, clubs, players and cheap fuel. I like their language, lifestyle and behaviour. You have wrong info about me, I am shocked cause I though that you know everything about everyting.
I really don't like behaviour what he showed. I understand that he can't admitt touch the ball, but he could don't wave his arms and screams that there was nothing.

So you dont like behaviour of any player ?
Oldest Player vor 12 Jahre +1
There is only one true old player - Vadim!
Maybe they will upgrade challenge system after that... I dream about it. But to be honest - skra has a lot of chances before this moment - in 4th set and they was winning 5-1 in tie break!
Czyli 3-1 w błędach sędziego na korzyść skry.

STOP with these racist comments towards any nation (Italy, Brazil, Bulgaria etc.) for God's sake!!!!!!

Man, I really though that brasilian league is nice organised, but after read this article I think i was wrong. I cant write anything good about league, where players are fainting because some ppl didnt want to change date of match... For me it is not civilied...

I've been to Olzstyn, have great friends from there. Don't put a bad name to the people from this city with ridiculous comments like this one, PLEASE!!!!

I am from Olsztyn but I not represent all ppl from this city, I represent only my person.
1:18 like in horrors :D
I though that is civilized league... I was wrong, I see.
I like this music and I love Apalikovs serve :O Pure power :D
Nagor if you prefer to watch volleyball, not players... don't watch movie with title (Polish PLAYERS...). What did you expect?

Some actions, spikes, blocks, serves etc. ?
Hmm I prefer to watch volleyball, not players :(
Paweł Zagumny (3rd movie) vor 12 Jahre +1
Roninho dobra, ale czy jakakolwiek wiedza upoważnia jej posiadacza do wypisywania takiego czegoś? Czytałeś jego posty? Dla mnie ich poziom znajduje się poniżej zera. Nawet największa wiedza nie zrobi z ignoranta wspaniałego człowieka. Tylko powiedz obiektywnie, rozmówki na priv nie mają nic do rzeczy, bo mam też wiadomości od niego u siebie i tam pokazał jeszcze gorszy poziom od tutejszego. Przyznaj, że to jest żałosne. Np rzekomy dialog NXT z jego mamą... śmieszy Cię to? Dalej - cytaty raylighta, oczywiście nigdy nic takiego nie napisał. Nędza. Do tego w kółko powtarzany jeden schemat - jestm waszym idolem, błagacie mnie o uwagę... ? To jest argument na każdą inną opinię. Dla mnie to jedno wielkie dno. To, że ktoś posiada większą wiedzę na temat siatkówki nie znaczy, że muszę się z nim zgadzać i tolerować jego błazenadę. Czyż nie?

Bo pisanie o kimś 'polski dzieciaczek' raczej do żartów bym nie zaliczył.

Taa... chyba najlepszy żart jaki słyszałem w życiu ?
Paweł Zagumny (3rd movie) vor 12 Jahre +1
I have good advice - dont feed troll :) He is on this page only for this, so... you make him more happy every time ;)
Paweł Zagumny (3rd movie) vor 12 Jahre +1
NXT, You should finish this pointless discussion, cause he lives in our world and nothing can change it, you are losing time ;)
Hector Soto Mayor: 243cm... ? Its to low, give me more! :D
Igor Guillen vor 12 Jahre -1
Video like from ninetees :D

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