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Cuba - Iran (Highlights) vor 14 Jahre 0
Então Rachel...... Sei não, pelas atuais atuações da seleção, é difícil prever qualquer resultado, ainda mais levando em conta o nível dos adversários. Porém, meu coração de torcedor sempre irá divergir com está opnião. A única coisa que garanto é a seguinte: SE o BRASIL chegar na final, o Murilo será eleito o MVP da Liga !!! Se não for, será uma grande injustiça. Apesar de não ser o 1º colocado em algumas das pontuações, sem dúvida é o mais importante dentro de quadra, ao ponto de (perdoe minha "heresia") ser mais vital que GIBA !!!
Paweł Rusek nice set vor 14 Jahre 0
Great action, and what a thrill to play...
Miguel Angel Falasca vor 14 Jahre +4
What a great Block and Service Technique !!
Cuba - Poland (Highlights) vor 14 Jahre +6
Yeah. Kurek is a Monster (In a good way) Tall, strong and young. Every coach would love to have this on hand !!!!
Cuba - Iran (Highlights) vor 14 Jahre +1
Hey Rachel. Neste confronto IRAN x ITALIA, acredite ou não, aposto minhas fichas no IRAN. A seleção Italiana carece de novos talentos, vide o famigerado investimento em jogadores estrangeiros na liga nacional. Talvez não neste ano, ou no próximo, mas nos seguintes, o resultado seria desfavorável aos latinos da europa.
Cuba - Poland (Highlights) vor 14 Jahre +3
Sorry all, but my cheers goes to CUBA
Cuba - Poland (Highlights) vor 14 Jahre +2
Great teams !!!
Cuba - Iran (Highlights) vor 14 Jahre +2
Iran is not that experienced with international competitions, but hey got a great Youth Generation. In some year, they may figure among the best. And CUBA, well, not necessary anymore coments. !!!
Sebastian Pęcherz attack vor 14 Jahre +3
ahaha What a lucky shot. But the Marshall's attack was great too. !!!
Heil the VUVUZELA.. ahahahahahahah
But I Still rather that 4 aces row with Kazynsky playing for Trento. Do that is already a something to remember, but that in the Tie-Break.... You got to have the Guts !!
Very great..
Great game [2] The Netherlands team is a young one, and if they keep participating of international competitions, tehy might join the "Europe Elite"
Wout Wijsmans attack vor 14 Jahre 0
Just wanna know something: his celebration wouldn't be considered as a infraction ?!?!?!?
Marshall block vor 14 Jahre 0
Com'on Alzar. You may be a volleyball fan, but that kind of thing you should know. I would proudly like to say exectly why he's not playing for the national team, but that would take a Lot. (REALLY, A LOT...)
Mariusz Wlazły attack vor 14 Jahre 0
When he's gonna back ?? Or already did it ??!!!??
Marshall block vor 14 Jahre +2
AAAAAAAAA, He's a I said before, even Kobe Bryant would do something like that !!
Poland - Italy (Highlights) vor 14 Jahre +1
Too bad that the Italian National Team isn't so Strong as the A-1 Series !!!!
Wout Wijsmans attack vor 14 Jahre +2
Over... !!
Fantastic. What a brilliant Player. His High Level of technique is unnusual to an Oposite Player

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