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Trentino Volley Hits vor 12 Jahre 0
i know it's about hits but look 0:54 how Winiarski "feel the ball" and moved. He was so close in defence!
Anastazi just in case asked Mateusz Mika (Resovia Rzeszów) to play for Kurek. We will know at the end of the week if Kurek is ready to go for World Cup
to my first comment about middle blockers:
i guess there's so many minuses because of what i said about Wiśniewski (other users were saying about Pliński and didn't get -)
i didn't say i don't like Wiśniewski i just don't understand why Anastazi said to Pliński "i don't want to change the team from last tournaments" and then he takes Wiśniewski, who wasn't with team on that tournaments. i don't get it...
so i repeat: i wasn't insulting Wiśniewski

who knows raylight - this is good change if Kurek won't play. but we will have to wait till he has medical results. and i'm thinking: will Anastazi take Kurek for sure even with pain in back (if it's not so serious) or will he let it go? Kurek is very important fot NT but even with health problems?
maybe he killed Trento yesterday but in my opinion matters whole matches not the last one. and to be honest he's not in his best shape right now.
on the other hand Jakub Jarosz also has better and worse moments. I curious what made Anastazi to take Jarosz instead of Gruszka
for Gruszka it's experience and for Jarosz last matches from ECH (like with Russia)
We need songs! vor 12 Jahre +1
Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark
Iron Maiden - Doctor Doctor
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Give It Away
I don't like our middle-blockers... Łukasz Wiśniewski haven't play a lot (did he play even one official match in national team? i don't remember...) and Patryk Czarnowski with his bad serve... Pliński should be here. I don't buy explanation that he didn't play in ECH... he has an experience and certainly would fit to the team (he knows it's important tournament)... perhaps Anastasi just don't like him
Ryan Millar (2nd movie) vor 12 Jahre +1
before watching the movie i thought that it will be plenty of materials from Plusliga and i was suprised that you put only USA's matches
bad decision from Bartman - congratulations for Raphael that he noticed that :)
Czarnowski's answer was better :D
great video from you! don't know which part is better :)
Gustavo Endres vor 12 Jahre +2
very kind as a person. i remember when after his match in Final Four 2008 in Łódź he stayed to see next match. He sit with the fans, close to me, talked with everybody, took pictures with them and everything was with the big smile on his face (although Sisley Treviso as i remember had the 4th place)
nagor - maybe they have - they just don't speak up about this topic
nie osądzając czy Wlazły robi dobrze czy źle, wydaj mi się że najbardziej logicznym wyjściem z tej sytuacji jest właśnie protest i zaprzestanie gry w kadrze. Walczył dla reprezentacji i siedział cicho, gdy (jego zdaniem) związek go olewał. Nagłośnił kilka spraw by związek coś zmienił i dalej grał - efekt nic się nie zmieniło. Jeżeli Wlazły chce w końcu uzyskać jakąś reakcję od związku to jedyną opcją jest protest i rezygnacja z kadry. Jeżeli by w niej grał to związek może stwierdzić "niech sobie gada co chce, grunt, że gra". Stwierdzam to oczywiście na podstawie opisu Wlazłego.

Tak naprawdę to nie jesteśmy w stanie dowiedzieć się jak sytuacja wyglądała/wygląda naprawdę, gdyż obie strony sobie przeczą. Raczej nigdy się tego nie dowiemy, więc możemy tylko gdybać. Prawdą jest, że nie ma sensu by Wlazły grał teraz w kadrze bo szansa na dobrą atmosferę z nim w kadrze jest niewielka. Nikt nie musi tego mówić głośno, ale niektórzy mogą mieć za złe Wlazłemu wytykanie niektórych spraw (nie oceniam czy słusznie)
adi_tiger - no, i'm not GMC network :) i just found it on youtube and thought that this movie should be here ;)
pearl: from 1:10 Anastazi says "I have a good feeling. I know that last weeks were not easy but boys worked really hard. I believe we will play a good tournament. Of course it won't be easy - there are many good teams"
maybe too short but definitely has a climate! great job! and for sure you best movie so far!
great dig but how Kurek make the ball to go on the second half? :)
no chance in defence!
but it's quicker to turn on youtube than to download a match (which takes me min. 2h)...
what a shame that you didn't give actions from 1st set...

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