
s.s.drl Modena Volley Punto Zero
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vor 6 Jahre


@Akolita, pearl You both are right, just afterwards, I realized it was only me supposing him to be different (maybe the young age or the lack of titles for acting like a star player). Said that, he made this decision just after they confirmed a safe future, so club's unstability can't be an explanation. Players emotionally tied to their supporters,the city they play for, or the shirt they wear exist no more.
At least here in Modena, whenever one of these will decide to go away and will come back to play as opponent, he will always be cheered (yes, even when he scores a point for their new team). On the other hand better for them not to play in PalaPanini next (take this easy,nothing to do with a football stadium).
Take Piscopo. A low-average player who used to play little, quite bad and pretty comical, he always put his heart in the court. Then, watch all goodbyes he received on facebook, he will always be remembered with smiles and claps.

For sports’ sake, I hope it won’t happen.

I'm afraid it will not my dear pearl. In the case, at least for the traditional competent attendance of Modena,I'm hoping for just a minority of the crowd. But facts are too recent and annoying for someone to let it go.
What about his attitude? I remember that he somethimes acted like a princess, when he was plyaing in Resovia. ?

Rather than a princess he acted as mercenary, making love declarations to the fans and the team up to few hours before signing with Macerata.After many confirmations of him wanting to stay for a long time, Modena's general manager confirmed he fully decided on his OWN to go play in Lube, so he's also been false to everyone in the club. I expect him to be strongly whistled in next week's World League match in Modena.

Baranowicz is getting stronger so Lube will probably achieve more than with Travica's, but they definitely bought an extremely poor person.

@pearl Intendevo dire che rispetto a Michele + Celitans, c'è una bella differenza. Numeri alla mano sarebbe un passo indietro, poi magari fanno la stagione che non ti aspetti,però soprattutto Sabbi come opposto non da certezze, molto bene o più spesso molto male. Falaschi non mi ha mai convinto del tutto, ma è l'unica soluzione nel caso si preferisca un opposto straniero, x questo penso arriverà lui. Sabbi lo vedo meglio dai giovani di Callipo.
Io poi ragiono da tifoso.. cioè, castellana prende un top player come Theo (svincolato e a costo zero) e Modena dovrebbe prendere Sabbi (che non viene confermato da castellana ed essendo ancora sotto contratto, deve pagarne pure il cartellino!?).
In breve, in questo caso quello che mi sconforta è più il discorso relativo all'assurdità del trasferimento che del giocatore in sè.
In my land in situations like these we say "When a pope dies, a new one is made (to replace him)" . The same here so , good luck Michele. Maybe in the future you'll get more coherent to your words.
Falaschi and german Kampa are named to replace him.
I am confirming from the inside that Alen Sket is under negotiation with our club but is NOT official yet, even because there are other names on the list (Bartman and Sabbi).
Marco Piscopo is officially out to Volley Molfetta as well as Riccardo Pinelli to Volley Potenza Picena.
Modena's also close to serbian MB Bjelica from Fenerbahce.

@pearl Scusa ma ho letto il tuo PM solo adesso, a cose già definite ? Cmq ha detto più e più volte di voler stare a Modena per molto tempo perchè credeva nel progetto di una squadra giovane. Poi decide così: della serie, vai dove ti porta il cuor€ (perchè alla fine è quella la ragione, mi hanno detto). Un'attenuante è che il recente cambio di proprietà ha virtualmente svincolato tutti i giocatori. Baranowicz era in prestito biennale da Cuneo, ed è quindi tornato di loro proprietà. Cuneo avrebbe riconfermato il prestito, ma è stato lui a decidere Macerata.
Spero solo non arrivi Falaschi, con Sabbi quasi certo solo a pensarci mi viene freddo....
Javier Gonzalez,CUB, setter, from Constanta (ROM) to Cuneo.

I can confirm Modena's interest for Bartman.
Matteo Martino tribute vor 11 Jahre +1
So finally we didn't have to wait much time to see him in another top-player "performance". I wonder the why somebody is still paying this stupid kid who lost his brain because of muscle steroids. Martino, go and play beach. Many people won't definitely miss you. You're the shame of this sport.
@Kaziyski There was probably a contract update in recent days as he will be confirmed for the next season. He came from ACH for a trial period (up to may 2013) with no apparent salary (if you dont consider personal needs) and a very approsimative agreement. During the season he showed to be not only a player under test but a very young talented one that deserved a good contract, so these could be the reasons of what you were told.
Jan Stokr fail vor 11 Jahre 0
When that "thin" guy (120 Kg) hit the floor an earthquake took place! xD
Wlazly? Really? Seems like they're not looking at wallet in Turkey.. lucky them! In our team there are players who werent paid at all (Uros Kovacevic). His salary was food and a bed to sleep on, really, contract does not mention any money ?
Modena's awesome latvian opposite Gundars Celitans will almost 100% accept the offer from Fenerbahce Grundig Istanbul as substitute (?) of Ivan Miljkovic. Turkish team is known to be offering the player about 4/5 times his actual salary. Also the 2nd biggest young star of Modena, belgian Sam Deroo, has offers from all over europe and Italy and will probably decide to leave as offered amounts are high and the teams strong.
Both players showed their wish to stay because they felt good in Modena, but we all know that salary and personal achievements are more important for athletes than all the rest.Both had single-year contract so this is gonna be a free transfer for any future team (great deals, indeed)
These years are unforgetable for any Modena's supporter. Ball-Gortzen-Bovolenta-Kazakov-Giani-Cantagalli-Pippi with "just" Roman Yakovlev as reserve opposite after a slight car crash! OMFG!!! No doubts one of the strongest Modena of all times,an almost new team being able to win the title after just a year playing together. Thanks for sharing that Vatreni,after a decade this memories still make me thrill! ;)
Serbian spiker Uroš Kovačević from Ach Volley Ljubljana to Casa Modena - inside source
Referees make mistakes in every sports, and 100% refereeing excellence won't be reached even if technology will become part of the game. Sure you feel angry and robbed when they make a false call against your team, but if you be rational, are there many other times where their decisions are your pro. Plus, I think their influence on the game result is as low as stronger is your opponent, so if you're weaker than the other team referee's mistakes won't ever change the values on the court.If a player makes fun of the crowd, referee can first yellowcard him with the result you only get a point and then he will calm down ending the matter. With their behaviour, Bulgarian fans being ridiculed by a player went in the wrong and now the world says "Look at that uncivilized people" (yes,people, since because of some individuals, all the others seem to be like them) unlike (with full reason) "Look at that poor idiot player".
P.S I was there as well and these were my feelings as neutral volleyball enthusiast.
I'm full of joy hearding my distant cousin Riccardo Pinelli will play for my home team Casa Modena: he's setter coming from A2 league Volley Segrate! Well done Riccardo, you deserved it, all the best for your future! Here the announcement which officializes the transfer of Michal Baranowicz, too!
@strelec24 Yes, Mastrangelo will play in Fenerbahce!
French NT's spiker Guillaume Quesque from UC Volley Montpellier to Casa Modena, totally unexpected news!
@pikow Lukasz Kadziewicz is now free transfer. Contract with Modena expired at the end of last season.
Sorry for the double post, Czech press wants Michal Rak going from Vibo Valentia to Verona and Stefano Patriarca from Verona to Latina.
Maybe somebody who understands czech could confirm that as google translates "Valentia" with "Valencia" ,not exactly the same thing, so I may be wrong ?
Yes I heard about Kooy being in negotiation with SKRA too, when our team hadn't this very young structure yet.
Sure It's a real bet: If won, the team has really great potential and if lost we definitely cannot do worse than the last end of season, so better anyway ?
@Joachim7 We hope so here ?
As of 12/06/19
Out players: Angel Dennis, Mikko Esko, Viktor Yosifov, Matt Anderson, Cristian Casoli,Matteo Martino
In players: Michal Baranowicz, Sam Deroo, Gundars Celitans (almost sure)
Back from loan: Jakub Vesely, Bram Vd Dries (maybe)
Stay: Andrea Sala, Marco Piscopo, Loris Manià, Dick Kooy
Unconfirmed: Bertrand Carletti, Giacomo Bellei, Luca Catellani, Lukasz Kadziewicz.

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