Contestant #1: Who is HCLT?

2012-01-28 • 5222 views • 32 replies
Why is he so popular?
What does hclt stand for?
In the "year in review", why did everybody celebrate his return from Brazil?


tysia 579 11
12 years ago
He's our guru hehe: D
we're in his gang: D
Roninho 758 13
12 years ago
HCLT is the most popular bot on this site. He is not human. He does not like Internet trolls, polish kids and Matey's freaks. He does not like people. Maybe just me, Zyta, Pearl. You do not start conversations with him because you never finish it.
Sllaveq 790 10
12 years ago
Who is HCLT? The mistery of the day.. ahah ? Wilfredo, go play volleyball, don't make stupid "discussions"..
NightFox 1457 14
12 years ago
FTW, I'm going to commit a suicide ...
RevanExtasis 746 11
12 years ago
12 years ago
HCLT (High Capacity Lumber Tester) aka brazilian kids half-god. nothing more?
Zyta 1332 11
12 years ago
Haahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Just when I thought Wildredo_is_Marshall can't surprise me with any topic...
Wilfredo_is_MarshallAuthor 4186 20
12 years ago
making weird discussions is what i do. I was just wondering why he was so popular? (I thought hewas some proffesional vball player)
ZRE 43 3
12 years ago
raylight 3006 15
12 years ago
HCLT is new type of hybrid intelligence machine between human and robot, designed by Stanislaw Lem
ZRE 43 3
12 years ago
Ok, I'll write smth here... I was a Polaco kid before I met Henrique last year in Gdansk. He improved my vball knowledge, giving me some tips. He's a kind of volleyball genius, like Bernardo or Velasco. He should be a coach of some team, for example Bulgarian NT. I left the stage of being a Polaco kid thanks to him. Thank you, Henrique! ?
saku 1032 9
12 years ago
Zyta, i wanted to write exactly the same ? maby you dont know Wilfredo, but he is our god, 3 yeras ago HCLT founded church of volleyabll and our discusions are prayerr to him, thast the only truth
Zyta 1332 11
12 years ago

Good example. Bulgarian NT will definitely need a new coach after London (hope we get there), so we may as well think about some kind of an offer that can not be rejected by Henrique. I am not kidding

Sorry but that job is taken already by me.
Zyta 1332 11
12 years ago

Zyta, I am so sorry to hurt your feelings (Bulgarians are painfully straightforward), but we will not settle with anything less than the best,

did you think the same when you change Prandi for Rado? ?
Zyta 1332 11
12 years ago

Yeah, yeah, I lost my faith and respect for Rado too with his recent interviews

share with us, my dear!

What he did exactly with Plamen? I thought he just did not call him.
marchst 244 2
12 years ago
Bulgaria agrees to take a full-time coach.
needs to grow and find some players.
A worthy of the name setter and a second Spiker.
Bulgaria has 2 excellent opposites, good central, libero ok and Matey ,then little
a long work on some players may be the solution and Rarely did time until train Trentino.
Zyta 1332 11
12 years ago
Great example is Argentina. They are working with Weber since when? 2009? Earlier? Anyway they starting see results now, at least after few years, young Quiroga in one interview said about Weber "I think that if he keeps doing all the work as he has been doing it, an olympic medal will come at Brazil 2016 for sure."
See it? 2016! Not now, not London, not even WC 2014, but they think about next olympics. And not about only gold. About medal. They understand it takes time and they are ready to wait and work all that time.
Wilfredo_is_MarshallAuthor 4186 20
12 years ago
How does he know so much about vball? Is he a famous coach?
Berny 606 6
12 years ago
Willie, famous coach wont have free time to write here so long comments ?
raylight 3006 15
12 years ago
Don't worry, Henrique will be coach, Zyta, motivator and I will replace Dancho Lazarov and will bring science to the management of volleyball in Bulgaria ?)
raylight 3006 15
12 years ago
I gave you plus for your sincerity
raylight 3006 15
12 years ago
Do you think I look so seriously on this subject to care who wants to be my friend and who doesn't in this site? I was showing friendly attitude towards you with a little joke added, nothing more. Not that I want to offend you but I already have my special one and she is not Henrique ?
Zyta 1332 11
12 years ago

Don't worry, Henrique will be coach, Zyta, motivator and I will replace Dancho Lazarov and will bring science to the management of volleyball in Bulgaria ?)

for God's sake, never ever! ?
Joel2718 426 7
12 years ago
Zyta, what do you Henrique would do wrong as a coach? ?
Joel2718 426 7
12 years ago
I think Henrique has no job because he spends too much time here. He's probably a homeless bum that begs for money on the street so he can pay his internet bill as he wanders around with his laptop, trolling all the volleyball forums.
Zyta 1332 11
12 years ago

Zyta, what do you Henrique would do wrong as a coach? ?

I don't wanna be another woman who actually manages everything but agree with official version of him being "a king" ?
Wilfredo_is_MarshallAuthor 4186 20
12 years ago
@Berny Nice nick-name (Willie)

How does HCLT know soooo much? He probably attends every vball match! HCLT do you also play volleyball? If he is not a coach or player, i think he was a former player.
Zyta 1332 11
12 years ago
He is just fan who not only watch vball but SEES and UNDERSTAND vball. Which you have to learn still.
Wilfredo_is_MarshallAuthor 4186 20
12 years ago
hahaha, good one Zyta. But i do not want to but a spectator, I want to be a player. You will get nowhere in life if you go to every single match and know everything about volleyball. What i mean is you won't get any money as a spectator, but if you are a player you can get paid.
Zyta 1332 11
12 years ago
Only if you think about get some money in vball, I don't need it, I have different profession, so for me volleyball is just sport I watch.
Wilfredo_is_MarshallAuthor 4186 20
12 years ago
ok ok ur right. People should play for the love, not the money.
Wilfredo_is_MarshallAuthor 4186 20
12 years ago
(watz ur uder proffession) < secret message ?
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