2011-12-17 • 2901 vues • 8 replies
Since I do not watch Polish league volleyball i am not very familiar with it. Can somebody explain it to me? Who are the best teams? What good players play for them? How does the polish league not interfere with the cev? Thank you!
NXT 241 3
il y a 12 ans
Well... For last few years SKRA Bełchatów absolutely dominated Polish league (wasn't hard with Wlazły, Pliński, Możdżonek, Kurek, Falasca, Antiga etc... ?) Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Rzeszów and Jastrzębski Węgiel are very strong teams aswell. Players... Well almost every player from our NT plays in Plus Liga (Jarosz and Żygadło are in serie A - someone else probably too ?). And famous/good (more or less) players (I won't mention guys from Poland) are: Grozer, Lasko, Bontje, Kooistra, Antiga, Oivannen, Holmes, Cupkovic, Atanasijevic, Tihacek, Falasca, Samica, Gladyr, Pujol and... some more which I just can't remember now ?
Wilfredo_is_MarshallAuthor 4186 20
il y a 12 ans
Wow thank you for the great information!
Wilfredo_is_MarshallAuthor 4186 20
il y a 12 ans
Do you know where I can watch the recordings of the matches?
Btw, when did the season start and when does it end?
Do the stop the polish league during cev leauge?
Wilfredo_is_MarshallAuthor 4186 20
il y a 12 ans
pearl 1003 11
il y a 12 ans
Maybe some Polish friends could record something and try to upload somewhere ?
NXT 241 3
il y a 12 ans
I have no idea where you can watch records ?
Roninho 758 13
il y a 12 ans
Here you have the last game Jastrzebski Wegiell - Resovia Rzeszow.
You need to register. You press the red lettering.

il y a 12 ans
the best team in polish lig is Zaksa Kędzierzyn-Kożle and Skra Bełchatów{be me}?
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