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Murilo Endres (2nd movie) il y a 13 ans +1
@ Koles>> okay my friend, I'm for sorry my bad reading english. Thanks for the clarification and cheers from Chile.
Murilo Endres (2nd movie) il y a 13 ans +1
@Koles>> I'm not sure if I understood your posting. Did you post Murilo is the last expressive player in Brazilian team? I do not know if you know but playing for Trentino Vissotto was Champions League x2 (elected MVP in one of it), Fivb World Club Champion, Italian cup champ, WL09 champion, WGCCP09 champion, Junior & Boys World Championship champion. If you look at Lucas Saatkamp, Bruno Rezende, Maurício Silva (spiker) you will found great players too. Maurício was MVP of last Junior World Championships 2009 playing agaisnt Cuba (with Leon Wilfredo and Rolando Cepeda on the court), Brazil won per 4th time Junior World Championship. So, if I understood your comment I must disagree of you, Brazil still has impressive players formed on early divisions of volleyball. Probably we will not see them wining all kind of tournments as did generation of Giba, Sérgio, Dante, Ricardo, and so on. For me Simon Roberlandy will be MVP of WL'10.
Poland - Brazil (Highlights) il y a 13 ans +1
RenanZ: wise comments. Also I think your comments are valids also for me and you. Maybe we should use the translator to post comments in Polish or Italian or (why not?) in Russian? :) For me I could easily post in Spanish or in Portuguese. For more than once I read comment made by Polishes in Portuguese or Spanish. So, why do not try post in Polish? Cheers from Chile.
Poland - Brazil (Highlights) il y a 13 ans +1
@InivaridU: good Portuguese, even for me Chilean I could understand everything you wrote about Sergio. The translator you used is good, very good! Keep continuing use it! :)
Poland - Brazil (Highlights) il y a 13 ans +2
In my opinion the best ever Brazilian team was in court in OG2004 and WC2006. In these championship to watch Brazilian team playing was very impressive. I believe in 2007 they started to present bad moments, as in WL final round in match against Bulgaria [Bulgaria - Brazil (3:0)]. But, of course, they still played better than their opponents.
Cuba - Poland (Highlights) il y a 13 ans +2
@camnow>> i'm not sure about that. For me we should wait for final round and also for groups drawing: Group 01: TBD TBD TBD Group 02: TBD TBD TBD Source: FIVB website
Brazil - USA (SET5) il y a 14 ans 0
Yep RenanZ, it was you wrote. It seems Samuel's injury was much worse than himself believed. Sometimes players stopping to play professionally for that reason. Hopeful he recovers its shape.
Brazil - USA (SET5) il y a 14 ans 0
RenanZ>> Rectifying your info, Samuel played for Belgorod and Alan played for Dynamo Moscow, not Mario Jr.
Paweł Rusek il y a 14 ans 0
Oops my mistake, I meant Jump Around, not Jump Aroung.
Paweł Rusek il y a 14 ans 0
Good action of libero, but the best part of the video was the song. By the way I'd like to suggest Jump Aroung song - Limp Bizkit - as a song for any video. Unfortunatelly I don't know how to make a movie to post here. So, if someone more likes this song, maybe will be nice. Thanks.
I believe that the stregnth of brazilian team is the team spirit. For sure, there are lots of qualities and also discipline in the brazilian players, but for me the team spirit is the most striking feature. I do have no seen individual vanity in the players, and when some player seems to be too much vain it is removed of national team (as setter Ricardo was).
Hey guys, permit me clarify my ideas. I agree with all of you, this young Cuban team is good, very good. I just additionally think they need to improve a little bit more in terms of game mentality, and mainly, in terms of tactics aspects. I wouldn't get surprised if they win WC'10, but I still think they need something more to capture hegemony of world volleyball. Cheers!
Saku: yes, I did. Did you see the match against Brazil? I did. Brazilian team started the game by changing the service from jump forced service to float service and the cubans lost the game. Also Cubans insisted in to force service and as the jump strong cuban service failed (because Brazilian reception was great), they got lost inside the court. Neither the cuban coach could help his team because he was not tactically prepared to that kind of Brazilian response. Maybe you are confunding cuban 4th place with tactics and strategy.
Very impressive player. I got happy when he came back to the game. Go Wlazly!
To Michal & Saku: I'm not sure about the guaranteed Cuban World Championship if all the players could play for Cuba National Team. Volleyball is much more than jumps, energy and hits. Cubans should improve a lot in terms of tactics, game strategy, winner mentality if they want to wn. They have the famous hot latin blood and frequently this mess up much more than is helpful. Without improve on these aspects, I believe even a cuban team with all stars, by using only their powerfull and energetic game, would not ensure their wins over others important national teams. Besides their great players, I trust in US, Brazilian and Italian teams because they have winner mentality, game strategy and tactical knowledge inside the court.
Nobody can deny that the video was made in the style super passionate Italian!
Poland - USSR (short cut) il y a 14 ans +5
matihacoaj: jump service was launched or invented by brazilian players such as Renan dal Zotto, José Montanaro Jr, and William Carvalho da Silva early 80's years. If you search in Youtube the final match of WCH in 1982 (Brazil x USSR --> 0:3) or the final match of the Olympics games in 1984 (Brazil x USA --> 0:3) you will see these brazilian players serving by jump service and Sovietics (1982) or Americans (1984) serving by standing float serve. Also were the brazilians setters that speed up the volleyball game. First with Maurício Camargo Lima setter (I knew him) and after with Ricardo Garcia (as known as Ricardinho). I learned that because I worked with volleyball in Brazil in middle of 90's and I returned to Chile 10 years ago to teach volleyball in my country (in Concepción).
Yep, Polishes have lots of tradition in organization of volleyball champs. Certainly it will be a great tournament... and probably Brazil will capture it!
Cuba in World League 2009 il y a 14 ans 0
This cuban team needs much more than high jumps and powerful spikes to win. Whose understand spoken spanish language can hear after every stop in match (as, for instance, TTO - technical time-out) when Cuba is losing the set or the match, we hear on TV audio cubans players and coach saying (translated to English): "let's go guys", "let's do it", "let's go". Not a single technical or strategical analysis regarding the cuban's opponent is done and presented to the players. For me, as cubans players in national team do not play in important clubs and neither in important leagues, they cannot understand the importance of game analysis. In the match Cuba x Brazil, Bernardo told to the players to serve using floating service instead of jump service, and this worked, Cubans got lost inside the court! So, they need to change that latin philosophy if they want win now on. I'm latin too, I know as dificult is to change mentality... but last years Brazil (other country with latin origin) showed us this is possible!
Leandro Vissotto (2nd movie) il y a 14 ans +1
Yes, you did. My eyes can deceive me all the time, I know that, but based only on them normally I do not express any comments regarding to people that I personally unknow.

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