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Yeeee now that I have the semifinal tickets in my hands I can officially say: I'll be there ?DD

I can't wait!!! (How many times did I say that? ?)
@HLCT, I agree, and I also think that a TV doesn't used to trasmitt volleyball probably doesn't have people qualificated enough to performe this system... Unless Polsat will offer his guys, I don't think it will happen, but I honestly hope for it ?
First thought: Of course Italy ?

Second tought: Oh, damn, we are not even qualificated yet! ?

ps unfortunally I sucks in making prediction!
Champions League 2011/2012 il y a 12 ans 0
So, it isn't possible to check the block touch?! Savani will hate that!! ?

BTW, is there the chance that for the f4 there will be more than 5 sec, considering it will be the first time at least for 2 team?
About Lucky, I think that technically his comment is great, he said very interesting thing, and I like how he seems to be in the court with the players. I read of people coplaining about him being partial, but I do think that he is only partial for the good vball, for well-done actions, for the characters.
On the other hands, sometimes his jokes are cute, but often :S
Italian Cup 2012 Trailer il y a 12 ans 0
I can't wait!! :D And since the last two final in Palalottomatica ended clearly 3:0, I hope this time it will be a thrilling 3-2 final!! :D Even if we say "there isn't 2 without 3", I hope this isn't the case! ;)
I was impressed when they won vs Macerata, but I agree with Kjeldhor, it was time for them to start playing like they can.
Ovviamente mi riferivo agli ultimi anni, non sapevo da quanto seguiste la squadra ?

@marchst: pensavo fosse la Rai a proporre! Poi è il secondo anno di fila che capita, ma l'anno scorso era al Flaminio, che pur essendo accanto al Palazzetto è molto più piccolo (quindi c'era molto meno casino), e poi giocavamo contro Cuneo, e a quanto pare Mastro a Roma può riempire mezzo palazzetto da solo...
Italian Team Rankings il y a 12 ans 0
Me too, and he also scared me xD

BTW, I had no clue there is an English version!
If you wanna see the snow in Rome you have to be really fast because it last 24 hours xD
"poi se si gioca bene ma l'avversario dimostra di meritare di più va bene anche la sconfitta ,altrimenti che nervoso"

Credimi, tu che sei trentino non hai idea di cosa voglia dire guardare la propria squadra perdere giocando male ?
Ti dico solo che le ultime partite che ho visto al PalaTiziano sono state quelle contro Piacenza, Padova e San Giustino!!

"PalaTiziano almost completely empty"
Ieri c'era poca gente perchè la partita non era contro una big, perchè a Roma fanno due fiocchi e pare che sia l'era glaciale e immagino anche per via del 6 nazioni. Pessima pessima pessima pessima idea anticipare la partita dell'MRoma, 'tacci della Rai, ci ho messo un secolo a tornare a casa ed ho camminato più di un'ora! Il tram che passa davanti al Palatiziano e che porta alla metro è lo stesso che viene usato per raggiungere la metro dall'Olimpico. E se il tram era stracolmo, la metro era semplicemnete inarreviabile O.O Mai vista così piena, nemmeno al funerale del Papa oh!!

"ask to Sabbi how much good is Boninfante for example"
But don't ask to me because I'll start sayng not nice words ?
And I used to like him last year, hoe naive I was, damn.

"killer instinct of profiting of any play when opponent don't get the point the first time"
I agree, this is the most impressive skill of Trento, not wasting chance. And committing very very few mistake (but still risking!!)

"I immagine.. that was happened in the final match last year... third set against Cuneo.... 9-25 ?"
ahahahahaha xD

ps good luck for the exam Kjeldhor!

BTW, you have to visit Rome too. Absolutly!!! ?
Macerata, are you kidding me??!! hahahah unbelivable!
Touch the sky il y a 12 ans +1
Exactly like I do!!!

On a tennis net ?
Net Rule il y a 12 ans +1
Well, as far as I now...
If you touch the white part at the top of the net it is always fault.
If you touch the black part or the white part at the bottom it is fault if you're annoying the game (extreme e.g.: your teammate is spiking and you pull the net down).
About the line under the net, it is always fault if you cross it completly with your foot, but it isn't fault if you did it with part of the foot (= if the foot is still in contact with the line) or with the other part of the body (e.g. knees, hands), unless you are bothering the game doing that (e.g: you step on opponent's blocker feet). Of course you can't save a ball sended under the net if it goes completly in the opponents court (but if the ball is partially in your court, you're allowed to put the hand in the other court to save it, I think)

Champions League 2011/2012 il y a 12 ans +1
At least now we are sure that we will have a team in the final 4, thanks to Trento and Villa Cortese ?

BTW, great new, I read that they'll use The "challenge system" (is it the right name) for the final4! Each team can ask twice a set to check with the tv the decision of the referees, and if they'll be right they still keep the 2 opportunities.
Now I'm really glad they choose Poland ?
And, I realized it now, also because Polsat rocks and it is always a pleasure to enjoy the slow motion ?
CEV Cup - 2011/2012 Final il y a 12 ans 0
I agree!

In Italy last year they only trasmitted the finals... Or may be also the the semifinals...
But that was it, and they did it only because there was an Italian Club (the same with the Challenge Cup finals, that thanks to Modena won't see any italian Club protagonist this season >__<)

BTW, go Monza ?

BTW, so far Macerata played two in-out matches, and won both: one in straight sets vs Roma, with an almost perfect performance, and the other one yesterday, with an amazing proove of character.
That means that in this troubled period they're facing, started with the loss vs Novosibirsk, Macerata won only 2 matches over 7 played, but the most important 2 ?
Well, the one vs Trento was very important to keep the first place, but it was still less important than the other two imo?

@phoenix, if you like to watch it you'll find it on laola, there is a whole channel for the CL (both men and women CL) with all the full matches of the play off and most of the matches of the pools?

@Kjeldhor, I've seen it ? ! Actually his expression was different than I expected! He rised his arms in the middle of the court, in silence (ot so it seemed to me), and then I guess he was so tired that he could barely simled ? Or he still had to realized that THEY DID IT!

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