Données de l'utilisateur

1339 ( 7)
Kosów Lacki
Date de naissance
Points de classement
Vues de profil
Dernière activité
il y a 6 ans


We have new rumors from Zaksa, president of the team told, that team will stronger next year.
Srecko Lisinac propably in Trento or Lube next season
crespito, u read too much... Leon will play in poland next year. He go to russia next year.
Why he doesnt play in plusliga??? He is so much better than Koy from zaksa.
Jakub Jarosz il y a 11 ans 0
rbk17 ma trochę rację:( Pamiętam mecze w zaksie z przed 4 lat, kiedy to grał na skuteczności 65%... Miejmy nadzieje, że wtym sezonie będzie grał jak w meczach o 3 miejsce z Argentyną w LŚ, czy z Rosją w ME.
Baranowicz in my opinion its not good setter. He can't be a 1st setter in macerata.
he look like Kurek a few years ago...
Who know why Nicolas Marechal got polish citizens??? Someone from his family comes from Poland?
Facundo Conte ‏@FacuConte7 16 kwi

I would like to play in PlusLiga! We'll not depends only on me!

Resovia???????? ZAKSA????
O belino! il y a 11 ans 0
Konstantinow całą kariere fajki palił i nikomu to nie przeszkadało...
I'm proud when i watching this movie. In my opinion he presents the same level like Dante...
In my opinion the best is russian, second italian and third is polish. In the Turky is one of the best woman league.
Antiga it's world class player. It's history french and polish volleyball.
I'm proud that this big volleyball player is playing in the one of polish teams...
in my opinion he should play in brasilian national team
Valerio Vermiglio in kitchen il y a 11 ans +1
Wygląda na to, że wie o czym mówi...
Kadziewicz is the best in this movie
2012 BEST PLAYERS AWARDS il y a 11 ans 0
Setter: De Cecco (Zagumny)
Receiver: Kurek, Juantorena (Ngapeth, Kaziysky)
Middle: Muserski, Nowakowski (Volkov, Djuric)
Opposite:Bartman ( agamez)
Libero: Ignaczak (Sergio)
Michal Masny is the best!!!
41 points!!! WOW

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