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il y a 8 ans


Very good highlights. I liked it altough I think I'd prefer the actions to be mixed not divided to show certain elements of play, especially those fine sets lacked the finishing of a spikes.
i really like this coach :)
Such defenses are spirit of volleyball, I love it. And who got caught on the single block? Rouzier...
@hanus: Skra couldn't find a player to replace Kurek and Nawrocki wanted to continue the playstyle with one strong offensive receiver and one strong defensive receiver. Unfortunately Mariusz couldn't adapt to this position.
My love to volleyball started with him, earlier I thought about volleyball as a regular sport but in 2005 Mariusz showed those extraordinary physical conditions and great technique that is the heart of volleyball. Coupled with Zagumny in national team, aswell as other very talented players from 2005-2008 period it was a delight to watch their play. I wish he would comeback to this great shape and to NT on WCH but at the moment he isn't as good as he was. Less technique and ferocity in his plays which make him less efficient from high balls.
We'll see what will come of that: Juantorena, Simon, Leon, Leal etc. looks very impressive.
Extremely spectacular player, when he has a day he is a force of nature that bombards enemies with 120> km/h serve and brutal attacks.
Yeah, we'll see about him. I think he has a potential, balanced player in every aspect, in every playoff match with Resovia he made more than 20 points and got the most balls from the setter than any other player on court. Good serve, good technique, cold-headed, only thing that could make him stand out is bigger replayability in his plays.
@dorda90v send your CV to Polsat, or mail them your best videos, you may never know maybe they will hire you :) Actually chrison you should write to them too, maybe Polsat will give some patronage over this site.
I know Veres paused for quite some time last season, does somebody from Russia know his current medical state?

Anyway if he will get back on his level than this transfer really pleases me ?
Yes, especially when it's a singular block it's one of the most interesting volleyball plays ;)
Specjalnie szukałem ale jakimś cudem nie znalazłem wpisu użytkownika, a w tamtym czasie jeszcze nie było Włodarczyka na liście ? a po Polsku napisałem bo odnoszę się do Polskiej kwestii i do naszych pobratymców, którzy lepiej odpowiedzą na to pytanie.
Wojciech Włodarczyk w Skrze
Ciekawe czemu Skra jeszcze nic nie ogłosiła odnośnie Conte, czyżby coś poszło nie tak? ? To by mnie bardo zmartwiło ale jednak niepokojąca zwłoka.
Awesome, I'm glad Skra made some reasonable transfers this year. Shame Atanasijevic will play in Italy but it was either him or Wlazly.

Cupkovic would be good for Olsztyn, as a starter and without some heavy pressure he might show more than in Skra.
@HCLT don't you think Felipe might have improved a bit after last time you saw him? Cause after what I saw he could be a great sub for someone like Dante, but not so for Murilo as Lipe's receiving isn't that good.
@Andrut if Winiarski and Wlazly/Atanasijevic stays than I'm confident that Skra will be strong and it would be a team with potetnial to win Gold in Polish League. And it will suffice for next season as they won't be playing in Champions League. But I must add that it really depends on the subs as Antiga won;t play whole season on the highest level.
PlusLiga 2012/2013 Final il y a 11 ans +1
@John17 Rouzier was actually good up until Final Four, after that he cracked and played very miserably. Somewhere I read that he struggles with personal issues but either way he shouldn't play this crappy in finals.
I know about half of names. What's your prediction for starting six Joachim7?

And I have a question, why Wout Wijsmans isn't playing for the national team?
Brazil - USA (Highlights) il y a 11 ans 0
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