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High level volleyball from both sides; Very impressive game by Henno /reception and defense/, Juric, Raphael /serve and attack :D/, Zaytsev /what a serve! Spikiing technique on max too/ and Kaziyski / who is doing more serious work from the back row lately to add to his beast qualities/. Juantorena and Parodi didn't show what they can, although for the first that still means good game. Stoychev did perfect tactics and it lasted two sets as usual, but this time Trentino adapted to the changes from Macerata and with a bit of luck won in four sets.
More like a lot of deadlifting
Volleyball - movies - connecting fans from all over the world
There were great rallies in this game!
Great, thanks, Kjeldhor!
Nice hit on 1:35
More aces to come in next years from float serves
Sokolov with 25 points in this match
So much spin on Wijsmans serve at 3:50!
Again great video :) Argentina - the team that makes Bulgarian players look retarded when playing against them
I wasn't ironic. Poland and Russia drive volley up lately- Poland with the interest of the public and Russia with money. This site is also an example for the passion for volleyball in Poland.
I was in a bus, rooted by Levski and CSKA hooligans in the 90s. They threw rocks in there. People fought with shovels on the streets - a few thousand man men and women. That's why I go rarely to football matches of Levski because hools are fools. P.S. The situation is different - in Bulgaria - Poland match there were no such fans there. You wouldn't get alive if there were such people. And in Poland you have them too. Every country has hools. The difference is that hools don't go to volleyball matches in other countries and the police works there. Our police is run by criminals. And these "Pastuchy" gave literacy to whole Eastern Europe and were civilised country long before Poland ever existed
One of the best videos from one of the best video makers :)
Kjeldhor, if you are not two levels above every other team you can get drowned with unfair and unbalanced draw.
Thank you, Kjeldhor :)
2012 BEST PLAYERS AWARDS il y a 11 ans +2
Kaziyski played insane for Bulgaria before dropping because of the federation
87% in attack :)
Kaziyski today with 13/15 with 1 error today
Don't change it, Marek is losing matches, better to stay with Hungarian flag ?

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