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I don't know what it is but I'm still having problems saving/replacing roster photos. I've tried 3 browsers including Safari which doesn't use any shit blocking extensions

https://women.volleybox.net/toyota-auto-body-queenseis-t2577/players 2021-22

just hangs and says 
“Some cookies are misusing the recommended “sameSite“ attribute”
"Loading failed for the <script> with source “https://static.cloudflareinsights.com/beacon.min.js”.

@CHN_HRQ_FAN She just signed with PFU Bluecats ? There's drama somewhere out there 

@avid yep … And it's weird that I was able to re-replace yours after not being able to just replace it before. Something odd about that Shin-ai one. Still can't put one there. 
Thank you very much for your time

@avid That Shin-ai 19-20 that was empty was empty because I had deleted the image that was there , btw

@avid hmm … something about replacing them. If you'd be so kind as to test another, try replacing Brilliant Aries 2021-22 with this one:


@avid here's a new wrinkle. I was able to add a new one to NIFS 2021-22

Still can't replace one. I even tried deleting the old one first. Would you see if you can add this photo to Shin-ai High School 19-20 ?


@avid thank you for testing. I run into this kinda nonsense from time to time

@avid the roster photos that go with yearly rosters. Wallpapers and profile pics are working fine

probably me and my browsers. tried all three, tho

It appears to have been a successful merge. Thank you

@avid bummer. Have you tried clean wiping again? 

I'm reaching the tournaments/leagues I wasn't getting yesterday. Looking good. I don't play prediction games so I can't speak to that

@avid I apparently jinxed myself. I've just run into a couple pages that haven't reached my awesome Time Zone ?

@avid maybe it just hasn't reached Central Time Zone yet. You guys are an hour behind the rest of the world ?

@avid  did it log you out when you cleared? If not, maybe it wasn't a clean wipe. Log out and in if you haven't

In case any others have the issue: I was having trouble getting to some pages here, like my profile for one. Everything just went to the homepage. Clearing cookies and site data seems to have fixed that

@Sherlock  That's cool. I hope it improves performance. This site has been painfully slow for me lately. Just switching from “Group A” to “Group B” on a match page takes 10-30 seconds , if it even works at all. I often have to reload the page to get rid of the bouncing logo and try again

Looks like a bookkeeping issue. The Captain must be away

"You are seeing this message because your domain is not added to your account.
Do it in the admin panel according to this guide: How to add a domain?
If the domain has been added and the message below appears on the website for more than 30 minutes, please contact us at …"

I don’t see it any where 

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