Why do you play volleyball?

2011-12-04 • 24241 megtekintés • 38 replies
Who inspired you to play?
Why do you play the sport?
How did you start playing volleyball?
When did you start playing?
What club do you play for?
Do you still play volleyball?

You do not have to answer all the questions. :) Why do you play volleyball?
Berny 606 6
12 évvel ezelőtt
1. My father.
2. I play only volleyball. Its my lifestyle.
3. My father was couch of my school. When I was in my first training, hm It wasnt surprise for me. This was my last too. I was 13. Next half year I took my shoot again and then I was really suprised. Then I began to train a lot of my free time, but no competition.
4. I was 13, but real at 14. No I am 26. I didnt play 2years only, because I was stupid and forgot on volley.
5. In gymnasium in my highschool (I visited 8 year highschool system). It is a small gym (height 6 m and short like volleyball court. So I learned quick volleyball here). To my 23 years I had problem with that, ofcourse only in some occassions like tournaments. But I was playing MB, so it fits me well.
6. I never have club, never playing competition. Only amateur level, but like I sad. I am amateur, but thinking and playing like proffesionall, because I was training like proffesional.
7. I am playing volleyball. I get better and better. My behaviour is better like before. I am not an asshole sometimes on court. I stopped arguing on court about fault or good ball. I am very motivated Maxims Mikhaylov game. I feel every minute of my life with volleyball. Maybe It will change, but what the hell, we live only once and if my health will be good, I will play volley on wheelchair.
Thanks dad, you got me to the volleyball, as you always wanted.
bitka 673 10
12 évvel ezelőtt
My aunt took me to my first live volleyball match when i was 11. i didn't exacly know what is it (i knew the rules only) but i felt the atmosphere (we won 3:2) and just loved it. from that moment firstly i started watching vball matches but it wasn't enough for me and that's why i statred to play "more professional" than just at school. i still play in local team with better and worse moments... ?

i like this topic. i'm curious how people from countries where volley is not popular become a real fans ?
Wilfredo_is_MarshallAuthor 4186 20
12 évvel ezelőtt
In the picture, are you playing in a club? (Berny)
To je zelo v globino odgovor (Berny)

I am also curious to read how people from countries where volley is not popular become a real fan.(bitka)
I love volleyball=Kocham siatkówkę (Google Translate)
Berny 606 6
12 évvel ezelőtt
No Wilfredo, i am amateur, so I play only amateur tournaments in my country in style called mix (4men 2women). 6men team does not exist here.

bitka, i have to be honest. If I was born In poland, i played already in 10 years ? Poland its just mekka of volleyball!!! not only fans. I am saying again and again. Too bad for me, that I wasnt born in Poland. (or Brazil, Italy, Russia and many countries, where have people respect to volleyball)
pearl 1003 11
12 évvel ezelőtt
Wilfredo: yes, he is ? Berny, you don't mind if I answer for you, do you amico mio? ?
Berny 606 6
12 évvel ezelőtt
You are amica mia ?
pearl 1003 11
12 évvel ezelőtt
I started playing in 1991 (and I was veeeery veeeeeeery young). I started 'cause I had watched on tv the final of World Championship 1990 (ITA-BRA 3-1). That was the first time I ever watched a volleyball match and I fell in love with it. so after a while i tried. I only played in small teams that partecipated to school tournaments and stuff like that. Nothing serious. I went on like that for about 4/5 years, then I realized that I wasn't good enough at it, and I quit. Do i have any regrets? Yes, sometimes I do ?
NightFox 1457 14
12 évvel ezelőtt
Here is my story.
Bulgarian team was very good and I watched them every match. Then when I was 11 years old I decided to test my "skills" at the nearest FOOTBALL field over the crossbar with my friend. We were playing for 2 hours and I loved the game.
At 12 years of age I started to train in our local club Lukoil (Neftohimik) where is Nikolay Nikolov from. I started to play as a middle blocker because of my height. At 14 my height was not enough to play at this position and I went receiver and that was the best choice in my "career". At 16 I was already in the Bulgarian NT team (16years old of course ?). Then I get the MVP reward and best receiver awards at our republic championship. Then I stopped to grow which was my sign "STOP" for a big career ... Till 18 years my leap increased but the guys around me became 195-205см and I was still 1.86 which was so frustrating for me, because my receiving was perfect almost every time, but I had difficulties at the block and attack.Me and one of my teammates won 3 beach volley tournaments, but I was no longer at the NT and i stopped training before 6 months. Now I'm playing just for fun, for my school and sometimes in some beach tournament ...
Berny 606 6
12 évvel ezelőtt
"Pearl?o i have any regrets? Yes, sometimes I do ? "
I have these regrets every time I see profi volleyball. Trust me, you are not alone here ? we have to support each other here
pearl 1003 11
12 évvel ezelőtt
Berny: You're right ?
Berny 606 6
12 évvel ezelőtt
NightFox - thanks for your story. Now you see, that height is not important and if someone is arguing that it is, so this man is for me a jerk.
At least enjoy your volleyball play for fun ? and you see this: For many people you are so important here, because you make excellent movies here. Thank you
NightFox 1457 14
12 évvel ezelőtt
Thank you for the good words Berny. Your story is fascinating too.
vosalito 5 1
12 évvel ezelőtt
Well It started all when I was 3 years old. My father who played in Czech Rep. 2league had offers to play in the 1 league, but decided to go to Luxembourg because of the better economie. I saw all his games I stood any minute in the Hall as he did. It fascinated me from the first time on I saw it. The I turned 14 and my father gave his OK that I can start training in a club. So I started in the local club in Luxembourg where my father was coach off the juniors Team. He was my first coach and taught me every thing. Then 2 years later I got an invitation to train with the national team of Luxembourg. Some months later I started with the first Team of the club. There I spent one year leaving afterwards to transfer to the biggest club in Luxembourg. Then last year I won the MVP titel of the Luxembourg League. And in one week we gonna play with my Club agains Modena in the challang cup compatition. I started to play because it is the only passion that my father and I can share and because I'M LOVING IT!!!
rtr 42 2
12 évvel ezelőtt
because it is smart and interesting game
saku 1032 9
12 évvel ezelőtt
NightFox, why you resigned? if you were such o good reciever why didnt you try to be libero?

1. when i was 12 i went to new school were may brother was playing volleyball so i started too ;p
2.its the best sport ever, the most "teamplay sport" ,you have to have very very big skills and train it for long years to bacome good player, not like in basketball or football. you have to be very efficient, fast, smart, have fast reflex adn need to make decisions in short part of cecond so intwo word this sport is very demanding
3. 4. answers above ?
5 i play amateur in my local leuages
6, I still play and i can t stop ? one week without volleyball and i become madness ?
Sllaveq 790 10
12 évvel ezelőtt
It seems I am the only basketball player here... I got the wrong place. I thought this is a basketball forum.. Shet! I'm screwed up! ?
NightFox 1457 14
12 évvel ezelőtt
saku - I focused all about my education which I think was the right choice and I tried the libero, but it was never enough for me. My passion was the attack and the serve, although they were at lower level than my receiving.
pearl 1003 11
12 évvel ezelőtt
@NightFox: "I focused all about my education which I think was the right choice"...mate, I made the same choice ?
Berny 606 6
12 évvel ezelőtt
Maybe I get started too ?)) finally in 26. Mates maybe its a good idea
kuba9426 441 7
12 évvel ezelőtt
Kk15 1301 11
12 évvel ezelőtt
1.My cousin ?
2. I tried it, and I felt in love! I had a moment I wanted to change sport, because my all my closest team mates wanted to stop (so, my team was going to desappeare) and because I felt like I wasn't improving anymore, but I was able to stay away just for one year ?
3.I had the chance to chose a sport because I finally got the permission (by my parents) to stop swimming (boring-.-) after two years (enough to learn all the styles, and bye bye!), and my cousin told me it was great, and I had a course in my elementary school - really close to my house - and there where few friends playing there... so it was the perfect choice!
4. 9 years old (mini volley, with the light yeellow plastic ball, 3 vs 3 in a 4x4 [or 3x3?]court)

I still play, but I always played only in low (often agonistic, but low) levels! Well actually in u14 we had a pretty strong team, but nothing like the u14 of the club of serieA!!
And I played in my schools team ? A perfect excuse to jump lessons ?

To make u understand, we have serie a1, serie a2, serie b1, serie b2 (nationals), serie c, serie d (regionals), and then the divisions (provincials): first, second, third. And I play in third, even if I have to say that the difference beetween the 3 divisions isn't that evident, I know players worst than me that are accepted in higher divisions, but honestly I don't feel like I can be in higher level, but like... they shouldn't play there xD
pearl 1003 11
12 évvel ezelőtt
@Kk15: okay...you play in a very low division! But you're STILL playing! You didn't quit as I did! so go on and enjoy it ?
Kk15 1301 11
12 évvel ezelőtt
don't worry I feel perfect where I am!! I'm not interested on the level, I'd like to be in the higher division only winning my championship ?
pearl 1003 11
12 évvel ezelőtt
@Kk15: brava ?
Berny 606 6
12 évvel ezelőtt
And everybody says: in Italy is not important volleyball ? everybody prefers football ?
pearl 1003 11
12 évvel ezelőtt
Berny: sad but true my friend... Italians mostly prefer football. ?
Kk15 1301 11
12 évvel ezelőtt
Football is the federetion with the highest number of tesserated (does this word exist xD?) in Italy, followed by volleyball, but 75% of volleyball tesserated in FIPAV are women ?
Berny 606 6
12 évvel ezelőtt
ok , but you have A,B, C, D series and others, we prefer football too, but we have only 3 (mens extraliga, 1.men and junior) you have a,b,c,d and the others, so both of our countries prefer football, but you have 1000% better conditions.
Wilfredo_is_MarshallAuthor 4186 20
12 évvel ezelőtt
@Kk15: Where to watch u15 of the club of serieA? I want to see their skill level.
Kk15 1301 11
12 évvel ezelőtt
u15 I guess nowhere....
I watched the finals of Junior league (it's u20...Lanza, 4th Trento spiker, was the MVP of the JL finals) I think on sportube, but honestly I've no idea where to look for an archieve...
Berny 606 6
12 évvel ezelőtt
Enjoy this site man.
Wilfredo_is_MarshallAuthor 4186 20
12 évvel ezelőtt
Hello Nightmare
NightFox 1457 14
12 évvel ezelőtt
JRios nice story ?
jrlechado 9 2
12 évvel ezelőtt
I play volleyball because I love the team I play for. They're my second family and I really love them all and I love when I block a people, it's fucking insane.
volley 15 1
12 évvel ezelőtt
i play volley because i love this soprt...i started last year but in this short time i play for u14 u16 and a little bit with u18
Fadhel Abbas 1513 14
12 évvel ezelőtt

Can not live without volleyball
It represents everything to me
KamilTM 73 1
12 évvel ezelőtt
Who inspired you to play? - brother
Why do you play the sport? - its my hobby
How did you start playing volleyball? - on clothes horse and hall in gymnasium
When did you start playing? - in gymnasium
Where?(optional) - on clothes horse and hall
What club do you play for? - any, but time ago i play for MUKS Wiking
Do you still play volleyball? - Sure ? for ever ?
Wilfredo_is_MarshallAuthor 4186 20
11 évvel ezelőtt
Do you still play ?
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