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II High School in Cracow
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Nagor's right, Dinamo broke it. I've read that they state that how they played and what they achieved (actually what they DIDNT achieve) during this season is Kurek's fault.
Some NOT confirmed news from fb:

-Bartman and Winiarski are leaving their clubs. Kurek is coming back to Poland ( ;o ).
-Nawrocki and Kooistra are leaving Skra.
-Winiarski has an offer from Fakiel.
-Antiga is coming back to Skra, and either Atanasijevic or Wlazly is staying.
-According to Gazeta Wyborcza Miguel Falasca is to be a new coach of Skra.
-Kovacevic is leaving Resovia.
-Resovia is interested in hiring players like Leon and Konarski.
-Jastrzebski Węgiel is interested hiring Wrona, Masny and Zniszczol.
PlusLiga 2012/2013 Final 11 évvel ezelőtt -2
see one match, judge the guy.
"take this, Ramos"
Felipe Fonteles (2nd movie) 11 évvel ezelőtt +2
It's like Giba's 325 :p
old or modern volleyball 11 évvel ezelőtt +2
Nah, you're not interesting in our opinions ?
Best actions: Italy - Argentina 11 évvel ezelőtt 0
Yeah, that pipe at 0:44 was HUGE. Where can i watch whole match?
2:02:44 didn't he step on the line?
Erm, i didnt watch the whole movie yet, just the beggining and the ending, so that's why im asking, is there a spike and serve competition included?
Imagine the joy of Zaytsev if he had done this to Juantorena and vice versa ?
Lucas Saatkamp as opposite hitter 11 évvel ezelőtt 0
Actually it's nothing new for them :)
hahahaha, Macerata in last action - synchro jumping :D
1. Poland
2. Russia
3. Italy
The CL Champion in 2013 11 évvel ezelőtt 0
Skra may be eliminated by Zaksa in 1/6.. I hope not, but Skra is playing very poorly now
1. Christian Savani
2. Maxim Mikhalov
3. Bartosz Kurek
Warsaw - Let's play together! 11 évvel ezelőtt 0
Przedostatni nie, wszyscy są przecież wtedy na obozach przygotowawczych..
Warsaw - Let's play together! 11 évvel ezelőtt 0
Renanz got a point.. ?
Khjeldhor is Savani gonna play in Rzeszow at 15.01? What's his condition?

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