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Sweden - USSR (SET5) 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
Pearl, perché tu stai confrontando i ragazzi di oggi con una delle migliori squadre di sempre. Sappiamo che non possiamo essere il migliore per tutto il tempo, ma sono nel modo giusto.
Sweden - USSR (SET5) 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
Pearl, la comparazione non è buona, ma sono sicuro che arriveranno giorni migliori. :-)
Sure, Pearl! If you look at the whole podium, those four teams were the big guys in Europe back then.
Sweden - USSR (SET5) 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
Quote (Pearl)
…that was the beginning of the "Generazione dei Fenomeni" era.

Una squadra italiana fantastica. Gli italiani sono veramente grandi, quella generazione era di fatto un fenomeno.
Pearl, since Yugoslavia and Netherlands won ECh only once in that period you mentioned, I’d say USSR and later Italy dominated. After failing in 1988 Seoul Olympics, we saw Italy rising in 1989 with that superb squad. Though USSR won ECh again in 1991, Italy was already the best European team (in the world, BTW).
Sweden - USSR (SET5) 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
Yeah Saku, great match! Sweden had developed an excellent team during the eighties, just like Italy, France, and Netherlands, but unfortunately the Swedes stopped investing in vball in the early nineties. BTW, back then Gustavsson was the highest paid player in the world, after signing a long-term contract with an Italian club. A really young Bela Hobor! This guy is considered by many the world’s best ref. Vatreni, thanks for uploading some good stuff.
Quote (Pearl)
Uhuh..my fav USA NT ever!!!

Mine too!
Quote (Pearl)
…all of them played in Italian teams (except for Ricci Luyties...or, at least, i have no recollection of him playing in Serie A

Don’t remember Luyties in Italy either. After Seoul Games, he played beach vball on the AVP Tour. Luyties was quite an obvious setter, Stork’s sub, and only had a little more court time in Seoul 1988 because the starter was returning from some injury – also because Japan wasn’t a threat. I have a copy of this match. The American block-defense wasn’t working well in the first set, but once USA woke-up the Japanese were easily defeated.

Using a combination of money and prestige, A1 has been attracting so many great players since late 70s – no other league is so strong. I have a friend who says, “Brazilians and Russians may try, can put together some rich and competitive teams, but their leagues will never have that charm only A1 offers”. I agree with him. Italian League is awesome!
Quote (Zyta)
I still don't understand how on earth Cameroon failed African Championships?!

Zyta, I was so frustrated with Team Cameroon’s absence. In fact, they were the only strong team missing at the World Cup, all the other relevant squads were there.
Quote (Harleym)
…the second thing you stated is kinda dumb, obviously the referee didn't whissle yet or it was a double.

Make sure you know what you’re talking about. That Volleymaster writes a lot of nonsense, but this time he was right. Back then you were allowed to quit after tossing the ball, being given a second attempt.
Igor Guillen 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
Harleym, are you that guy who saw a fantastic technique in some Cameroonian player that was just okay? LOL Igor plays for money? Really? I thought he had travelled to Bahrain just for fun... Do you have any idea how much they pay? I do. Take note, it’s less than any of those leagues aforementioned, but you probably thought he was scattering petrodollars. I know a guy that played there and also in Qatar, the pay wasn’t great. Yes, my brilliant forum colleague, it’s impossible to make a precise evaluation of all aspects of his game – dunno if you noticed, but the video lasts 3:36. However, considering the fact he plays in a very weak league, Igor wouldn’t make my list if I had a team (not quite a player). Too fast for you?
Paweł Zagumny (3rd movie) 12 évvel ezelőtt -4
He answered again, but no explanations this time, although he edited his post showing some weird insecurity. Hahahahaha I know you love me. ;-) See you around, dude. _________________________ Someone, I'll be nice to you guys. Stop the drama!
Paweł Zagumny (3rd movie) 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
@MasterOPuppets: For someone that was coming here once in a while, you seem quite attracted to this forum – lots of messages in 24 hours (lol). I love to see people like you pretending to be smart when you’re so predictable and insecure (“I should explain my nick”). Don’t get defensive again (“english isn't my main language”), STOP giving explanations to strangers, silly boy (“I don’t want anyone thinking I’m a headbanger”). I really liked that “don’t twist my words”. Classic! Hey, don’t hold a grudge, we already have enough crying around here. Next time focus on vball. See ya! ;-) @Zyta, Champion and Roninho: Don’t waste your time with these guys, let them cry. I can’t stand self-victimization. It’s just a forum, a player was criticized, that’s all. What a bunch of drama queens! @Tysia: ;-)
Paweł Zagumny (3rd movie) 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
Quote (MasterOPuppets)
I never attacked Zyta. Please quote me where i attacked her?

I believe you know the message was addressed to you and to that guy. You were unnecessarily ironic to a girl who had simply responded to you in a nice tone.
Quote (MasterOPuppets)
Why do you get so defensive when i was just making fun of your great english skills? After spending your whole life on pointless discussions i assumed you would master the English language.

Are you getting nervous because we noticed you don’t know what “linguistic” means or because someone else showed you’re trying to play dumb when you’re really dumb? Dude, English is probably the only language you speak and you made such a mistake trying to be funny. Well, you’re funny, in a ridiculous way.
Defensive? Look at this: “Try not to twist my words on this one.I'm not a metalhead and i don't care what you listen to its just a good song”. Hahahaha… Why are you getting so defensive? Loser!
Quote (MasterOPuppets)
Master of puppets - Metallica song. I would have expected from the "I'm brilliant" guy at least to know some simple stuff like that, but probably good music ain't your thing.

Hey doorknob, who said just because it’s a Metallica song it’s necessarily a good choice? “I’m gonna make an impression choosing some classic metal song title as my nick to sound cool”. Pathetic! The other option was “Moby Dick”, right? He probably has to google to get the joke.
Quote (MasterOPuppets)
Try not to twist my words on this one.I'm not a metalhead and i don't care what you listen to its just a good song.

Loved this one! “Please, Henrique, please… Don’t distort my words. I don’t want anyone thinking I’m a headbanger, but the name of that song was so cool… Please don’t punish me with brutality, don’t tell me you have a sophisticated music taste. Metallica is good stuff, I can send you some links”. ROFL
Man, you sounded so ridiculous.
Quote (MasterOPuppets)
Quote me where i got nervous and lost my temper?

I like when people tell others to quote them about something implicit. In one day you made more comments than you probably had in the last month. Need more? You’re obviously frustrated. BTW, finished your paper? If you spend too much time here you won’t finish, metalhead. Suddenly you got addicted to v-movies, quite obsessed with this guy. Poor headbanger…
Quote (MasterOPuppets)
Please tell us more how Zagumny and Zhekov suck since you are better.

Zhekov? Who’s talking about Zhekov? Are you nuts? Just because of that currency joke it doesn’t mean we’re discussing Zhekov. Poor kid, probably hit his head on the floor jumping from the stage… I have to play better than Zatko to say he sucks? You’re a real genius! Who let you out of your cage?

Hey man, you’re hilarious. “I'm not a… and i don't care…” Yeah, yeah, you’re not, you don’t care... Don’t get so defensive. Hahahaha

Get lost, metalhead!
Paweł Zagumny (3rd movie) 12 évvel ezelőtt -1
OK guys, don’t offend Zyta, she’s really nice. Attack Henrique, not Zyta. MasterOPuppets, you don’t need to lose your temper, Zyta was polite to you. Yeah dude, reading a sentence where a word was forgotten is not a big deal, especially for you who live or lived in an English speaking country – sometimes they forget words in books. Too bad someone that has just moved to UK had to explain to you. Oh, you got nervous because you tried to make fun of me, but I made you look stupid with your silly nickname and your attitude. BTW, forgetting a word is not a “linguistic mistake” – you’ve just made one. Finished your paper? Hurry up! Good luck, kiddo. Czilikid, pay attention: Zagumny is the best setter ever! Are you happy? Can you leave Zyta alone? I was never rude to you, so stop playing the victim, be a man. “Oh, Henrique criticized Guma”. Really? Did I offend you because of that? If you say you’re deeply offended, I’ll apologize, but you must promise to stop bugging Zyta. I’ll apologize in capital letters.
Paweł Zagumny (3rd movie) 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
MasterOPuppets, if only you had a cool nickname, something like “Wilfredo_is_Marshall”, “Simon_is_ Ilhosvany” or “Hierrezuelo_is_Diago”, I would help you, but no... Besides, I’ll be brilliant as usual and your teacher you’ll see something is wrong, since you probably never got a high grade. ;-) ___________________________ To the rest of the guys: Let’s wrap this up! NXT asked me for an autographed picture of me, I sent, he’s happy... Don’t be silly, guys, stop with this anger against your favourite Brazilian. Guma is a good setter, though I believe Fabian Drzyzga will do better.
Igor Guillen 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
Bitka, please read this again: “…from THE ACTIONS HERE HE SEEMS quite ordinary”. It means I can’t really evaluate this guy, but if you’re familiar with vball you’ll pay attention to some aspects and will see why he’s not quite a player. Besides, why some Brazilian player, having so many options, would go to a weaker league? Some options he had: Brazil, Argentina, Europe, Japan, South Korea, even the Rican league is stronger than that.
Paweł Zagumny (3rd movie) 12 évvel ezelőtt -4
Hey, look what I found! A video of NXT reaction after reading my replies... Poor boy!
Oh yeah, I can feel a lot of suffering coming from Poland. ROFL

Don’t forget to study to get smarter, my dear NXT. ;-)
Paweł Zagumny (3rd movie) 12 évvel ezelőtt -3
NXT, my dear, you should learn to read or maybe get the meaning of words. BTW, there are some heavier words written here. You’d better pay attention to some of your friends, once they already used such words and perhaps someone is watching. :-p I don’t remember begging, but there was always someone talking about me. Who are you? Rhetorical question, you don’t have to answer, I don’t care, it’s just to emphasize your irrelevance. Oh, one of your friends got banned and another one is pending, you’d better talk to them. As for me, since you seem to be a big fan (don’t cry because of that mock dialogue), I can just inform I left the forum and erased all my messages because I wanted – I know that makes people like you so mad. You can send a message to the moderator, since you seem so interested about me. Wanna a picture? lol You have an option: Ignore me. I simply ignore most of you. If you were smart, you’d have noticed I’m only talking to six or seven people here. When I open an exception, like today, is to give people like you the treatment you deserve, AFTER you talked to me. Another guy even tried to show you how biased and weak you are, but obviously you’re a lost case. ;-)
Paweł Zagumny (3rd movie) 12 évvel ezelőtt -3
Quote (Raylight)
That was the last message you (Henrique) will receive from me.

Why some people can’t keep their word? :-p
Paweł Zagumny (3rd movie) 12 évvel ezelőtt -5
Quote (Raylight)
I gotta get some attention from my idol Henrique.

Dude, can’t you just ignore me? I know you try desperately to be me, you even said that and got caught in the shoutbox. Time to stop! I know, I know, whenever I say to some loser to ignore me they feel despised and react with some insults, give me minuses… I don’t care. Go for that, bitch! ;-)
Quote (Raylight)
I like when Henrique kicks my ass. I can’t stand seeing him giving the same treatment to the Poles. I have to be the only one to get Henrique’s punches. I’m so jealous!

Bitch, you’re sick. Try a shrink, please.
Quote (Raylight)

I’m gonna puke…

Poor Raylight, he always tries, and always gets humiliated in the end. ROFL

Considering how often you get trashed by me and how frequent you return to get more, it’s easy to see who has some masochist feelings... You should be happy once Zyta made you a bitch earlier today.

I can feel a lot of suffering coming from Sofia. :-p

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