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Univercity of Economics
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4 évvel ezelőtt


Teodor Todorov 13 évvel ezelőtt +2
OK I will try . But it will get plenty of time so don't expect it soon :D . Can u help me with the name of this video because it will be hard to figure somethink on my own :D
Teodor Todorov 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
Yeah, but that is unofficially :) , officially he is 365 :D
Teodor Todorov 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
Any other requests for videos ?
Teodor Todorov 13 évvel ezelőtt +1
Yeah , probebly he'll never be "Mr Olympia" but he has a great future :)
Can u tell me the name of the song ?
Volleyball humor 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
Henrique - he was even fatter ?
Rodrigao in Ziraat Bank
Yeah Michal u are right, but that's somethink you can't control it :D
Yeah this pipe is the hardest hit I've ever seen :D:D:D
Osmany Juantorena vs Bre Banca Cuneo 13 évvel ezelőtt +3
Better server phah ... if Matey wants an ace he'll get it . He was playing just like Juantorena when he was young putting all of his power in every atack and serve , but it's useless if u can win without it ! Juantorena will see that he'll not be healthy enoght if he countinues that way ... Kaziyski found this early in his career and that's make him complete player . In spiking equal hmm ... not realy no - Matey beats him with better technick . For the reception yes Juantorena is better .
Revan it's funny if u think that Juantorena is better than Kazyiski ... Both are great and they are my favourite players , but Kaziyski is complete player ... Osmany still isn't
Valentin Bratoev 4th meter spike 13 évvel ezelőtt +1
It's very hard to make a call becasue, if the ball is in our half of the court it's our point because they are interfering with the set like Joel said ... and I think the refferee didn't want to make a such important decision, so he let the play go ...
Philip Maiyo 13 évvel ezelőtt +1
Philip Maiyo - 83 kg !
Philip Maiyo 13 évvel ezelőtt +4
give me 4 days ;)
Philip Maiyo 13 évvel ezelőtt +1
I'm glad that u like the video . I'll countinue making videos about players :)
Matey Kaziyski (3rd movie) 13 évvel ezelőtt +2
I'm agree with u Michal and I have to say, that he is a great setter too. When he was young till 18 years he was playing as setter. And the coaches had to make very hard choice for his position, but finaly we see that they had made the right one :)
Matey Kaziyski (3rd movie) 13 évvel ezelőtt +3
Very good choice for the song - This bulgarian violinist is a real master !
Matey Kaziyski (3rd movie) 13 évvel ezelőtt +4
Congatulations ... fantastic video . Awesome player , unique style and I can't discribe how much I'm impressed of this video ;)
Music to movie about Matey 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
when will you release the video ?
Osmany Juantorena vs Bre Banca Cuneo 13 évvel ezelőtt +2
the name must be - juantorena and kaziyski vs cuneo :)

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