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São Paulo
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7 évvel ezelőtt


Semyon Poltavskiy 14 évvel ezelőtt -3
Believe me. That EWye lokk cost him much. !!!
Yeah. Over used song. But still great one. !!!
Oh man....Already said that, but... I Love the Italian League! But I'm surprise to see that Cuneo beat Trentino...
Semyon Poltavskiy 14 évvel ezelőtt +1
Nice player... But I can't forget... That eye on eye moment in 2:17 wasn't a good idea !!!
great teams !!
Ehhh Rachel Este é o preço que se paga por um campeonato tão forte. No Brasil, era o inverso. Por melhor que fosse nossa Superliga, não era comparável ao nível da seleção, tanto no feminino quanto no masculino. PS:, Qual comentário ????
A Titnas battle !!! And also, I totally agree with Rachel. Even than I rather the Italian League !!
Pierre Pujol (2nd movie) 14 évvel ezelőtt 0
Nice... Great Setter... I believe that 2006 was the best Year for him !!!
Paweł Rusek 14 évvel ezelőtt 0
A Libero video..?!?!? What a unnusual thing to see.. Nevertheless. Excellent job !!!
EHhahahehaehahehaehaehehaa I laugh my self up.... It is even more funny because all of we already did that kind of thing too!!!
Resovia Rzeszów return the game 14 évvel ezelőtt +1
Nice recovery............. That's the spirit !!!
Benjamin Hardy 14 évvel ezelőtt 0
great.. !!
Patryk Czarnowski 14 évvel ezelőtt +2
Oh my gosh,... This guy takes his chest over the net !!!!!! That's why i think the FIVB will soon raise the minimum NET height !!!!
Polish League 2009/10 Highlights 14 évvel ezelőtt 0
7:07.....the best scene in the movie !!!!
Osmany Juantorena (2nd movie) 14 évvel ezelőtt +3
great player, he do deserve to play in the Cuban National Team. But to be honest, I would not like to face his team in a decesive match !!!!
Greek League 2009/10 Highlights 14 évvel ezelőtt +2
Nice one. Another League that have a tremendous potential to grow. And also, I think that Agamez is th strongest player in the Greek League !!!
JRios.... Yes, this team spirit is our best quality, and it has no secret on that. This caracteristc was introduced by the most qualified coach in whole world, Bernardo Resende, and are still efective What every single player must know that play for the National Team is more than an oportunity, it's an duty, and have its responsabilities. Vanity is something that should be avoided in all sports.
Polish League 2009/10 Highlights 14 évvel ezelőtt +1
BEAUTIFULL................ Pretty nice, great songs and shots !!! POLISH League is getting stronger every day !!
Whoa....What a miss from the referee....And it happen in front of him !!
Patryk Czarnowski 3rd meter spike 14 évvel ezelőtt 0
ahhha Straight down !!

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