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Sofian University
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Bulgarian volleyball (4th movie) 11 évvel ezelőtt +1
Oф.. мъчно ми става като го гледам тоя клип..
Volleyball in The Olympics 2012 11 évvel ezelőtt +3
Well master, he had great games in French league.. he's one of the best players there, but I do think it's time for him to play in better league.. He's not tall, but still universal player with great performances last games.. ?)
Volleyball in The Olympics 2012 11 évvel ezelőtt +2
I'd like to see Skrimov in Serie A :>>
And.. ha, we can beat Germany as they can beat us.. It will be interesting match.
Volleyball in The Olympics 2012 11 évvel ezelőtt +1
Semi finals we are comiiiiiing!
Volleyball in The Olympics 2012 11 évvel ezelőtt 0
hm, my bad, sorry! We need only win.. Well, it will be interesting match.. Now - Serbia : Russia ?)
Volleyball in The Olympics 2012 11 évvel ezelőtt 0
If Bulgaria beat Italy and play against Germany in 1/4 don't be so sure they cannot pass.. anyway I personaly don't believe we can beat Italy, but we need only 2 sets to be first in the group..
Volleyball in The Olympics 2012 11 évvel ezelőtt +2
Yeah, I'm fan of Bulgaria too, but master is right.. Argentina were just better and probably they will beat us again if we play again..
Well..we already did more that we expected to do, so we cannot be dissapointed by our boys.. ?
Volleyball in The Olympics 2012 11 évvel ezelőtt +1
Something's wrong with the favorite teams.. Too much pressure maybe, I mean.. Poland lost from Bulgaria, Italy with bad game vs Australia /2;1 at the moment I'm writing this/, Russia lost vs Brasil, Brasil lost vs USA... WTF?! That's why I love olympics.. ?
Volleyball in The Olympics 2012 11 évvel ezelőtt 0
I once heard chemical brothers Try it.. if it's not that song, sorry..
Volleyball in The Olympics 2012 11 évvel ezelőtt 0
Kaz, 3-9, 25-22.... is that what you are talking about?
Matey Kaziyski playing for Italy ? 11 évvel ezelőtt 0
"don't you think that final six in Sofia was just after the whole big deal in media etc? Don't you think that the atmosphere could have gotten a bit better till now?" sure it is.. no doubt about it.. I told it yesterday, they are calm now and have no preasure since everyone was expecting loose, even Nikolov said it will be good if we take 1 game vs Poland.
Matey Kaziyski playing for Italy ? 11 évvel ezelőtt 0
I asked you, you are pointing this win without Matey, why not pointing the three looses in Sofia? You are writing here only to go opposite of Matey fans, but you don't know that in Bulgaria nobody forget him even Bratoev yesterday anounsed to love Matey not instulting him because he is part of the team and he will be in it again, everybody knows that.. Don't mess with bulgarian team, I see you know nothing about it.
And why I should not admin we played good yesterday? Tsss..
I told you what the kids in Bulgaria are always saing and "sup, Matey lovers, how about I told you that Bulgarian NT can actually do something with the situation and play good?" sound just like them..
Matey Kaziyski playing for Italy ? 11 évvel ezelőtt 0
Hahah Kooba, Kooba, how old are you? Your logic is like 12-15 years old.
What about loosing 3 of 4 matches in Sofia.. We had the chance to play final with the team who played in OG qualifications..
In Bulgaria kids think exactly like you..when loosing "Kaziyski is betreyer, he left the team" = "He left and that's why we loose", when winning "Ha, we can play without him".. that's funny as hell..
Volleyball in The Olympics 2012 11 évvel ezelőtt 0
Aelinn if the score will be the same I have nothing against.. ?
Volleyball in The Olympics 2012 11 évvel ezelőtt +2
Master, Vlado is man of Dancho Lazarov, and Today Dancho said Vlado should play not Sokolov.. I think Sokolov gone mad by this words and he was such a monster! To be honest we just had nothing to lose.. Not a big deal I still think we will not pass the 1/4 finas, but I hope to!
Volleyball in The Olympics 2012 11 évvel ezelőtt +1
Volleyball in The Olympics 2012 11 évvel ezelőtt 0
Someone, in sportlemon there are always 2 links minimum for live watching so... :>>
Anastasi vs Alekno 11 évvel ezelőtt +10
"my bodyguard" ahhaha
Volleyball in The Olympics 2012 11 évvel ezelőtt +1 here you can watch live the matches.. But where to download I have no idea... they will be uploaded soon in rutrucker or some polish site I believe :)
Volleyball in The Olympics 2012 11 évvel ezelőtt 0
Hm..I think Poland will play final too, but if they will win.. It depends on who are they going to play with.. Russia are hard to defeat.. mhm! ?)

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