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Nice gesture of Piacenza

Guillaume Samica warm-up attacks 12 évvel ezelőtt +3
Bartosz Kurek traditionally not stand the pressure at the decisive moment. Most his attacks on the block.

Hey, don't underestimate Falasca, he put his 5 drzyzgas in Kurek's poor efficiency in 5th set. He sent Kurek on pipe just like Guma sent Winiarski in Pekin.

Well, if Nawrocki leave Kooistra in the stands and leaves useless Mozdzonek the whole match that Skra Belchatow could not win the match.

Mozdzonek usually against stronger teams shows nothing special, nothing new with that. Skra is the only club who can buy good player to become stronger on particular position... to keep him then out of match squad. And when I read then article in one of the biggest sport newspapers that Kooistra is loosing rivarly with three Poles, especially Klos, because of lack of technique... *harakiri*
Hey, I heard about Monza loosing sponsor next season. Our Italian friends can you tell us more? Any rumours about new sponsor?
eRKa that was irony v.v" there is a difference between guy and gay :P
maredo which one of them is gay? Didn't know that!
Final Four 2012- Individual awards 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
Ray have you ever seen middle getting award for the best spiker? ? This time should go to Matey, not Kurek if we consider percentege. Have no idea according to what they gave it to Kurek.
Final Four 2012- Individual awards 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
tomdoki have you seen stats? Because I did and there was no 0% efficiency next to his name.
freemystic he said that SOME people would like him to leave.
@zver oj tam, oj tam, może KK skry postanowił uskutecznić nowa owację ?

@NXT w pięciosetowym boju może się zdarzyć ?
Final Four 2012- Individual awards 12 évvel ezelőtt +2
Come on people, it's obvious. they could not give 4 awards to team with silver medal, they wanted to give MVP award to someone from Skra because Skra was a host, so they decided to give another one to Zenit - libero.
We have some great players, who are not playing in NT's, like Ricardo or Wijsmans. I don't think they complain about tight schedule.
But article says injuries are effect of increasingly tight schedule. Giba had no time to recover after WC and he lost whole season. I mentioned Hooker, because her problems were not because if tiredness or tight schedule. Still don't know what president of Superliga or just CBV can do with tight schedule of volleyball, to avoid injuries. Tell FIVB to stop organizing tournaments a year before Olympics? Is nothing to do with Superliga. Of course they don't have to take players from national team, but almost best players are there, so if the clubs want to win, have to take some NT players. It's different when for example players got injuries because of problems with gyms, like for example Samica twisted his ankle during practice before Polish Cup when we tried to put new floor with colours of Polish flag, but one of the colours was too sleepy. But those injuries mentioned in the article are not effect of problems of Superliga.
Okay, if he wants I want to discuss one thing. Why esporte mention Hooker as a problem of the league? She was not injured because big number of games or structured gyms, but actually her injuries were quite weird. I don't know what's more abstract: hitting table and hurting your hand or been bitten by a spider?
Typical reaction if you have no arguments in conversation, you will try to focus on different things. I don't know if we have any rule about off-topic. Do we?

Hmm he thanked several times for good healt care and he said that he want to stay in Olsztyn. Weird. Masohist?

Guy has still conract with the club, right? He won't say anything bad about them.

So your friend lied, there is heating, but not so good. There is cold, but dry. It is more dangerous to play on water than in cold place.

Still more injuries in Olsztyn because of temperature, than in Brazil because of humidity.
@ pesazi you are my favourite German from now on. You defeated even Podolski ?
Article is from December, but after that, I think in January, their sister Guadalupe was called to Youth NT too.

Zaytsev is as Italian as Juantorena ? (Don't get me wrong I have nothing to it)

So why you say that? ?

Zaytsev said that many times, he is Italian at heart, as he grew up over there. Juantorena got passport last year.
Vermiglio or Reid must go, if Juantorena will go there. But I'm not surprised. Trento had to give Matey much more money, if other club offered him huge contract, which Trento couldn't beat because they spent everything on Matey, they had to let him go. And now they will have to take Zaytsev (limit) or get rid of Raphael, take Valerio and they can bring another foreign receiver.
So... Zaytsev to Trento? (must be Italian, because of the limit).

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