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Няма място за сравнение между волейболистите и футболистите. БТВ, вече нямам търпение да почват мачовете от Европейското!
Matey Kaziyski funny attack 12 évvel ezelőtt +4
Not in vain is Matey called l'Imperatore in Italy, this ''hook'' was so damn good!
Bulgaria - Italy 12 évvel ezelőtt +3
Too right, SkyloIoannes. I remember that I wanted it so bad for the boys to win this match after the two bad losses from Poland and Argentina. They played really well.
Bulgarian Volleyball 12 évvel ezelőtt +2
You're absolutely right, bgvolleyballer. Rado Stoychev is a real professional, he's the one who can lead us to the big triumph in volleyball.
Hehehe, this video's great! :D
Nikolay Ivanov or Andrey Zhekov ? 12 évvel ezelőtt +2
Zhekov is better in my opinion. He has started to set the ball to the middle blockers more and more often. Also he does lots of impressive blocks on his own so I think he's very valuable. Not to mention his serving which is so powerful.
Osmany Juantorena, the best player? 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
Yes, I agree with hanes, there are many factors that make one player the best.

But in my opinion Osmany really is one of the best now. Sometimes I get the impression that he just flies and he hits the ball so hard and from outside it looks like he does it effortlessly.
Поне през тайм аута мълчи, за да чуем какво съветва Радо играчите, ама и той е шемет :P
proud, just imagine how our libero Vladislav Ivanov scores a point like that on the Euro 2011. Wouldn't that be epic? :D
It's a bit unfair that the point scored by the libero is considered as opponents error.
Да, на всичкото отгоре освен тях на полето са и други 4 човека, защо не казват и техните имена? Ама той Теди си знае ''Жеков'' и ''Матей Казийски'' и т'ва е. Интересно какво ли е мнението на играчите за тези викове ''Играй'' и т.н. Мен лично биха ме изкарвали извън нерви, обаче те може би са толкова концентрирани в играта, че не ги чуват...
proud, добре, че не я триеш! :D умрях от смях, господарите нямат равни. Тоя Сашо какви ги ръси, не е истина :) Лично аз предпочитам коментатора на ring Тодор Попов.
proud, he had a hard time with the French coach's name- Philippe Blain. (He pronounced it as Glain or something) :D But I hope he'd never mispronounce countries' names.
I'm very happy that Skrimov is in the BG team, I think he's got some impressive skills (from the little I saw of him ? ). Our liberos also have improved a lot. ?
proud, I must've watched it at least 20 times too! :D Imagine if we could hear more phrases from Rado like ''What are you looking like pinguin in hot water?'' In fact we could at least hear what he is saying to the team at the technical time outs, but our comentator never shuts up....
proud, it's just that Kaziysky is way too polite to correct reporters. I've also noticed how often they make mistakes with players' names. But we've got to admit that some polish names are a real challenge to pronounce. BTW, raylight, you mean Sasho Yovkov right? :D
Bulgaria - France 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
I hope we'll be able to see the friendly matches in France, but they are not gonna give them on BNT. That's a pity really.
Bulgaria - Czech Republic 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
Was Jan Stokr in bad condition or what? I expected more of him honestlly. Anyway Zhekov was fantastic with these 22 points :D
Stoytchev better than Prandi? 12 évvel ezelőtt +5
I liked Prandi but Stoychev is way too good. He has the ability to make a player show his best at crucial moments and can develop his potential to the max.
You've done a great job with that video! I just wish the original was longer, it's so interesting to watch how our team prepares and trains :D

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