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Oh,don't get me wrong,I love myself!It's just that your post was so hopeful and inspirational,it really put me in a good mood ? I also believe in our guys.May be by winning the qualification they'll make others believe in them,too ?
@Kjeldhor - I know...when I found this I actually waited before adding it here in case someone uploads the full game later,but nope.Can't you do it?You did highlights,so I assume you have it - dailymotion lets you upload videos up to 2GB('cause I know you record matches in insane sizes :D).
@champion,can I live in your head? ?

I think Russia will win the gold and I actually hope that happens - it has escaped them way too many times over the years.Can't see how Brazil isn't gonna reach the final,so that leaves them with silver.And I think the bronze is going go to either Cuba or Poland.I'm leaning more towards Poland because of the results they got last year,their new found confidence and the fact that they have Anastasi as coach.5th place is probably gonna go to Argentina or Italy...Or I may be(cough)totally wrong and watch how Italy gets a medal and Cuba takes 6th place or something... ?

As far as our team :

Bulgaria will qualify? Hope not. They have nothing to offer.

Ouch,man!... ?

I do agree that if we get to go to London,we are not gonna be one of the most interesting teams to watch,but I still hope we qualify - that would be a great accomplishment for us.I mostly don't want to feel as left out as I did during the WC ? And after all wasn't the Olympic principle something in lines of "It's all about the participation"(I know I'm not quoting it right)? ?

Btw,I guess this is as good as place as any to ask if it's true that Giba will miss this year's WL finals.I read that he was operated on because of his recent injury and is gonna have to rest for 3 months,but Bulgarian media reports(yeah,I know...)that he's not coming in Sofia in July,which is 5 months from now,so is it true?
Great memory demonstrated by Zakonka on that one,she even remembered exactly when the point occurred during the game :D
Thanks for that :D I had to get up from the computer a lot during the game and missed a big chunk of it... Winter is coming...
Easy,dude...I also uploaded the 3rd and 4th set + the whole final between SKRA and Wegiel.Probably the admins haven't had the time to add them yet.You'll notice I've uploaded only 2 sets of Kozle - Wegiel,'cause I couldn't find the semis in full - that's it,no hate towards SKRA :D
I'm glad to see his serve has gotten consistent again(in the past few matches) :) Funny music,but not my favorite Beatles :D
@pearl - You're welcome :) Considering Italy's reign in volleyball in the 90's,it's a damn shame there aren't more matches of this team available and most of the fans(myself included) recognize the wonderful players of this generation mainly as coaches,commentators,TV personalities and etc. than as the superstars that they were...I found this one on a Russian tracker - no surprise,since they were the winners :D
My favorite Polish player!Great video,Roninho :D
Noliko Maaseik - CSKA Sofia Trailer 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
A much different trailer for Trentino - Noliko : http://www.noliko-maaseik.com/home ?
If the Belgians are gonna do something in the play-offs, tonight's their best chance - they're hosts and I bet that this isn't their 9th match this month ?
@raylight,I saw you uploaded it too...BEAT YA! ?
Guys,here are the stats for the game : http://www.belogorievolley.ru/season-2011-2012/stat-2011-2012/5023-2012-01-28-zapad-vostok-stat.html
olympic qualifications in Sofia 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
А,така - да всяваме страх в противника ? Аз между другото имам още една идея за музика/сори,че все ти досаждам/,довечера ще ти пиша във фейса,че тука го обърнахме на... Отивам да вечерям,мислете си за мен хахаха
olympic qualifications in Sofia 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
@Sllaveq - Господи,Аллах и Девата от Гуадалупе...момиче,ти ще ме довършиш хаха А сега стига си се занимавала с глупости, отивай да изкарваш продукция - БНТ няма да се издържат от оригинални авторски идеи,я! ?
olympic qualifications in Sofia 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
Сериозно бе,човек - F6 тази година + по-кратка/олекотена/ групова фаза ?
olympic qualifications in Sofia 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
КАКВО ?!?!?! хахахаха
olympic qualifications in Sofia 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
Не всички са Славея - да правят филми нон-стоп/от които Скъпата родна телевизия да краде........................../ и да са супер информирани ?
olympic qualifications in Sofia 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
Yep...also in the group phase there aren't gonna be four matches between two teams,but instead a tree day tournament or something of the sort - all the changes are to accommodate the teams better with their Olympic preparation.
olympic qualifications in Sofia 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
@NightFox - It's gonna be a F6 this year ?
@Zyta - as raylight said Eventim will have offers up as soon as the tickets go up for sale and as far as I can remember from the last time I checked the site,there's an English version.Sllaveq is right that the most expansive tickets will be around 10$ ?
@raylight - Don't tell me you don't have faith in our management...I swear by their competence ?
Italy - Serbia 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
Deal :)

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