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8 évvel ezelőtt


Poland - Egypt (Highlights) 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
yes Rachel, withput him POlish teams isnt the same and in 2009 Gruszka was teh soul of team too, and Grusza didnt play there too
no 'I'm not :) you just annoying me. many times you were speaking things which you didn't know anything about them, it was long time ago so i cant exactly quote it :) i speak always first timie because you spek so many rubbish so balance is on zero:)
Henrique, now you right, first time but belive me, you have 'some brain damage' ? sorry, sad but true

Arguing with a Brazilian about TV schedule in Brazil shows how clueless you are. If you lived in Brazil, I could accept that, but you don’t live here and you don’t speak Portuguese.

you negate yourself, you are the person who dont know anything and writing lies, and Oli4 have 'brain damage' ? SIR brazilian kid, go to the doctor maby you have split personality
CEV Cup 2010/11 - Semi-finals 13 évvel ezelőtt +1
no no, i'm not him sorry, you get it wrong, I just laughed because someone gave us minuses bacause we wrote taht ZAKSA won ?
CEV Cup 2010/11 - Semi-finals 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
I think someone from Bulgaria gave us minuses ? i'm glad ?
koles, you are right, thanks for remind :)
CEV Cup 2010/11 - Semi-finals 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
grat job ZAKSA, good match
I dont remember who siad this but some expert from Italy said "maby Matey is the best player in the world, but best player of Trentino is Winiarski" :)
shinoda, w tym sezonie jest skuteczny i popełnia mało błedów, któryś z komentatorów stwierdził że przeżywa w PW drugą młodość, ale na przyszły sezon myśle ze Politechnika ściągnie na prawde dobrego srodkowego
raylight, true group was weaker but Poland and France get gold and silver, and 2 teams of stronger group get bronze and 4th place, so which teames were weaker? and I agree, Poland played without pressure, they colud win but they musn't so they won :)
to play in European Cups clubs must spend much money so I dont think that they dont treat it serious, they just like spending maney and play 4fun, on your command sir
Yes SIR Henrique, maby your wife or girlfriend gone with polish because ha wasnt annoying like you and he was handsome? and you - HenriqueCLT make ravange on polish nation, serious, how old are you? wow I didnt know Polish get a wild card.... but why Poland? they are so weak, Cameroon should get it Polsih league is so weak that we have 2 teams in semifinals of CEV cup and two teams in best 6 of Champions League, Turkish, German, and french teams, there are too yes? btw Jastrzebie which is now 8th i Plusliga eliminated second team of German league, hmmm strange
true but in Korea he get much more money yes Henrique, you are right like always
Also, we can’t say the level of the volleyball league in Poland is higher than the tournaments in Japan or Korea – the best teams in these two Asian countries may not beat Skra, but are definitely better than most of teams at PlusLiga, and the technical level is superior overall. The German League is improving very fast, the German federation is investing hard to attract more and better sponsors, released a campaign on the media to make the sport more popular. Wait a few more years and we’ll see what they get. Maybe (I said “maybe”) they can reach the level seen in Turkey or Greece. Is there any kind of movement like this in Poland? Anything similar? I don’t think so. From what I know, Skra’s president has a lot of power at the Polish federation and nothing seems to change – which is not even good for your NT.

no doubt abot it, haah ? best words ever a cant stop laughing ?
Henrique,you are so funny :) like always you dont know anything and you talks lies lies lies :) and PlusLiga is the poorest leuage, even tahn Greek in crisis, im laughing more and more when i'm reading your expressions:) you are the smartest person i hole world btw , haha
CEV Cup 2010/11 - Semi-finals 13 évvel ezelőtt +1
true Nightfox, I still belive on Polish final but its seem to be Italian and bUlgarian ?
CEV Cup 2010/11 - Semi-finals 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
ZAKSA without Urnaut and CZarnowski and probably Jarosz played very bad
Josh Barrina from 2008 til now 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
write your high, and high of your mates plaese :)rate is faster than real? on movie you are too dynamic and fast ;)
Alessandro Fei 13 évvel ezelőtt +2
and other players :) Stanley, Andre, Poltavsky, Maxim, and Wlazły in perfecr shape :D
Alessandro Fei 13 évvel ezelőtt +3
nothing have to say -Alessandro Fei :D second oppositein the world, just behind Milijkowic

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