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4 anni fa


Unfortunately, I have very bad news for Ananiev. 8-9 months break in the game. He has already finished season: ( He has a serious injury ligaments and meniscus. Ananiev you hold on!
Ryan Millar (2nd movie) 12 anni fa +2
Very cool video! Although the song is slow, quiet is very fit for the movie!
Musi być teraz troszkę głupio tym którzy mieszali go z błotem co nie ?
PZPS to jest to samo bagienko co PZPN. Jedyna różnica jest taka, że nasi kopacze to ciamajdy i na ich sukcesy nie ma co liczyć. Już widzę te komentarze, że Wlazły znowu się tłumaczy piszać ten tekst.. Takie oświadczenie nawet jest potrzebne naszej reprezentacji. Jeszcze trochę i Kurek też będzie kaleką a PZPS ucząc się na błędach może będzie postępować z nim inaczej niż w przypadku Wlazłego.
very nice movie and incredible player!
Mariusz many times served by more than 120km. This season, his record is 123km.
Poland - Bulgaria 12 anni fa +2
27:20 - amazing attack by Matey Kaziyski O_O
A player with high technics. Very dynamic, he reminds me Giba and Priddy. My favorite player of Polish NT. I really like this video.
Michał Kubiak 2nd movie 12 anni fa +1
First movie is better
Bulgaria 2011 12 anni fa +3
In this team lack of such player as Plamen Konstantinov ... nothing more
The perfect match of Polish and we have the bronze medal! Kurek was phenomenal today, I think he had an attack of 65% -80%. Situation is repeated with Jarosz. If Poland medal game he plays at a high level as Mikhaylov or Milijnkovic. Russia played a strange game today. I had the impression that Russia has no desire to play for the bronze medal. But Poland deserved this medal. Now it is time for Italy - Serbia. I am fan of Italy. If Italy win the MVP will Savani.

I still say this: Michal Kubiak is the discovery of this tournament. He has a similar style to the Giba.
Congratulations to Italy. You've won deservedly. Great game Savani (again in this tournament), practically the whole team played very well. I cheer you in the final. Kurek played very poorly today, and I think it was decisive. Once again, congratulations.
Italy is the favorite for sure. Poland does not like to play with Italy. Poland very often loses. Italy has a great team, Mauro Berutto doing great job. Chrisitan Savani is in the best shape, and Mastrangelo. I look forward to Kurek because he had not yet shown the best game in the championship. I hope that Michal Kubiak also will motivate the team to fight.
Go Go Bulgaria!
My favorite player from Italy. He is in very good shape. Very good service, attack, and I very much like the attack of two lines in its execution!
ulalala what a set. Big mistake by Judge in share with Kurek defense.

Mariusz Wlazly not playing because he had an injury. He can maybe return to Olympic qualification.
Poland - Bulgaria 12 anni fa +3
Kaziyski back to their best form:)) Another very good match Sokolov. In Poland the best Kubiak. This is a real fighter! BTW: 47:00 AMAZING block.
Jakub Jarosz is not good. I already have enough words that he needs a lot of games. The situation balls he is afraid attack strongly. He is often stopped on a single block. Attacking player can not play like this

I will say frankly that Aleksiev for me is the average player. He is not very well received, he does not have a strong and good servers. He is good block and sometimes in the attack.
In a match with the Polish in firts set he played badly but later he played very well in attack and quietly in the receiver.
I am a little happy with what he did yesterday Anastasi. Poland at the World Championships in 2010 had the honor. They are not calculated. They had to play with Bulgaria and Brazil. Let the authorities do an adequate system. I am not angry at Anastasi, I'm angry at the system.
Michal Lasko has the best voice!

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