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Kärdla, Estonia
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7 anni fa


He is THE most teqnical player that I know, he purely relies on his smartness, defence and teqnicue. One of the best wing- spikers in the world;)
It it great the they can, but I don't beleve that Marshall will be in the starting , his play is based on jump height, but his reach is way smaller than it was, so I think the younger guys will be in the starting 6.
True, but still, its not a start of the season xD
Wilfredo: "Great start of the season for Uros." Really? Most of the season is over xD
Amazing work vtnklmdc! This site needs despretly this kind of movies created by our own users:)
Wilfredo, everyone cant be at the Olympics. There are tons of teams much better than Great Britain, even Estonia won the with no difficulties 3:0 I would have rather wanted to see Cuba and Germany at the Olympics ;)
Great sets, I really don't get it why so many people say that he is a bad setter:/ He also has good serve and block for a setter. Great player in my opinion who deserves to be in he NT.
Kaziyski was amazing in this match, but he alone was not enough to defeat Maxim, Yury, Sergey, this shows that many great players make a stronger team than one superstar :)
Great match of Kaziyski! 62% in attack only 1 error and 0 hits in block, 4 aces 6 errors, 1 block, good reception also. 1.05 nice point :D I'm also impressed that Perugia got 2 sets, but Trentino had some real trouble with injuries. Seemed like a great match:)
Volleyball mistakes 11 anni fa 0
0.27 Best serve :D
Igor Omrcen 11 anni fa 0
Stetacular oppsite, He has high reach alot of power good teqnicue and a clever mind also a beast serve. He deserves another movie:)
Sorry to brake it to some of you, but Kurek is NOT a great server. He makes some amazing serves, but he makes way too many errors compared to the aces. In my opinion he should not hit the ball with so much power every time, he should get the serve over the net so it is hard to receive and your team can arrange a good block, thats the main task for the serve, but if you can constantly hit a 110km/h serve on the opponents side than go ahead:)
If it is than it is very impressive, becouse he was pretty far away from the net. Good movie!
Things might have been diffrent if Savani would have played, he plays a very important role in Macerata, he is a serve is also one of the fastest in the world like Zaytsevs, and those two serve 100km/h + almost every time.
Truly amazing match! The best in Italian league in my opinion. I was impressed with Kaziyski's smart and varied play, he attacked every single ball and made Macerata's life so difficult, Birarelli was very important, Raphael was just wonderful, Djuric was a wall, Juantorena and Stokr did their job, Ucikov was a great sub, the liberos had a hard time receiving Zaytsev's monster serves. Zaytsev was as spetacular like Kaziyski! Henno was just amazing, without him the spike % would be way higher for Trentino.Parodi was also good in defence. Both teams were amazing and showed what they got.
True! It was a BIG match! It was way wetter than I expected. I have never seen Kaziyski playing THIS smart as he did, he has always been a clever player but this was new, Raphael did great work. Henno was spetacular in defence, and Zaytsev's serves were deadly. BTW Stokr's injury isn't very serius, it could not have been very bad becouse he just stepped wrong nopthing else :)
There is no place for videos like that for now, so there is no point of uploading them if you yourself don't play, get my point?
More bullshit from you, not suprising, you are starting to sound like an egoist too... Why the hell do you upload all kind of random staff? This is supose to be "me playing volleyball", this heading is not to be downloading videos about others and saying that they are terrible and you are so much better. Your behaviour is cowardly and pathetic...
I was impressed by Perugias defence and Bira's performance! Looks like Kaziyski is getting his good form back, he makes errors very rarely now and scores almost all important points:)
Wilferedo, please don't spam the video with comments, edit your comment you damn fool!

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