How to make a video?

2011-11-25 • 2203 weergaven • 4 replies
Can anybody help me?
How do you guys get the videos, music, and everything else?
How long does one video take to make?
samueleke 393 8
12 jaar geleden
Well, I make my movies with Windows Movie Maker. I search my parts and than copie them to each other. The music is just a button with WMW. And it do take some time, for searching the parts, but when you have them it's very easy ?
Sllaveq 790 10
12 jaar geleden
Oh, difficult question!
It depends of the program you're making videos with!
It takes me a week to make my videos... Just cutting scenes and make the effects, you know, flashes, coloring etc.
For beginers movie maker is good.. Else Sony Vegas Pro.. ?
raylight 3006 15
12 jaar geleden
Simple way - cut with Virtual Dub, combine with video joiner, change sound with Machete
zver 995 13
12 jaar geleden
Sony Vegas Pro <3
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