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@Nagor może model nie ten. Mnie to denerwuje, że np na zawodach szczebla wojewódzkiego gra się przepisowo takim próchnem jak Mikasa MVA330 (tańsza, czwarta w kolejności gładka, "treningowa" wersja oficjalnej MVA200). Przy trafieniu ręką w okolice wentyla czasem nieźle zabolało i zostawało kółeczko na dłoni. @Marlboro całkiem możliwe, ja zawsze miałem taki problem, że przedramiona bolały przy odbiciu sposobem dolnym, a szczególnie jak na sali chłód, strasznie długo zajmowało by się optymalnie dogrzać. Swoją drogą takie granie bezpieczne to nie jest...
Murilo Endres nice attack 13 jaar geleden +1
Because it has no tactical sense at all. Only in case OH in the front line is not able to make an approach and spike at the left side (like Dante in this action) so as opposite, then the set is moved to zone number 5, because usually the block expects a pipe and is the most concentrated in the middle of the net in situations like that.
Italian Cup 2011 13 jaar geleden +1
"Juantorena miss many serves and Raphael in the first an second play many times whit kasisky and was blockek"

? Kaziyski was the best player in Trento (blocked twice) 52% spike succ and 76/38% in reception. Get the facts straight, even Juantorena couldn't handle the block. Trentino is my favourite team, but Cuneo is still a more complete one.
Italian Cup 2011 13 jaar geleden +1
eRKa then you found out why I'm so in love with the Italian League ?
Italian Cup 2011 13 jaar geleden 0
3nd set was just brilliant!
Italian Cup 2011 13 jaar geleden 0
The second semi is going to give us more emotions, at least I hope so.
I'm always a bit worried when I see players jumping on their teammates (like Exiga, Salparov). Many celebrations like that were finished with some bad injuries, especially when someone doesn't expect to be the "victim", so muscles are slack.
"Joel2718 this same like trentino in this year...but look the f4 in Prague - czech team would not qualify because of their level - i'm not care about your words but in this year Skra is 90% favourite of the f4 competitor...that's all"

We'll see how Skra handles the pressure. By the way if there's anybody that deserved this organization it's the two-time champion Trentino. Nevertheless I would like to see the end of this stupid "hoster formula".

Cuneo - Belgorod match might be delicious, on the other hand bad to see one of these teams end their journey so early.
Zyta, Nightfox good to know we have similar opinions.
Philip Maiyo 13 jaar geleden 0
Maiyo waży 75kg. Najcięższy z zawodników w profesjonalnej siatkówce to, Stokr- ważny na chwilę obecna 113kg. I jest to raczej czysta masa mięśniowa.
Volleyball humor 13 jaar geleden 0
Lots of volleyball legends Vlado Grbic, Lubo Ganev, Andrea "Lucky" Luchetta (btw simply the best Rai commentator ever!), Pafael Pascual.

Funny how former volleyball players put on weight- only on belly ?
"yess osmany Juatorena is the best player in the world" If I would have to judge I would say it's Murilo- the most complete player, I can say so mainly because he plays for the national and can be compared to others, who also can't take a breath during holidays. Believe me- that's crucial for sportsmen nowdays, where regeneration, and injuries are in the background of permanent looking for a good result. "he only play 2 years and" And he already has serious problems with his health. "for me he is much better than kasisky no because is cuban" I'm a fan of Osmany and Matey, but how can you compare a player who started his second season after a 3 year break to player who's in a full club-national training regime for years? That's pointless. Compare players with similar load of games. Juantorena finished his season on 9th May 2010 and could fully regenerate physically, and make a perfect preparation for the club season, while Matey caught the first flight to Brazil to join the national team in World League. He looked there like dying on the court. @InivaridU No, they count every service point, doesn't matter if it's a clean ace, a shootout masacre, or a simple mistake from a reciever.
Matey Kaziyski (3rd movie) 13 jaar geleden +4
No doubt he's the hardest hitting player in present time and one of the highest reaching as well. I simply love his style since I saw him in 2004, just right after he got into senior competition- his serve and leap looked enormously powerful and high compared to other players- kinda trivial, but that's what made me get interesed more in his career. Later on I noticed he's a really ambitious athelte and a very humble guy by the way, always giving his best to make progress- that's crucial when you get that famous, to be still conscious of your weaknesses and try to do everything to minimalize them. I am also impressed by the amount of games he plays per season, I didn't count them preciselly, but I can say he might be the most exploited player in last the 5 years, and that's another aspect I've got to mention- he significantly changed his style after WCH2006. Why? He realized that might be hard for him to stay relatively healthy puting so much power and leap in every spike and serve. Due to that fact he started to care more about his technique, you can see him spiking in more specified angles than before, what made some average volleyball fans ascertain he's lost his physical abilities, what's abviously not true. When it comes to most important moments that's when he adds his extra power and jump, which make the difference. I'm not considering him a complete player- that would not be wise, I'm talking about a guy, who usually remains unstoppable when the score gets tight, a spiker who can hit over a tripple block from an inconvenient set somewhere from the backcourt, and a server who decides about the score quite frequently. The movie is nice technically, but a bit too fast to delight with volleyball actions. I think the maximal tempo should present at least 2 steps of approach, not player already hitting the ball. Forgot to add he's very impressive at the rightside position.
Qsek the opposite from Trento is Stefanov, a bulgarian player.
There was a 4 point difference between those teams, so no chance for VFB to overtake Trento. Osmany and Matey could take a breath and that might be priceless before the most important matches in January- quarterfinal against Monza next Wednesday and (if they qualify) final four of the Italian Cup 2011.
Wlazły w tym meczu zdecydowanie najlepszy ze Skry. Wyraźnie starał się bić mocno i bardzo mocno, i to poskutkowało. Ile razy uderzył Kazijskiemu gdzieś między rękami i piłka się przedzierała- to właśnie zasługa tego, że wkładał w atak całą siłę.
Najbardziej z tego meczu zapadanie w pamięć bardzo dobra gra Winiara, i Kazijski grający ze skręconą nogą...
Serie A - 13th round 13 jaar geleden 0
This way he equated Kaziyski's record from the quarter-final against Valentia (season 08/09), who also scored 9 points, and that's the best result in Serie A so far. But I remeber Ramon Gato also scored 8 or 9 points in a single match.

Wonder who will be the first to score 2-digit number ?
Serie A - 13th round 13 jaar geleden 0
If you consider absence of Grbic and Wijsmans it's not that surprising. Giuliani decided to slow down a bit, having in mind upcoming matches in the Champions League and quarterfinal of the Italian Cup 2011.
Serie A - 13th round 13 jaar geleden 0
Cuneo is an extremely hard opponent, they have amazing offensive players and many of them can decide about the result in the serive zone, but what makes the biggest difference is their block-defese cooperation. It's trully amazing how tiring for everyone their style is. Deadly transition- that's how I would describe this team. If Trento thinks about victory, they will have to play way better than against Skra (I'm not even saying about the 3nd set, which they simply screwed up, but the whole match).

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