Champion Finale: Analysis of a Defeat.

2 jaar geleden

@Vincenzo, Vakifbank won, rightly so, because it is "more of a team" than Conegliano is. Egonu scored 39 points which are enormous, but volleyball is a team sport, and a player, however phenomenal he may be, is not enough, and Egonu is. Despite the k.o. from Conegliano, Paola Egonu proved once again to be the most decisive and strong volleyball player in the world, with all due respect to detractors and haters. Not only for the 39 points scored, with 59% of excellence in attack, or for the series of incredible shots scored, but thanks to a technical-athletic mix that has always made it unique in the history of this sport. In the Super Final against coach Guidetti's team, Egonu was the only player from Conegliano able to normalize the Turkish club's wall-defense correlation and to undermine its reception, forcing Cansu Ozbay to have to chase the ball instead of literally finding it. over the head as happened when from nine meters there were Paola's companions. Of the 58 balls attacked, 34 were equivalent to a point for Conegliano. For some, the 8 errors in attack may seem excessive, but in this case the objective evaluation is always the same: the opposite has license to make mistakes, even if this basically means giving 8 points to the VakifBank. There are those who will highlight how Isabelle Haak was more continuous in the key sets of this Super Final, but to reply to this misleading thesis it would be enough to analyze the numbers. The opposite Swedish finished with 19 points (38 balls attacked) and 41% of excellence, committing 4 errors and collecting 2 blocks-points. Data in hand, obviously there can be no comparison. If anything, you have to understand why Joanna Wolosz had to lift such a high number of balls to her opposite. Good or bad for Conegliano? Difficult to say, considering Egonu's show but also the difficulties of the bands to pass from place 2 or 4 with systematicity and continuity. Kathryn Plummer closed with 32% of excellence in attack, also cashing in as many as 4 point-walls and went completely haywire also because she was targeted by the batting rounds of the VakifBank (44 receptions with 20% excellence). Miriam Sylla instead contributed with 37% of 30 balls played. In a challenge in which the wall options of the Turkish power plants have slowed down even those few occasions of 1st half or fast of the A. Carraro Imoco, the choice of taking refuge rather than relying on Egonu seemed almost obligatory.

HidalgooTR 44
2 jaar geleden

@Vincenzo As a Vakifbank supporter, I agree with you. His Egonu is a very high level volleyball player and it is very wrong to play matches over him with only his effort.