Maurício Rodrigo Prestes

Maurício Rodrigo Prestes

Tapeta dodana przez Maurício Rodrigo Prestes

O mnie

Court volleyball and beach volleyball coach, performance analyst, degree in physical education, specialization in sports training, more than 25 years of experience with volleyball, as an athlete, assistant, coach and director.

Dane trenera

Data urodzenia
Ostatnia aktywność
4 dni temu



English Biegłość podstawowa
French Biegłość podstawowa
Portuguese Język ojczysty lub biegłość dwujęzyczna
Spanish Biegłość na poziomie zaawansowanym

Profile społecznościowe


How do you squat? 1 rok temu 0

@raylight Hello, if you allow me, I will comment a little.  The question is what moment are you in, this is really very important, knowing what phase you are in will help you to perform exercises correctly, generating the greatest possible effect with the lowest possibility of injuries.  At the beginning of the season, you will apply anatomical adaptation exercises, that is, you will prepare the body for the season, mainly joints, squats with a higher number of repetitions, less load, mobility exercises, instability exercises, on a sock platform ball, starting simple coordination and agility exercises, with a lot of repetitions, being able to work on proprioception at this stage.  Following the plan, you need to improve mobility, agility and coordination, and start gaining pure strength, exercises where you lift a lot of weight, few repetitions, and long intervals (don't make this training period too extensive), more complex agility and coordination work and already focused on the technical gesture that he will use in the games, and a lot of mobility.  Close to the competition, progressively work on power strength, here we use a lot of work from Olympic lifts at high speed, to generate good power strength, we work on agility and coordination with power work, reaction capacity, squats involving jumps with some load, jumping with one foot, and maintaining pure strength more in short periods and 1 exercise per training session, and during competition, mobility, proprioception, a lot of power strength, agility, balance and coordination.  I hope I've been helpful.