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6 lat temu


qwertyuiop12345 I'm not agressive I just try to make people like you think before writing such stupid comments as "if Cuba isn't in the olympics then they have weak players"
Or you don't follow volleyball or you like writing shit...that doesn't mean you are stupid but your comments are.
Why do you hate cubans so much?Are jealous? You can...Who wouldn't?
You can write you are happy that Cuba isn't qualified because it's your opinion but you can't affirm this team is weak because it's not and you will make tons of enemy speaking like that...
If all the cubans could play in their NT, they would probably be the number one team in the world...
qwertyuiop next time think before speaking ;-)
Ok so they found replacement for Kurek,now I'm curious to see the setter...
Elvis Contreras 11 lat temu -3
Yeah I know but I think he won't be on the court.Or Zaksa will be weaker than last year...
They will be last...They are very weak and I thnik even Australia will beat them
Elvis Contreras 11 lat temu 0
He is really explosive player,great to watch but very low and on this movie he makes several big errors and is blocked so much times due to his lack of height... I don't think he will play in Zaksa.
It's official guys, we have more spammers than normal users on this site...
How can he be so happy and carry the national flag while he was thinking about retiring after this qualification :s
Iran and Canada aren't on the same level as the teams mentioned above.In this case you could had Finland,Japan and some others I forgot...
France doesn't deserve a spot in my opinion.They had two opportunities and were beaten by better teams each time...Czech republic would be a better choice ;-)
I'm not sure of what she said because you can clearly see the referee raising her hand in favor of Italy right after the action but of course the point is won by Italy!To repeat this point should be an enormous mistake that I couldn't understand
I agree with you Vatreni ;-)
Group B looks much stronger in my opinion...
BTW there are 7 teams out of 12 coming from europe and still no weak teams in these ones except host GB of course.
What do you think guys about the fact that there must be one team from Asia and Africa even if they will probably be destroyed by every other team?
I personaly think that a WC or a WCH can be more difficult than the olympics in terms of concurrence.Of course during the OG every team is highly motivated witch make the OG unforgettable but in terms of concurrence it could be better am I wrong?
I think both ;-)
Jangoo are you a friend of Wilfredo and fadel?
We have enough spammers on this site...And most of the users here speaks english...not enlgihs....
I think you are right...Germany with Heynen made great improvements and are highly motivated.They also benefit from the home advantage so even if I love the cuban team I think Germany will take the ticket.Forget about Czechs...France beated them 3 times in a row last week...they aren't in good shape. In Sofia everything is possible between the two best teams. Considering all the problems in the bulgarian team I will give a small advantage to the french team who played really well during WL. But a big Matey can make the difference ?
Anyway these last qualifications will be interesting! =)
Volleyball records 12 lat temu +1
Juantorena also recorded 11 aces if I remember well ;-)
Probably not Modena since there are going to have Sokolov...
Tips from Gavin Schmitt 12 lat temu +4
It's interesting, thank you =)
I also join many years ago but I don't remember how ? It should be like many others by watching movies about some great players ;-)

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