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Joandry Leal (2nd movie) 13 lat temu 0
Ehh that would suck especially because I really like Leal both for his attitude and his playstyle. Wondering if Cepeda will take his place now... Could be Bell of course but I don't think Blackwood would like to have Bell in 1st squad in Olympics (Don't get me wrong - I really like Henry :] ) Or maybe some new brilliant 16 years old guy will join the NT :)
Ehh mentioning Ricardo on a topic about Grbic is a crime. There must be an international law against that... :|
Todor Aleksiev 13 lat temu +2
Well sorry I'm back here but there is one thing you should consider about Cubans before saying that their block should be better. Cuba doesn't have an army of people that make statistics and can tell where you should try to block now. All they have is their vertical jump and instinct.
Hah it's not like you're right... You just THINK you're. In whole your self confidence and egoism you just can't accept different point of view and try to point everyone's mistake not even considering that THEY (ppl you're arguing with) might actually be right. It HAS to be be as YOU say and that's it - no other option allowed ^^ And saying that I'm angry and frustrated while I'm totally chilled (believe it or not - you're not able to make me even little angry) is just silly... And well... from this point I'm quiting commenting your posts since it's just pointless. You can say you outsmarted me and I'm just trying to flee... or say whatever you see fit ^^ It's you who's always right isn't it? So whatever you'll say will be true. In your opinion at least
And which post didn't I understand? You said I'm upset because of what you said in Simon's thread I answered that I couldn't care less... Easy as that. No missunderstanding here. If you mean the post where you said "I don't wanna upset our colleague NXT changing the focus" - it wasn't published yet when I was typing my post if you were talking about this...
Wow upset about... That you called me "Polaco kid"? ^^ You srsly aren't as cool as you think you are and I have no idea why do you think anyone here really cares if you call him like this oO Especially while talking so much about arguments and your only argument was "I don't think you're smart" and "Polaco kid". Yeah that's making you a mature guy indeed ^^
João José fantastic set 13 lat temu +1
Yeah Henrique... Show me ONE post here saying that Pliński was a guy inventing such playstyle... Because I see przemek16, maciekmiszcz, jannkes, biedronka513 and Frank simply comparing Jose to Pliński and then Nagor complaining about it saying he's (Pliński) not the only player who plays like that (And he's right to be honest ^^) . But hey - you probably know Polish better then me (just as anything else) so I might be wrong :(
Well just my 2 cents cause this time Henrique didn't get the point of raylight. All that Brasil really wanted in matchup against Bulgaria was LOSE. Bulgaria just played using their 2nd squad not paying attention if they win or not. They simply DIDN'T CARE. And... yeah you'll probably tell that I can't stand someone with different point of view or sth like that but whatever... Will there be any movie without 100 pages with your (offtopic! '-.- And before you say it's not offtop... Simon has nothing to do with Brasil v Bulgaria ) arguing with others? And if you HAVE to say sth like "Zagumny and Visotto aren't great because xxxxxxxxxx" and let it be? You don't need to answer every single post on every single movie. Peace ^^
Revan do you have some more matches? Like Cuba vs Serbia? This one was as good as Cuba v Brasil if not better :]
Well... I just didn't like the music (but it's ONLY because I don't listen to such music :P). Movie was just awesome to watch though :) Good job Revan
Cuba in 2009-2010 13 lat temu 0
Indeed. Just don't give up on making movies. We're saying what's wrong not to discourage you but to let you know what do we think you did wrong so you can improve. Wish you best luck in your movie maker career :)
Cuba in 2009-2010 13 lat temu +1
Nagor - nie tylko akcje, ale też muzyka :P
Mariusz Wlazły 13 lat temu -1
Hmm czegoś nie załapałem... Oglądam filmik (swoją drogą świetny :] ) wrzucony 14/07/2007 a można na nim zobaczyć akcje z igrzysk w Pekinie z 2008 roku. Chrison zagiął czasoprzestrzeń? :)
Hah to się zgadza... Tylko kurczę jak atakowali z prawego, to ochrona już nas wypraszała z okolic płyty boiska i niestety nie widać tych najlepszych gwoździ naszych bombardierów :)
Ezet: Też byłem na meczu w Łodzi dlatego komentuję :P Jak ktoś chce to mogę wrzucić atak na rozgrzewce z tego meczu, ale jest niestety mocno średniej jakości.
Tak naprawdę na rozgrzewce Kubańczycy wcale nie wbijają gwoździ. Raczej z dużą siłą atakują w 6-7 metr. Oczywiście od czasu do czasu zdarzy się jakiś atak w 2-3m, ale jest to raczej rzadkość. Z resztą sami możecie się przekonać, bo w drugim filmie o Lealu zrobionym przez Nagora, któryś z użytkowników wrzucił linki do meczu Kuba:Kanada i atak na rozgrzewce także się tam znajduje :)
Osmany Camejo 13 lat temu +3
Zawodnik faktycznie mało efektowny ale efektywny na pewno :) No i teraz w meczu z Brazylią i Meksykiem miał kilka widowiskowych akcji. Nie wspominając o Simonie u którego sam mecz z Brazylią wystarczyłby na osobny filmik ^^
Well even though our group was hard I'd rather say that group B (come on... Brasil, Cuba, Spain :P) was the Death Group
Joandry Leal (2nd movie) 13 lat temu +1
Ooo super. Nigdy wcześniej nie miałem okazji zobaczyć meczu z kubańskiej ligi, więc od razu zabieram się za nadrabianie zaległości. Dzięki za link :)
Joandry Leal (2nd movie) 13 lat temu +2
Dobry meczyk. Tylko co tam się stało, że Cepeda grał na przyjęciu? W sumie nieźle sobie radził. No i perspektywa trzech leworęcznych (Cepeda, Hernandez, Hierrezuelo) zawodników na boisku robi wrażenie... Zwłaszcza przy aktualnej skuteczności Cepedy i Hernandeza

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