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São Paulo
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7 lat temu


spiridoncheto OK, let go step by step:-> When a player is all sweaty and fall (or dig) into the ground, it get's slippery, and that is a big bad thing. So that's why the players call the "towel boys" That 'strange' condition of SWEATY occurs with ALL PLAYERS, in ALL MATCHES, even if they are classified or not to an final round of any kind of tournament. So, it looks like you are trying to "find feathers in a egg".! Sorry, but I can't be more clear than that. If you still think that we won due Fairless play, sorry, but you doing it wrong !!!
Some missing team in the movie, but still great trailer.... Excited to see this tournament !!!
Putting the blame in the Judge won't help..... Bu tthat hit was great. He came to attack aiming straight down !!!
That's just amazing. USA has a more structured defence positioning tatic than the Russia Team.

Double posted and below is my answer to your message
spiridoncheto. Sorry dude, by I strongly disagree with you. Not just phisical conditions and technique, but the best players always have a great mind control. I'm not saying that they don't get angry or furious, but that they know how control their anxiety and jitters in tough moments. And of course, call the "towel boys" or the referees to check the positioning is just methods used by experienced players to avoid the opposite team "grow" on the game. !!!!
But you know, 26 year old isn't OLD age. You can see GIBA and DANTE, 34 and 30 years old, and they can play as boys. Obviously not as before, but they still have much "gas to burn"... Even in Bulgaria, like Vladmir N., Salparov and Zekhov; !!!
Raylight, Thank God he is son of his father, imagine what crazy thing would be if were something else or diffirent. ahahahah
Sorry Raylight, Not agree with you, except when our countries are facing each other. ahahaha
Ahh, Rachel..

apenas para dar um indosso no que insistentemente venho falando a você e a todos que conheço.:

Com certeza Rachel.. Lembro quando ainda diziam ser uma heresia tirar o Giovane pra por um tal de GIBA... Bom, pois é né ....! Hey Raylight. Yeah, Bulgaria has a lot to improve them selves. But I Believe they need to leave back a little of old Eastern europe's Style of game. You know, TALL and strong players are good to have on hands, but that doesn't necessary enough to reach the top. I believe if the Bulgaria's coach could introduce a fast / quick type of team, like Bernardo did and still doing with Brazil since 2001, they can easily reach among the TOP 5 in the world !!!!
Russia - USA (Highlights) 13 lat temu +1
Impossible to avoid the feeling that has somethig more than between them than just a match !!!
Com'on. They left him without block ?!?!? This is disrespectful for a player like him. !!! He could easily hit in the 1st meter if he want to !!!
Bom Rachel.. Por causa deste tipo de pensamento que ele está no sofá de casa mesmo. Ele mais do que ninguém deveria saber respeitar o banco de reservas, afinal, ele já teve de suar a camisa pra jogar no lugar do Maurício. !! Mas, tem gente que não sabe dar valor. Ele pode até pensar o que quiser, mas ao menos podia dar uma freiada na língua, talvez as coisas ocorrram de maneiras melhores. Se ele é assim na seleção, imagina como deve ser nos clubes !?!?!!?!? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah Todorov is a big hit to Bulgaria volleyball.
great rally in the beggining !!
Great think.
Too bad since 2007 Canada doesn't figure among the top teams !!!
and... 02:49. One iif the best set I ever saw, if ins't THE best one !!!
the best setter in the world. [2] ANd. probally he'll be back !!

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