Dane kibica

Sofian University
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Ostatnia aktywność
7 lat temu

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maybe it will be good if the uploader can choose if there will be comments under his video, like in youtube and the most video sites..
Оh I'm sure it takes a lot of time to make this video! Good work!
qwerty, правилно!
Yes he's so nice... oh.. especially to the journalist :D
@No Swear, и нас поляците понякога ни дразнят, но пишем на английски за да е ясно в какво ги упрекваме.Освен това като ме дразниш ти (примерно), не казвам че поляците ме дразнят, а че конкретно ти ме дразниш. Казийски не е Бог, но всеки си си обича своето, вие поляците, ние българите, както Roninho каза. Като искаш да кажеш нещо, недей се стиска в ъгъла и да говориш на полски, а излез и се дръж достойно. KAPISH?..
Mitar Djuric 12 lat temu -1
I like him! Especially since he cut his hair :D
Poland 2011 (2nd movie) 12 lat temu 0
So f*cking awesome man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6;36... the first time I listened to it I heard kurwa, but it seems it's KURA... its getting worse! :D I wont listened to it again! NO I WONT! :D
Sweet guys.. I like them saying KURWA! :D
Henry Bell huge block 12 lat temu -1
YES! You got it perfect! I love the begining..and the scenes you used are the most beautiful in the match.. good job!
Браво фокси! :))
Funny serves 12 lat temu +4
wow Kurek tried to reach the moon
Łukasz Żygadło 12 lat temu 0
Too sad song.. you make me cry..
Окури ми са живота с тез коментатори... :D I can't explain what I wrone in english.. sorry! It's nothing bad.. Just expressed how many times I've heard "KURek" in this video..
haha :D
You did it perfect! I don't like the music, but the coloring and the scenes are very good.. 5* :)
What did Stoytchev said about it? I'm not sure if he told the referee to give points to trentino as well as he didn't bought the match... I see you're "talking to him".. what did he said?
zver, yes they are! It is awful! The sport must lead the people to respect and to be honest with each other.. lies are for the weak!...

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