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Zyta you're probably right 'cos there's no other appropriate explanation...
yeah i understood this from the article
but that wasn't the only control in his life, wasn't it?
my point is how he manages to do it all the time...?
then lucky he is.. or crafty to be correct

here in russia we’ve recently had unpleasant case with Cheremisin’s half-a-year disqualification. Somewhere in December there was a doping control held and it showed that Cheremisin took marijuana. He justified that a day or two before the control he smoked a hookah which contained a little part of marijuana on somebody’s birthday party. he said it couldn’t affect on his play anyhow, it was proved as far as I know, but nevertheless he was punished with disqualification

that’s why I’m still wondering how is it possible not to be caught for Divis’s playing on rather high level
Volleybox.net History 13 lat temu +2
Thank you so much for the opportunity of finding out how all this got starting! It is very interesting for those who joined recently (I belong to those people)

I don’t know how to find proper words to express all the gratitude I have for you creators!
With your web site you unite fans of the most beautiful and delightful game ever from all over the world. You give us opportunity to communicate and share our works with each other, that is great!
Great job you’ve done and be sure that we fans appreciate that a lot))

Many thanks and cheers from Russia!
i can't understand one thing...
if it is so obvious that is using drugs
why is he still alowed to play? whithout any punishment?
The FIVB commercial 13 lat temu 0
Roninho i must admit that i like this "younger" team much more too))
Although Poltavsky, Kosarev, Kuleshov and others are not bad players (and also people) at all...

and by the way i like your idea very much)))
The FIVB commercial 13 lat temu 0
that would be interesting to see the final version..)
Roninho that is the point!
as i read somewhere in press:
when something going wrong with the game, a head coach must find a way to "shake up" his players, to make them get consentrated on the game...and not to search for russian analogues of italian's names of some tacticsal things during the break like bangioli used to do
i am very glad to hear such news!!
i hated bangioly from the very beginning of his so-called "coaching"
he is finally leaving our team! it cost us a lot but...

as for me i'd like gennady shipulin to be head coach again, boris kolchins is also a good specialist...

what do yo think of that??
oo)) tell me, is there some special brazilian secret? is Murilo a robot or something..? :D (kidding)) your luck guys that you have such a player in your national team)) take care of him)
Post your comment 13 lat temu 0
well congradulations one more time)))

to be serious team brazil is the strongest in the world at the moment, it must be admitted.
the main proof is that they weren't confused by an intricate formula
just came and got it. i respect that a lot)

both brazilian team and brazilian fans deserved that victory

i promise we'll beat you one day once get a normal head coach xDD

best regards from russia and me personally)
i'm not surprised..)
congradulations brazil)
i had no idea that long discussion can be compared with meeting two times.. so i didn't catch your thought, sorry...) whatever
this is ridiculous...
what do you mean? it looks like misunderstanding again...
omg xDDD you make me reach a deadlock... what am i supposed to response..?
Vadim Khamuttskikh 13 lat temu 0
Renan PLAYING legend of russian volleyball i'd say xD can't wait for Lokomotiv-Novosibirsk - Yaroslavich at the end of october i'm gonna attend the match!!)
i understand you pretty well too, for sure..
oh kapitan_bomba, i feel the same about you :) ok lets end up this discussion it is absolutely useless either for cubans or for brazilians to say nothing about Poltavsky... xDD

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