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but he got best Scorer and server. he couldn't get 3 awards ?
i have no bloody idea why 2 people gave you minuses...!
o falasce nie chcę nawet pisać - masę złych akcji przeplata dobrymi, raz gra dobrze raz fatalnie - b. nierówny zawodnik, nie da się przewidzieć co w danym meczu pokaże.

bazując jednak na pluslidze wiem, że skra ma zdecydowanie lepszą zagrywkę, która pozwala im budować przewagę. i mając ją wczoraj mecz ułożyłby się zupełnie inaczej - m.in. nie byłoby tych wrzutek Vermiglio do środkowych

w siatkówce zagrywka jest niesamowicie ważna i to ona układa mecz
myślę, że największym problemem skry była zagrywka. zarówno w meczu z arkasem jak i zenitem ten element ewidentnie nam nie leżał, a jest to jedyna rzecz, która w 100% nie zależy od przeciwnika. możemy zostać zablokowani w ataku przez świetny, wysoki rosyjski blok, ale tylu błędów własnych w polu serwisowym już nie.

najbardziej szkoda mi zatorskiego - chłopak jest b. młody a w finale zagrał naprawdę niesamowicie! wszystkie serwisy przyjmował w pkt, nie można mieć do niego zastrzeżeń, szkoda że komentatorzy nie zwrócili na to uwagi...

nie wiem też czy zwróciliście uwagę na techniczne zagrania wlazłego. mówię tutaj tylko i wyłącznie o ataku. wiadome jest że niemożliwym jest skończyć 100% piłek, na początku miał doła, nie kończył akcji bo rosjanie mieli go dobrze rozpisanego, Sivozhelec (czy jak tam się to pisze ?) trzymał go blokiem. w tym momencie mariusz ruszył głową i włączył do repertuaru wiele udanych kiwek, plasów, obić, które tak nieczęsto u niego widzimy ? naprawdę zaimponował mi tym, że potrafi reagować na to co dzieje się na boisku
yeah, it was much more better in final than in semi-final :)
in my opinon they should support team - so when sth's wrong (like in 3rd match with Arkas) they will be "7th player" and thanks to them team wil wake up and feel that they can do everything that day. and yesterday all these fans were just sitting and wasting air... i could here Arkas fans in tv more than Skra... so we can say how awesome are polish fans because they came in huge number but they didn't create this special atmosphere... but maybe i'm naive and the times with this types of fans are gone
tysia - i'm a little bit dissapointed with this fans... yes, they are in hall, they look great in tv but nothing more... am i the only one who thinks that?
these serves are great but in whole match Grozer had also many good attacks - few were like on a warm up :D
i love that music but i have to agree with EPINEPHRINEable that it doesn't fit here. it's just a background - not part of the movie pearl - why did you exacly pick Pearl Jam for lube's movies? :)
didn't he sign a contract (in the same time as Stoychew) till 2013/14?
Someone - but Spartans had only to options win or die not lose a fight ?

and seriously i think you get me wrong. i don't say he's a loser. in my opinion such a great player with big heart to this game deserves much more than ending because of injury...
the worst thing is not the fact that he ends his career but the way he does it. We all knew that someday he will have to go retired but never in such a way! as he was always ready to fight for his club and country he should "say no" on the podium with gold medal on his neck not behind the court defeated by injuries. it really pisses me off!!
but it makes no sense - he stand on out! :P
you're definitely right but this serve in the zone where Mika stayed or shorter version when Kosok received... an idea with a little bit of luck :D
i could even see how the ball smashed after hitting floor... :D
kuba9426 -unbelievable! hahah :D he knows how to block Giba's pipe :D
7 aces and only one with his full power. great example that not only strong serves are efficient - your technic is also very important. that's why i like Kubak so much, smart player
Gruszka with number 16, am i right? what an awful end of set... :(
many people say that Nowakowski should be here - but i'm asking why?! for sure this season was great for him but it's the first one. to put him in "The best middle-blockers in the world" we can't judge only last season! he has to show in next seasons (not one season but plural form!) his best. for now he's just knocking to that doors... (like many others talented players)
thank god they become vball players... :P

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