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4 miesięcy temu


Is Modena still missing a starting OH? Who are they aiming for? Or no money?

@People @Sherlock yes they are looking to buy him out of his contract in Greece, which he has already signed.

@SamuTimoskainen @J.P. @JohnSuen yes. However the reason Italy only brought B roster is probably that VNL teams are only allowed to practice once a day. So they probably aim for more 6v6 training matches an a lot more basic work in the gym. it’s understandable because VNL is a lot of matches which does not need to be helpful if you want to work on explicit things. In matches you always want to win and risk is high that you fall back into old behaviors because they work. Many teams participate for the points in the world ranking which has been reworked this year for VNL.

@J.P. Not sure, will be interesting though. However it has always been a little harder to adapt for middles than other positions coming from NCAA because especially first tempo is being played a lot slower. Will take some time.

@JohnSuen Yup, that’s what I think as well. Italian gold medal @ olympics? Not gonna happen IMO. Poland, Russia and Brazil Top 3 I guess.

@JohnSuen what are your thoughts on Italy only playing with B Roster? Apparently Training for the Olympics with the A squad? But what’s better preparation than competition? https://en.volleyballworld.com/volleyball/competitions/vnl-2021/teams/men/4667/players/

@PRÄNKBRÖT heard rumor that Ruben Schott might be coming back

@TinPham it’s all good my man. Nothing is confirmed until Clubs are making it official tho. Idc about Leon’s agent if he wants to leave Perugia he will, if he wants to stay he will stay. As I said before let’s wait and see but as long as no transfers are confirmed but Zaytsev and Anderson, it will stay interesting. And as you have seen past season, Perugia was indeed lacking a setter. 

@TidO Not sure about that. According to this, might be Zenit for Lucarelli and lube not interested anymore https://www.ivolleymagazine.it/2021/05/10/pallavolo-dalla-russia-a-perugia-che-intrigo-questo-volleymercato/?fbclid=IwAR0m1_aJZeg6Ektj-fCW3bc14hAaJtjCYbc_xm021JHrkoauWndKyW-rnZE

@MefiuLeon I know. best move possible. already should’ve gone for it last year. Perugia is going to have insane team next year. I would not bet on nimir signing elsewhere until its official. Perugia apparently paying more than Modena 

Whats rumored roster for lube next year? So far only zaytsev for rychlicki? If lucarelli deal (Zenit and Trentino in contention) not working out, and leal gone to Modena, outsides will be weak?

@AlenVolley but Perugia also joined. Let’s wait and see

@jais no I don’t have any info. Yes their 4th outside is a young and talented German player, he won’t see any court time at all though. it just came in that they signed David Fiel, Cuban middle blocker what looks like a good deal. Will be interesting.

@jais worsley and vincic great setting duo tho, and Nemo can really standout at MB, dont know about van de veld, but if Weber comes out strong all they are missing is another strong OH

@jais Yup no experience there, Linus Weber, huge talent played as second oppo behind nimir at Milan last year, unsurprisingly saw very limited court time tho. Second oppo is a young MB transitioning to OPP. Will still be interesting and should be enough for 2nd place, Weber is really good. However no chance in a best of 5 Series against Berlin though, you’re right. Didn’t follow Marechal the last 1-2 years, he was indeed talented some time ago 

Marechal to Friedrichshafen is crazy. Maybe some real competition for Berlin after all

@Pavel38 wow Travica is way over his prime IMO.. will be interesting 

@YevhenYevdokymov @Sherlock thanks for the insight guys. It will be very interesting!

Perugia wants italian setter.. is giannelli rumored to go there?

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